Excel file running API calls against Cisco PSIRT Vulnerabilities
Before this file can be used you will need to register an App on the Cisco API Console and obtain a client key and client secret for the Cisco PSIRT openVuln API. In the visual basic editor update the constants, client_id will be your key, and client_secret will be your secret.
Once opened in Excel, select the Deveoloper tab and select Visual Basic. Alternatively use ALT-F11 shortcut. Open Module1 and update the below code with your credentials obtained from Cisco API console
Public Const client_id As String = ""
Public Const client_secret As String = ""
Once your credentials have been saved in Visual Basic, you can return to the sheet You can now change some settings as required
- Select proxy on/off and update the proxy value (if needed)
- Select the desired OS type to be checked against
- Now click Get Token which will be valid for 1 hour
Populate the software list and click Run, if any timeout there is a timeout button that will rerun any timedout ones.