This role installs and configures Nexus Repository Manager OSS version 3.x.
All configuration can be updated by re-running the role, except for the blobstores-related settings, which are immutable in nexus.
(Toc created with gh-md-toc)
- History / Credits
- Requirements
- Role Variables
- General variables
- Download dir for nexus package
- Nexus port and context path
- Nexus OS user and group
- Nexus instance directories
- Admin password
- Default anonymous access
- Public hostname
- Branding capabalities
- Reverse proxy setup
- LDAP configuration
- Privileges, roles and users
- Blobstores and repositories
- Scheduled tasks
- Backups
- Dependencies
- Example Playbook
- Development, Contribution and Testing
- License
- Author Information
This role is a fork of ansible-nexus3-oss by @savoirfairelinux after they announced end of maintenance. You can have a look at the following tickets in the original repository for explanations:
We would like to thank the original authors for the work done.
- Minimum ansible version 2.2 (see meta/main.yml). Due to the use of the ansible synchronize module you will need version 2.3 for tests with molecule (using docker containers).
- This role is tested through travis CI only on CentOS 7 + Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) for time being
- Java 8 (mandatory)
- Oracle Java 8 is the official supported platform by Sonatype
- openjdk8 is know to work and is used for deployment test on travis on the corresponding platform docker images.
- For more information see nexus3 system requirements
- Apache HTTPD (optional)
- Used to setup a SSL reverse-proxy
- The following modules must be enabled in your configuration: mod_ssl, mod_rewrite, mod_proxy, mod_headers.
(see Dependencies section below for matching roles on galaxy)
Ansible variables, along with the default values (see default/main.yml
) :
nexus_version: '3.7.1-02'
nexus_timezone: 'UTC'
nexus_package: "nexus-{{ nexus_version }}-unix.tar.gz"
The nexus version and package to install, see available versions at . nexus_timezone
is a Java Timezone name and can be useful in combination with nexus_scheduled_tasks
cron expressions below.
nexus_download_dir: '/tmp'
Directory on target where the nexus package will be downloaded.
nexus_default_port: 8081
nexus_default_context_path: '/'
Port and context path of the java nexus process. nexus_default_context_path
has to keep the trailing slash when set, for ex. : nexus_default_context_path: '/nexus/'
nexus_os_group: 'nexus'
nexus_os_user: 'nexus'
User and group used to own the nexus files and run the service, those will be created by the role if absent.
nexus_installation_dir: '/opt'
nexus_data_dir: '/var/nexus'
nexus_tmp_dir: '/tmp/nexus'
Nexus directories, nexus_installation_dir
contains the installed executable(s), nexus_data_dir
contains all configuration, repositories and uploaded artifacts. Note: custom blobstores paths outside of nexus_data_dir
can be configured, see nexus_blobstores
nexus_admin_password: 'changeme'
The 'admin' account password to setup. Note : admin password change subsequent to first-time provisioning/install is not implemented by this role yet. It is strongly advised that you do not keep your password in clear text in you playbook and include it from a separate ansible-vault encrypted files (loaded with include_vars for example)
nexus_anonymous_access: false
Allow anonymous access to nexus.
public_hostname: 'nexus.vm'
The fully qualified domain name under which the nexus instance will be accessible to its clients.
nexus_branding_header: ""
nexus_branding_footer: "Last provisionned {{ ansible_date_time.iso8601 }}"
Header and footer branding, those can contain HTML.
httpd_setup_enable: false
httpd_ssl_certificate_file: 'files/nexus.vm.crt'
httpd_ssl_certificate_key_file: 'files/nexus.vm.key'
Setup an SSL Reverse-proxy, this needs httpd installed. Note : when httpd_setup_enable
is set to true
, nexus binds to thus not being directly accessible on HTTP port 8081 from an external IP.
