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This library provides addons for the Jtwig template engine to build data grids. It is based on the data-grid project. It provides an easy integration with the Spring framework.


The project contains a Maven .pom file to include all depencendies.


To use the form tags, they have to be registered first.

JtwigConfiguration config = new JtwigConfiguration();
JtwigTemplate template = new JtwigTemplate(..., config);


All grid tags must have an opening (prefix grid:) and closig tag (prefix endgrid:).


Renders a 'grid' tag and exposes a binding path to inner tags for binding.

{% grid:grid %}
{% endgrid:grid %}

Dynamic attributes are allowed.

Attribute Required Default Description
ajax false false Use ajax calls to update the grid instead of reloading the page.
model false gridModel Name of the JtwigModelMap entry under which the grid object is exposed.


Renders an HTML table containing the grid model's data.

{% grid:grid %}
  {% grid:table var="..." %}
  {% endgrid:table %}
{% endgrid:grid %}

Must be defined inside of a grid:grid tag.

Dynamic attributes are allowed.

Attribute Required Default Description
var true Name of the variable that contains the current row's data.
showFilterRow false false Show the filter input fields beneath the header row.


Defines a table column to be rendered.

{% grid:grid %}
  {% grid:table var="..." %}
    {% grid:column %}
    {% endgrid:column %}
  {% endgrid:table %}
{% endgrid:grid %}

Must be defined inside of a grid:table tag.

Dynamic attributes are allowed.

Attribute Required Default Description
title false Column's title. Will be used in the table's header row.
fieldName false Name of the field for data binding.
sortable false false Make the column sortable. This is an empty attribute.
filterable false false Make the column filterable. This is an empty attribute.
filterOptions false A key - value map that contains options that are used for filtering.
filterOperator false Type specific Define how the values should be filtered. Possible values: >, <, =, contains.
labelForTrue false True Label for the value true (used as filter option for boolean values).
labelForFalse false False Label for the value false (used as filter option for boolean values).


Renders an HTML input field to filter a grid column.

{% grid:grid %}
  {% grid:filter fieldName="..." %}{% endgrid:filter %}
{% endgrid:grid %}

Must be defined inside of a grid:grid tag.

Dynamic attributes are allowed.

Attribute Required Default Description
fieldName true Name of the field for data binding.
defaultOperator false Type specific Define how the values should be filtered. Possible values: >, <, =, contains.
showOperator false Show the operator. This is an empty attribute.


Renders an HTML select field to select the number of rows on a page.

{% grid:grid %}
  {% grid:limit steps="..." %}{% endgrid:limit %}
{% endgrid:grid %}

Must be defined inside of a grid:grid tag.

Dynamic attributes are allowed.

Attribute Required Default Description
steps true Comma-separated numbers that define the possible page sizes.


Renders the page navigation for the grid.

{% grid:grid %}
  {% grid:pager %}{% endgrid:pager %}
{% endgrid:grid %}

Must be defined inside of a grid:grid tag.

Dynamic attributes are allowed.

Attribute Required Default Description
maxPageItems false Number of pages to list.
showPreviousButton false Show the button to navigate to the previous page. This is an empty attribute.
showNextButton false Show the button to navigate to the next page. This is an empty attribute.
showFirstButton false Show the button to navigate to the first page. This is an empty attribute.
showLastButton false Show the button to navigate to the last page. This is an empty attribute.


Renders an HTML button to update the grid.

{% grid:grid %}
  {% grid:submit %}
  {% endgrid:submit %}
{% endgrid:grid %}

Must be defined inside of a grid:grid tag.

The tag's content is used as label for the HTML 'button' element.

Dynamic attributes are allowed.


Each element has it's own template. By defining a custom resource resolver, you can override those and use your own templates.

First, write an implementation by extending com.customweb.jtwig.grid.model.AbstractResourceResolver.

public class MyResourceResolver extends AbstractResourceResolver {
	public JtwigResource resolve(String resourceName) throws ResourceException {

Then, register the resolver by calling it's register method.

Spring Integration

To use the grid tags, they have to be registered first.

<bean id="viewResolver" class="com.lyncode.jtwig.mvc.JtwigViewResolver">
	<property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/views/" />
	<property name="suffix" value=".twig" />
<bean class="com.customweb.jtwig.grid.spring.ViewResolverAddon" />


To use a custom resource resolver, it can be registered in the spring configuration:

<bean class="my.package.MyResourceResolver" init-method="register"/>


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