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Added option to use mixed models without the ridge regression
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Added option to use rowdata variables when using mixed models

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StijnVandenbulcke authored and cvanderaa committed Mar 4, 2024
1 parent a9b49b9 commit c9ba469
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Showing 3 changed files with 195 additions and 67 deletions.
72 changes: 64 additions & 8 deletions R/msqrob-methods.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -103,7 +103,35 @@ setMethod(
"\' in the rowData of the SummarizedExperiment object, set the argument overwrite=TRUE to replace the column with the new results or use another name for the argument modelColumnName to store the results as a novel column in the rowData of SummarizedExperiment object"
if (!ridge) {

if (length(formula) == 3) {
formula <- formula[-2]

if (any(all.vars(formula) %in% colnames(rowData(object)))){
"Use the msqrobAggregate function to use rowData variables"

data <- colData(object)

#Get the variables from the formula and check if they are in the coldata or rowdata
check_vars <- all.vars(formula) %in% colnames(data)
if (!all(check_vars)){
if(sum(!check_vars) >1) {
vars_not_found <- paste0(all.vars(formula)[!check_vars], collapse=", ")
stop(paste("Variables", vars_not_found, "are not found in coldata"), sep = "")
} else{
vars_not_found <- all.vars(formula)[!check_vars]
stop(paste0("Variable ", vars_not_found, " is not found in coldata"), sep = "")

#Select only the relevant columns
data <- data[colnames(data) %in% all.vars(formula)]

if (!ridge & is.null(findbars(formula))) {
rowData(object)[[modelColumnName]] <- msqrobLm(
y = assay(object),
formula = formula,
Expand All @@ -116,10 +144,12 @@ setMethod(
y = assay(object),
formula = formula,
data = colData(object),
rowdata = NULL,
robust = robust,
maxitRob = maxitRob,
tol = tol,
doQR = doQR,
ridge = ridge,
lmerArgs = lmerArgs
Expand All @@ -145,7 +175,6 @@ setMethod(
maxitRob = 1,
tol = 1e-6,
doQR = TRUE,
featureGroup = NULL,
lmerArgs = list(control = lmerControl(calc.derivs = FALSE))) {
if (is.null(object[[i]])) stop("QFeatures object does not contain an assay with the name ", i)
if ((modelColumnName %in% colnames(rowData(object[[i]]))) & !overwrite) {
Expand All @@ -157,7 +186,35 @@ setMethod(
"of the QFeatures object, set the argument overwrite=TRUE to replace the column with the new results or use another name for the argument modelColumnName to store the results as a novel column in the rowData of assay of the QFeatures object"
if (!ridge & is.null(findbars(form))) {

if (length(formula) == 3) {
formula <- formula[-2]

if (any(all.vars(formula) %in% colnames(rowData(object[[i]])))){
"Use the msqrobAggregate function to use rowData variables"

data <- colData(object)

#Get the variables from the formula and check if they are in the coldata or rowdata
check_vars <- all.vars(formula) %in% colnames(data)
if (!all(check_vars)){
if(sum(!check_vars) >1) {
vars_not_found <- paste0(all.vars(formula)[!check_vars], collapse=", ")
stop(paste("Variables", vars_not_found, "are not found in coldata"), sep = "")
} else{
vars_not_found <- all.vars(formula)[!check_vars]
stop(paste0("Variable ", vars_not_found, " is not found in coldata"), sep = "")

#Select only the relevant columns
data <- data[colnames(data) %in% all.vars(formula)]

if (!ridge & is.null(findbars(formula))) {
rowData(object[[i]])[[modelColumnName]] <- msqrobLm(
y = assay(object[[i]]),
formula = formula,
Expand All @@ -168,15 +225,14 @@ setMethod(
} else {
rowData(object[[i]])[[modelColumnName]] <- msqrobLmer(
y = assay(object[[i]]),
form = formula,
coldata = colData(object),
rowdata = rowData(object)[[i]],
formula = formula,
data = colData(object),
rowdata = NULL,
robust = robust,
maxitRob = maxitRob,
tol = tol,
doQR = doQR,
ridge = TRUE,
ridge = ridge,
lmerArgs = lmerArgs
Expand Down
154 changes: 96 additions & 58 deletions R/msqrob.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -230,61 +230,73 @@ msqrobLm <- function(y,
#' @importFrom methods as is
#' @import lme4
#' @import Matrix
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpmapply
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply bpmapply
#' @export

msqrobLmer <- function(y,
ridge = TRUE,
rowdata = NULL,
ridge = FALSE,
tol =1e-6,
robust = TRUE,
maxitRob = 1,
doQR = TRUE,
lmerArgs = list(control = lmerControl(calc.derivs = FALSE))){