httpd_copy_ssl_files: true # Default is false
# These specifies to the vhost where to find on the remote server file
# system the certificate files.
httpd_ssl_cert_file_location: "/etc/pki/tls/certs/wildcard.vm.crt"
httpd_ssl_cert_key_location: "/etc/pki/tls/private/wildcard.vm.key"
Use already existing SSL certificates on the server file system for the https reverse proxy
httpd_default_admin_email: "[email protected]"
Set httpd default admin email address
ldap_connections: []
LDAP connection(s) setup, each item goes as follow :
- ldap_name: 'My Company LDAP' # used as a key to update the ldap config
ldap_protocol: 'ldaps' # ldap or ldaps
ldap_hostname: ''
ldap_port: 636
ldap_search_base: 'dc=mycompany,dc=net'
ldap_auth: 'none' # or simple
ldap_auth_username: 'username' # if auth = simple
ldap_auth_password: 'password' # if auth = simple
ldap_user_base_dn: 'ou=users'
ldap_user_filter: '(cn=*)' # (optional)
ldap_user_object_class: 'inetOrgPerson'
ldap_user_id_attribute: 'uid'
ldap_user_real_name_attribute: 'cn'
ldap_user_email_attribute: 'mail'
ldap_user_subtree: false
ldap_map_groups_as_roles: false
ldap_group_base_dn: 'ou=groups'
ldap_group_object_class: 'posixGroup'
ldap_group_id_attribute: 'cn'
ldap_group_member_attribute: 'memberUid'
ldap_group_member_format: '${username}'
ldap_group_subtree: false
Example LDAP config for anonymous authentication (anonymous bind), this is also the "minimal" config :
- ldap_name: 'Simplest LDAP config'
ldap_protocol: 'ldaps'
ldap_hostname: ''
ldap_search_base: 'dc=mycompany,dc=net'
ldap_port: 636
ldap_user_id_attribute: 'uid'
ldap_user_real_name_attribute: 'cn'
ldap_user_email_attribute: 'mail'
ldap_user_object_class: 'inetOrgPerson'
Example LDAP config for simple authentication (using a DSA account) :
- ldap_name: 'LDAP config with DSA'
ldap_protocol: 'ldaps'
ldap_hostname: ''
ldap_port: 636
ldap_auth: 'simple'
ldap_auth_username: 'cn=mynexus,ou=dsa,dc=mycompany,dc=net'
ldap_auth_password: "{{ vault_ldap_dsa_password }}" # better keep passwords in an ansible vault
ldap_search_base: 'dc=mycompany,dc=net'
ldap_user_base_dn: 'ou=users'
ldap_user_object_class: 'inetOrgPerson'
ldap_user_id_attribute: 'uid'
ldap_user_real_name_attribute: 'cn'
ldap_user_email_attribute: 'mail'
ldap_user_subtree: false
Example LDAP config for simple authentication (using a DSA account) + groups mapped as roles :
- ldap_name: 'LDAP config with DSA'
ldap_protocol: 'ldaps'
ldap_hostname: ''
ldap_port: 636
ldap_auth: 'simple'
ldap_auth_username: 'cn=mynexus,ou=dsa,dc=mycompany,dc=net'
ldap_auth_password: "{{ vault_ldap_dsa_password }}" # better keep passwords in an ansible vault
ldap_search_base: 'dc=mycompany,dc=net'
ldap_user_base_dn: 'ou=users'
ldap_user_object_class: 'inetOrgPerson'
ldap_user_id_attribute: 'uid'
ldap_user_real_name_attribute: 'cn'
ldap_user_email_attribute: 'mail'
ldap_map_groups_as_roles: true
ldap_group_base_dn: 'ou=groups'
ldap_group_object_class: 'groupOfNames'
ldap_group_id_attribute: 'cn'
ldap_group_member_attribute: 'member'
ldap_group_member_format: 'uid=${username},ou=users,dc=mycompany,dc=net'
ldap_group_subtree: false
- name: all-repos-read # used as key to update a privilege
description: 'Read & Browse access to all repos'
repository: '*'
actions: # can be add, browse, create, delete, edit, read or * (all)
- read
- browse
List of the privileges to setup. Those items are combined with the following default values :
type: repository-view
format: maven2
- read
- id: Developpers # can map to a LDAP group id, also used as a key to update a role
name: developers
description: All developers
- nx-search-read
- all-repos-read
roles: [] # references to other role names
List of the roles to setup.
nexus_local_users: []
Local (non-LDAP) users/accounts to create in nexus, items go as follow :
- username: jenkins # used as key to update
first_name: Jenkins
last_name: CI
email: [email protected]
password: "s3cr3t"
- developers # role ID
nexus_delete_default_repos: false
Delete the repositories from the nexus install initial default configuration. This step is only executed on first-time install (when nexus_data_dir
has been detected empty).
nexus_delete_default_blobstore: false
Delete the default blobstore from the nexus install initial default configuration. This can be done only if nexus_delete_default_repos: true
and all configured repositories (see below) have an explicit blob_store: custom
. This step is only executed on first-time install (when nexus_data_dir
has been detected empty).
nexus_blobstores: []
# example blobstore item :
# - name: separate-storage
# path: /mnt/custom/path
Blobstores to create. A blobstore path and a repository blobstore cannot be updated after initial creation (any update here will be ignored on re-provisionning).
