Sidekick is the service serving:
- All proposal's votes CSV report
- Moderation list
- NFT Claimer trusted backend server
node ">=16.0.0 <17.0.0"
Install the dependencies
This project does not require a database, but requires a storage engine
Copy .env.example
, rename it to .env
and edit the hub API url in the .env
file if needed
If you are using AWS as storage engine, set all the required AWS_
config keys, and set STORAGE_ENGINE
to aws
This script is shipped with 2 storage engine.
You can set the cache engine by toggling the STORAGE_ENGINE
environment variable.
Description | Cache save path |
aws |
Amazon S3 | public/ |
file (default) |
Local file | tmp/ (relative to project root) |
You can additionally specify a sub directory by setting VOTE_REPORT_SUBDIR
(By default, all votes report will be nested in the votes
yarn dev
All tests are run with their own environment, using /test/.env.test
mysql -e 'CREATE DATABASE sidekick_test;' -uroot -proot
mysql -uroot -proot sidekick_test < src/helpers/schema.sql
mysql -uroot -proot -e "ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'root';"
mysql -uroot -proot -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"
yarn test:unit to run unit tests
yarn test:e2e to run e2e tests
To run all tests, and generate test coverage:
yarn test
If you have added any E2E tests requiring snapshots update, run:
yarn test:e2e:update-snapshot
yarn lint
yarn typecheck
Generate and serve votes CSV report for closed proposals.
NOTE: CSV files are generated only once, then cached, making this service a cache middleware between snapshot-hub and UI
Send a POST
request with a proposal ID
curl -X POST localhost:3005/api/votes/[PROPOSAL-ID]
When cached, this request will respond with a stream to a CSV file.
When votes report can be cached, but does not exist yet, a cache generation task will be queued.
This enable cache to be generated on-demand.
A JSON-RPC success with status code 202
will then be returned, with the progress percentage as result
Send a POST
request with a body following the Webhook event object.
curl -X POST localhost:3005/webhook \
-H "Authenticate: WEBHOOK_AUTH_TOKEN" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "proposal/[PROPOSAL-ID]", "event": "proposal/end"}'
On success, will respond with a success JSON-RPC 2.0 message
This endpoint has been designed to receive events from snapshot webhook service.
Do not forget to set WEBHOOK_AUTH_TOKEN
in the .env
Return a curated list of moderated data.
Send a GET
curl localhost:3005/api/moderation
You can also choose to filter the list, with the ?list=
query params.
Valid values are:
You can pass multiple list, separated by a comma.
Data are sourced from the json files with the same name, located in this repo /data
directory, and a remote read-only SQL database.
Validate offchain data, and return a payload
Retrieve global data from the smart contract.
Send a GET
request to /api/nft-claimer
curl -X GET localhost:3005/api/nft-claimer
"snapshotFee": 5
Sign and return the payload for the SpaceCollectionFactory contract, in order to deploy a new SpaceCollection contract
Send a POST
request with:
keyname |
Type | Description | Example |
address |
Wallet address | The sender wallet address | 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004d2 |
id |
string |
A space ID | fabien.eth |
salt |
string |
A string representation of a BigInt number | 72536493147621360896130495100276306361343381736075662552878320684807833746288 |
maxSupply |
number |
The maximum number of mintable NFTs for each proposal | 100 |
mintPrice |
string |
A string representation a a BigInt number, for the price in wei | 100000000000000000 |
spaceTreasury |
Wallet address | The wallet address receiving the funds | 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004d2 |
proposerFee |
number |
A number between 0 and 100, for the percentage of the mint price reversed to the proposal creator | 5 |
curl -X POST localhost:3005/api/nft-claimer/deploy -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id": "fabien.eth", "address": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004d2", "salt": "123454678", "maxSupply": 100, "mintPrice": 10000, "spaceTreasury": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004d2", "proposerFee": 10}'
If the given address
is the space controller, and the space has not setup NFT Claimer yet, this endpoint will return a payload
object, with all parameters required for sending the transaction to the SpaceCollectionFactory contract
"initializer": "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",
