The project examines why people eat healthy and use this information to persuade others to make healthier eating choices. Personality analyses of the reviews from pulse consumers on will be done to accomplish this project.
To start, there will be several things you will have to install. You will have to install python if you don't have it already. Next you will have to install both requests and beautifulsoup which are python packages. Selenium can be downloaded from their website. Chromedriver can be downloaded from the link provided on the final report. Lastly, you will have to install sqlite for the database.
The database file is for creating a new database. The crawler file is what you will run when you want to collect more recipes from a different category and will save those recipes in a csv. The scraper file is the main part of the program which will open the csv file containing the recipes and extract data from each one. The scraperold and parsing files are solely used for testing purposes.