#Get the variables from the formula and check if they are in the coldata or rowdata
check_vars <- all.vars(form) %in% c(colnames(rowdata), colnames(coldata))
if (!all(check_vars)){
if(sum(!check_vars) >1) {
vars_not_found <- paste0(all.vars(form)[!check_vars], collapse=", ")
stop(paste("Variables", vars_not_found, "are not found in coldata or rowdata"), sep = "")
} else{
vars_not_found <- all.vars(form)[!check_vars]
stop(paste0("Variable ", vars_not_found, " is not found in coldata or rowdata"), sep = "")

#Get the featureGroups variable
if (is.null(featureGroups)){
featureGroups <- rownames(y)
} else {
featureGroups <- rowdata[[featureGroups]]

#Only keep variables of interest
rowdata <- rowdata[colnames(rowdata) %in% all.vars(form)]
coldata <- coldata[colnames(coldata) %in% all.vars(form)]
if (!is.null(rowdata)){
rowdata <-, featureGroups)

y <-, featureGroups)
rowdata <-, featureGroups)

if (ridge == TRUE){
models <- bpmapply(FUN = .ridge_msqrobLmer,
rowdata, y,
MoreArgs = list("form" = form, "coldata" = coldata, "doQR" = doQR,
"robust"=robust, "maxitRob" = maxitRob, "tol" =tol))
models <- bplapply(y,
FUN = .ridge_msqrobLmer,
"formula" = formula,
"coldata" = data,
"doQR" = doQR,
"maxitRob" = maxitRob,
"tol" =tol)
} else{
models <- bpmapply(FUN = .ridge_msqrobLmer,
y, rowdata,
MoreArgs = list("formula" = formula, "coldata" = data, "doQR" = doQR,
"robust"=robust, "maxitRob" = maxitRob, "tol" =tol))

models <- bpmapply(FUN = .noridge_msqrobLmer,
rowdata, y,
MoreArgs = list("form" = form, "coldata" = coldata,
"robust"=robust,"maxitRob" = maxitRob, "tol" =tol))

models <- bplapply(y,
FUN = .noridge_msqrobLmer,
"formula" = formula,
"coldata" = data,
"maxitRob" = maxitRob,
"tol" =tol)
} else{
models <- bpmapply(FUN = .noridge_msqrobLmer,
y, rowdata,
MoreArgs = list("formula" = formula, "coldata" = data,
"robust"=robust,"maxitRob" = maxitRob, "tol" =tol))

hlp <- limma::squeezeVar(
var = vapply(models, getVar, numeric(1)),
df = vapply(models, getDF, numeric(1))
Expand All @@ -298,35 +310,53 @@ msqrobLmer <- function(y,

## Fit the mixed models with ridge regression
.ridge_msqrobLmer <- function(rowdata,y_values,form,coldata, doQR, robust,maxitRob=1,tol = 1e-06){
.ridge_msqrobLmer <- function(y,rowdata=NULL,formula,coldata, doQR, robust,maxitRob=1,tol = 1e-06){

#Create the matrix containing the variable information
if (is.null(rowdata)){
if (nrow(y) >1){
data <- coldata[rep(1:nrow(coldata), each = nrow(y)), ]
#If coldata consists of one column then repeating the values will result in a vector
#Therefore we need to create the dataframe again
if (dim(coldata)[2] == 1 ){
data <- DataFrame(data)
colnames(data) <- colnames(coldata)
} else{
data <- coldata

} else {
data <- cbind(
coldata[rep(1:nrow(coldata), each = nrow(y)), ],
rowdata[rep(1:nrow(rowdata), ncol(y)),]
colnames(data) <- c(colnames(coldata),colnames(rowdata))

data <- coldata[rep(1:nrow(coldata), each = nrow(y_values)), ]
data <- cbind(data, rowdata)
colnames(data) <- c(colnames(coldata),colnames(rowdata))

#all possible variables are now in data, now we can create the fixed object if we use ridge regression
fixed <- model.matrix(nobars(form), data = data)
fixed <- model.matrix(nobars(formula), data = data)
data$fixed <- fixed
data$y <- as.matrix(y_values)
data$y <- as.matrix(y)
data <- data[!$y), ]

if (sum(!grepl("(Intercept)", colnames(fixed))) < 2 & nobars(form)[[2]] != 1) {
if (sum(!grepl("(Intercept)", colnames(fixed))) < 2 & nobars(formula)[[2]] != 1) {
stop("The mean model must have more than two parameters for ridge regression.
if you really want to adopt ridge regression when your factor has only two levels
rerun the function with a formula where you drop the intercept. e.g. ~-1+condition

if(is.null(findbars(form))) {
form <- formula(y ~ (1|ridge))
if(is.null(findbars(formula))) {
formula <- formula(y ~ (1|ridge))
} else {
if (nobars(form)[[2]] != ~1){
if (nobars(formula)[[2]] != ~1){
#udpate formula to remove any fixed effect variables and replace with ridge
form <- formula(
paste0("y ~ (1|ridge) + ", paste0("(",paste(findbars(form), collapse=")+("),")")))
formula <- formula(
paste0("y ~ (1|ridge) + ", paste0("(",paste(findbars(formula), collapse=")+("),")")))
} else {
form <- update.formula(form, y~.)
formula <- update.formula(formula, y~.)

Expand All @@ -350,7 +380,7 @@ msqrobLmer <- function(y,
data$ridge <- as.factor(rep(colnames(Q), length = nrow(data)))

#Parse the data and formula
parsedFormulaC <- lFormula(form,data = as.list(data))
parsedFormulaC <- lFormula(formula,data = as.list(data))
parsedFormulaC$reTrms$cnms$ridge <- ""
ridgeId <- grep(names(parsedFormulaC$reTrms$Ztlist), pattern = "ridge")
parsedFormulaC$reTrms$Ztlist[[ridgeId]] <- as(Matrix(t(Q)), class(parsedFormulaC$reTrms$Ztlist[[ridgeId]]))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -389,14 +419,11 @@ msqrobLmer <- function(y,

sigma <- sigma(model)
betas <- .getBetaB(model)
vcovUnscaled <- as.matrix(.getVcovBetaBUnscaled(model))
if (nobars(form)[[2]] != 1) {

if (nobars(formula)[[2]] != 1) {
if (doQR) {

if (colnames(data$fixed)[1] == "(Intercept)") {

ids <- c(1, grep("ridge", names(betas)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -440,20 +467,31 @@ msqrobLmer <- function(y,

## Fit the mixed models without ridge regression
.noridge_msqrobLmer <- function(rowdata,y_values,form,coldata, robust,maxitRob=0, tol = 1e-06 ){
data <- coldata[rep(1:nrow(coldata), each = nrow(y_values)), ]
data <- cbind(data, rowdata)
colnames(data) <- c(colnames(coldata),colnames(rowdata))
.noridge_msqrobLmer <- function(y,rowdata=NULL,formula,coldata, robust,maxitRob=0, tol = 1e-06 ){
#Create the matrix containing the variable information
if (is.null(rowdata)){
data <- data[rep(1:nrow(coldata), each = nrow(y)), ]
if (!(is(data,"DFrame"))){
data <- DataFrame(data)
colnames(data) <- colnames(coldata)
} else {
data <- cbind(
data[rep(1:nrow(coldata), each = nrow(y)), ],
rowdata[rep(1:nrow(rowdata), ncol(y)),]
colnames(data) <- c(colnames(coldata),colnames(rowdata))

form <- update.formula(form, y~.)
formula <- update.formula(formula, y~.)

data$y <- as.matrix(y_values)
data$y <- as.matrix(y)
data <- data[!$y), ]

model <- NULL

model <- lmer(form,
model <- lmer(formula,
}, silent=TRUE)

Expand Down

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