- name: central
remote_url: ''
layout_policy: permissive
- name: jboss
remote_url: ''
# example with a login/password :
# - name: secret-remote-repo
# remote_url: ''
# remote_username: 'username'
# remote_password: 'secret'
Maven proxy repositories configuration.
- name: private-release
version_policy: release
write_policy: allow_once
Maven hosted repositories configuration.
- name: public
- central
- jboss
Maven group repositories configuration.
All three repository types are combined with the following default values :
blob_store: default # Note : cannot be updated once the repo has been created
strict_content_validation: true
version_policy: release # release, snapshot or mixed
layout_policy: strict # strict or permissive
write_policy: allow_once # allow_once or allow
Docker, Pypi, Raw, Rubygems, Bower, NPM, Git-LFS and yum repository types:
see defaults/main.yml
for these options:
nexus_config_pypi: false
nexus_config_docker: false
nexus_config_raw: false
nexus_config_rubygems: false
nexus_config_bower: false
nexus_config_npm: false
nexus_config_gitlfs: false
nexus_config_yum: false
These are all false unless you override them from playbook / group_var / cli, these all utilize the same mechanism as maven.
nexus_scheduled_tasks: []
# # Example task to compact blobstore :
# - name: compact-docker-blobstore
# cron: '0 0 22 * * ?'
# typeId: blobstore.compact
# task_alert_email: [email protected] # optional
# taskProperties:
# blobstoreName: {{ nexus_blob_names.docker.blob }} # all task attributes are stored as strings by nexus internally
# # Example task to purge maven snapshots
# - name: Purge-maven-snapshots
# cron: '0 50 23 * * ?'
# typeId: repository.maven.remove-snapshots
# task_alert_email: [email protected] # optional
# taskProperties:
# repositoryName: "*" # * for all repos. Change to a repository name if you only want a specific one
# minimumRetained: "2"
# snapshotRetentionDays: "2"
# gracePeriodInDays: "2"
# booleanTaskProperties:
# removeIfReleased: true
# # Example task to purge unused docker manifest and images
# - name: Purge unused docker manifests and images
# cron: '0 55 23 * * ?'
# typeId: "repository.docker.gc"
# task_alert_email: [email protected] # optional
# taskProperties:
# repositoryName: "*" # * for all repos. Change to a repository name if you only want a specific one
# # Example task to purge incomplete docker uploads
# - name: Purge incomplete docker uploads
# cron: '0 0 0 * * ?'
# typeId: "repository.docker.upload-purge"
# task_alert_email: [email protected] # optional
# taskProperties:
# age: "24"
Scheduled tasks to setup. typeId
and task-specific taskProperties
can be guessed either:
- from the java type hierarchy of
- by inspecting the task creation html form in your browser
- from peeking at the browser AJAX requests while manually configuring a task.
Task properties must be declared in the correct yaml block depending on their type:
for all string properties (i.e. repository names, blobstore names, time periods...).booleanTaskProperties
for all boolean properties (i.e. mainly checkboxes in nexus create task GUI).
nexus_backup_configure: false
nexus_backup_cron: '* 0 21 * * ?' # See cron expressions definition in nexus create task gui
nexus_backup_dir: '/var/nexus-backup'
nexus_backup_log: '{{ nexus_backup_dir }}/nexus-backup.log'
nexus_restore_log: '{{ nexus_backup_dir }}/nexus-restore.log'
Backup will not be configured unless you switch nexus_backup_configure
to true
In this case, a scheduled script task will be configured in nexus to run every day
at time specified by nexus_backup_cron
(defaults to 9pm).
See the groovy template for this task for details.
This scheduled task is independent from the other nexus_scheduled_tasks
declare in your playbook
Note that nexus_backup_log
must be writable by the nexus user or the backup
task will fail
Run your playbook with parameter -e nexus_restore_point=<YY-MM-dd>
(e.g. 17-12-17 for 17th of December 2017)
- Due to the initial chosen naming convention for restore points,
backups can only be ran once a day (this will be fixed in a future release - see #19).
Running more than once a day will work without errors but will:
- overwrite the last blobstore copy in the current daily backup dir
- multiply the instances of nexus db backup files in the daily backup dir which might later confuse the restore script.
- There is no rotation for backups. All of them will be kept unless you implement a rotation/cleanup by yourself. This might be added as an enhancement in a future release
- Blobstore copies are made directly from nexus by the script scheduled task. This has only been tested on rather small blobstores (less than 50Go) and should be used with caution and tested carefully on larger installations before moving to production. In any case, you are free to implement your own backup scenario outside of this role.
