This library provides addons for the Jtwig template engine to build data grids. It is based on the data-grid project. It provides an easy integration with the Spring framework.
The project contains a Maven .pom file to include all depencendies.
To use the form tags, they have to be registered first.
JtwigConfiguration config = new JtwigConfiguration();
JtwigTemplate template = new JtwigTemplate(..., config);
All grid tags must have an opening (prefix grid:
) and closig tag (prefix endgrid:
Renders a 'grid' tag and exposes a binding path to inner tags for binding.
{% grid:grid %}
{% endgrid:grid %}
Dynamic attributes are allowed.
Attribute | Required | Default | Description |
ajax | false | false | Use ajax calls to update the grid instead of reloading the page. |
model | false | gridModel | Name of the JtwigModelMap entry under which the grid object is exposed. |
Renders an HTML table containing the grid model's data.
{% grid:grid %}
{% grid:table var="..." %}
{% endgrid:table %}
{% endgrid:grid %}
Must be defined inside of a grid:grid
Dynamic attributes are allowed.
Attribute | Required | Default | Description |
var | true | Name of the variable that contains the current row's data. | |
showFilterRow | false | false | Show the filter input fields beneath the header row. |
Defines a table column to be rendered.
{% grid:grid %}
{% grid:table var="..." %}
{% grid:column %}
{% endgrid:column %}
{% endgrid:table %}
{% endgrid:grid %}
Must be defined inside of a grid:table
Dynamic attributes are allowed.
Attribute | Required | Default | Description |
title | false | Column's title. Will be used in the table's header row. | |
fieldName | false | Name of the field for data binding. | |
sortable | false | false | Make the column sortable. This is an empty attribute. |
filterable | false | false | Make the column filterable. This is an empty attribute. |
filterOptions | false | A key - value map that contains options that are used for filtering. | |
filterOperator | false | Type specific | