PIQUE is a software package demonstrating the generalized indexing and query framework described in the paper, "The Hyperdyadic Index and Generalized Indexing and Query with PIQUE" (http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2791374). Its purpose is to provide a platform for the research and development of new indexing and query methods that fall under the PIQUE model, and to facilitate the deployment of these methods to end users.
The key features of PIQUE are:
- Modular implementations of key steps in the indexing and query pipeline, including:
- Quantization (binning)
- RSet representation (representation of sets of record IDs)
- Index encoding (e.g., interval, range, binary component, etc.)
- Index I/O backend (POSIX, MPI)
- Query processing strategy (set operations-based, bitmap conversion-based)
- Maximal core implementations of shared algorithms that mimimize the effort needed to develop new modular implementations.
- A set of tools for end users to build, query, and inspect indexes over data.
PIQUE has the following required dependencies:
- C99 and C++11 compliant compilers (GNU gcc/g++ recommended)
- Boost 1.55 or greater (http://www.boost.org/) (older versions may work, version
1.55 is most tested)
- Specifically, Boost Base, Serialization and Timer libraries are required
- MPI 2.1-compliant library or newer
- A specially-modified fork of FastBit 1.3.9
- (this is not available for distribution at the moment; this dependency will be removed when possible.)
- libridcompress, to be made available soon
PIQUE has the following optional dependencies:
- HDF5 1.8.13 or greater (older versions may work)
- If this dependency is configured, PIQUE will support indexing variables stored in HDF5 files
In the future, it is planned to make some of the required dependencies optional (specifically: FastBit, libridcompress, and possibly MPI).
Once all dependencies have been built, PIQUE may be configured, built, and installed using the following commands:
./configure \
--with-boost=<path to Boost install> \
--with-ridcompress=<path to ridcompress build> \
--with-fastbit=<path to FastBit install> \
--with-hdf5=<path to HDF5>
make install
Paths to Boost and HDF5 may be replaced with "yes" to perform automatic path detection.
is optional, as discussed above.
The PIQUE distribution includes self-tests, which may be built and run as follows:
make check
If you have any questions, comments, bug reports, etc. regarding PIQUE, please contact Nagiza Samatova at [email protected]. Thanks!