"salt": "123454678",
"abi": "function deployProxy(address implementation, bytes initializer, uint256 salt, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s)",
"implementation": "0x33505720a7921d23E6b02EB69623Ed6A008Ca511",
"signature": {
"r": "0xac72b099abc370f7dadca09110907fd0856d1e343b64dcb13bc4a55fa00fc8de",
"s": "0x5c9846f3b2f0d4054857a02644aa7fd311c906057c7b5d0f47a8517743a3f5cd",
"_vs": "0xdc9846f3b2f0d4054857a02644aa7fd311c906057c7b5d0f47a8517743a3f5cd",
"recoveryParam": 1,
"v": 28,
"yParityAndS": "0xdc9846f3b2f0d4054857a02644aa7fd311c906057c7b5d0f47a8517743a3f5cd",
"compact": "0xac72b099abc370f7dadca09110907fd0856d1e343b64dcb13bc4a55fa00fc8dedc9846f3b2f0d4054857a02644aa7fd311c906057c7b5d0f47a8517743a3f5cd"
Sign and return the payload for the SpaceCollection contract, in order to mint a NFT
Send a POST
request with:
keyname |
Type | Description | Example |
id |
string |
The proposal ID | 0x1abb90a506a352e51d587b0ee8c387c0b129ea018aa77345fe7b5c2defa7d150 |
address |
Wallet address | The sender wallet address | 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004d2 |
salt |
string |
A string representation of a BigInt number | 72536493147621360896130495100276306361343381736075662552878320684807833746288 |
proposalAuthor |
Wallet address | The proposal author's wallet address | 0x1abb90a506a352e51d587b0ee8c387c0b129ea018aa77345fe7b5c2defa7d150 |
curl -X POST localhost:3005/api/nft-claimer/mint -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id": "0x28535f56f29a9b085be88e3896da573c61095a14f092ce72afea3c83f4feefe0", "address": "0x91FD2c8d24767db4Ece7069AA27832ffaf8590f3", "salt": "1020303343345", "proposalAuthor": "0x16645967f660AC05EA542D3DE2f46E41b86436d9"}'
If given proposal's space has enabled NFT claimer, and there are still mintable NFT left, this endpoint will return a payload
object, with all parameters required for sending the transaction to the SpaceCollection contract
"salt": "123454678",
"contractAddress": "0x33505720a7921d23E6b02EB69623Ed6A008Ca511",
"proposer": "0x1abb90a506a352e51d587b0ee8c387c0b129ea018aa77345fe7b5c2defa7d150",
"recipient": "0x1abb90a506a352e51d587b0ee8c387c0b129ea018aa77345fe7b5c2defa7d150",
"spaceId": "fabien.eth",
"abi": "function mint(address proposer, uint256 proposalId, uint256 salt, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s)",
"proposalId": "72536493147621360896130495100276306361343381736075662552878320684807833746288",
"signature": {
"r": "0xac72b099abc370f7dadca09110907fd0856d1e343b64dcb13bc4a55fa00fc8de",
"s": "0x5c9846f3b2f0d4054857a02644aa7fd311c906057c7b5d0f47a8517743a3f5cd",
"_vs": "0xdc9846f3b2f0d4054857a02644aa7fd311c906057c7b5d0f47a8517743a3f5cd",
"recoveryParam": 1,
"v": 28,
"yParityAndS": "0xdc9846f3b2f0d4054857a02644aa7fd311c906057c7b5d0f47a8517743a3f5cd",
"compact": "0xac72b099abc370f7dadca09110907fd0856d1e343b64dcb13bc4a55fa00fc8dedc9846f3b2f0d4054857a02644aa7fd311c906057c7b5d0f47a8517743a3f5cd"
NOTE: The returned
in the payload is a number representation
Sentry javascript tracker may be blocked by some ad-blocker. See reference.
The recommended workaround is to tunnel all the sentry traffic through a customized backend.
env variable to the same as the one defined on your front end app.
This will ensure that this tunnel only accept and filters request from this specific DSN.
This endpoint expose a POST
route, to tunnel all sentry requests.
It is designed to accept request directly from the sentry SDK, and not to be used alone.
We can still test it manually by sending the following curl request (replace the dsn
value by the one you set in TUNNEL_SENTRY_DSN
curl 'http://localhost:3005/sentry' \
--data-raw $'{"sent_at":"2023-07-09T08:33:20.789Z","sdk":{"name":"sentry.javascript.vue","version":"7.55.2"},"dsn":""}\n{"type":"session"}\n{"sid":"581f36ab63e747de98eb05e0cf820818","init":true,"started":"2023-07-09T08:33:20.788Z","timestamp":"2023-07-09T08:33:20.788Z","status":"ok","errors":0,"attrs":{"release":"[email protected]","environment":"production","user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"}}' \
The request should return a 200
status code.
All endpoints will respond with a JSON-RPC 2.0 error response on error:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"code": CODE,
"message": MESSAGE
"id": ID
Description | CODE |
When the record does not exist | 404 | RECORD_NOT_FOUND |
When the file is pending generation | 202 | PENDING_GENERATION |
Other/Unknown/Server Error | -32603 | INTERNAL_ERROR |
Other error | 500 | Depends on the error |
yarn build
yarn start