This role requires Ansible 2.2 or higher.
The java and httpd requirements /can/ be fulfilled with the following galaxy roles :
- name: Nexus
hosts: nexus
become: yes
nexus_version: '3.7.1-02'
nexus_timezone: 'Canada/Eastern'
nexus_admin_password: "{{ vault_nexus_admin_password }}"
httpd_server_name: 'nexus.vm'
httpd_setup_enable: true
httpd_ssl_certificate_file: "{{ vault_httpd_ssl_certificate_file }}"
httpd_ssl_certificate_key_file: "{{ vault_httpd_ssl_certificate_key_file }}"
- ldap_name: 'Company LDAP'
ldap_protocol: 'ldaps'
ldap_hostname: ''
ldap_port: 636
ldap_search_base: 'dc=company,dc=net'
ldap_user_base_dn: 'ou=users'
ldap_user_object_class: 'inetOrgPerson'
ldap_user_id_attribute: 'uid'
ldap_user_real_name_attribute: 'cn'
ldap_user_email_attribute: 'mail'
ldap_group_base_dn: 'ou=groups'
ldap_group_object_class: 'posixGroup'
ldap_group_id_attribute: 'cn'
ldap_group_member_attribute: 'memberUid'
ldap_group_member_format: '${username}'
- name: all-repos-read
description: 'Read & Browse access to all repos'
repository: '*'
- read
- browse
- name: company-project-deploy
description: 'Deployments to company-project'
repository: company-project
- add
- edit
- id: Developpers # maps to the LDAP group
name: developers
description: All developers
- nx-search-read
- all-repos-read
- company-project-deploy
roles: []
- username: jenkins # used as key to update
first_name: Jenkins
last_name: CI
email: [email protected]
password: "s3cr3t"
- Developpers # role ID here
- name: company-artifacts
path: /var/nexus/blobs/company-artifacts
- name: compact-blobstore
cron: '0 0 22 * * ?'
typeId: blobstore.compact
blobstoreName: 'company-artifacts'
- name: central
remote_url: ''
layout_policy: permissive
- name: alfresco
remote_url: ''
remote_username: 'secret-username'
remote_password: "{{ vault_alfresco_private_password }}"
- name: jboss
remote_url: ''
- name: vaadin-addons
remote_url: ''
- name: jaspersoft
remote_url: ''
version_policy: mixed
- name: company-project
version_policy: mixed
write_policy: allow
blob_store: company-artifacts
- name: public
- central
- jboss
- vaadin-addons
- jaspersoft
- { role:, oracle_java_set_as_default: yes, tags: [''] }
# Debian/Ubuntu only
# - { role: geerlingguy.apache, apache_create_vhosts: no, apache_mods_enabled: ["proxy_http.load", "headers.load"], apache_remove_default_vhost: true, tags: ["geerlingguy.apache"] }
# RedHat/CentOS only
- { role: geerlingguy.apache, apache_create_vhosts: no, apache_remove_default_vhost: true, tags: ["geerlingguy.apache"] }
- { role: ansible-ThoTeam.nexus3-oss, tags: ['savoirfairelinux.nexus3-oss'] }
All contributions to this role are welcome, either for bugfixes, new features or documentation.
If you wish to contribute:
- Fork the repo under your own name/organisation through github interface
- Create a branch in your own repo with a meaningfull name. We suggest the following naming convention:
- feature_ for features
- fix_ for bug fixes
- If starting an important feature change, open a pull request early describing what you want to do so we can discuss it if needed. This will prevent you from doing a lot of hard work on a lot of code for changes that we cannot finally merge.
- If there are build error on your pull request, have a look at the travis log and fix the relevant errors.
Moreover, if you have time to devote for code review, merge for realeases, etc... drop an email to [email protected] to get in touch.
This role includes tests and CI integration through travis. For build time sake, not all tests are run on travis. Currently, only molecule deployment tests are ran automatically on every merge request creation/upate.
This role contains a set of groovy files used to provision nexus. Those files seldom change and tests on travis require a lot of time for setup/run. So they are not run automatically.
If you submit changes to groovy files, please run the groovy syntax check locally before pushing your changes
You will need the groovy package installed locally to run this test.
The role is tested on travis with molecule. You can run these tests locally. The best way to achieve this is through a python virtualenv. You can find some more details in requirements.txt.
# Note: the following path should be outside the working dir
virtualenv /path/to/some/pyenv
. /path/to/some/pyenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
To speed up tests, molecule uses automated docker build images on docker hub:
As a convenience, we provide a script to run all test as once: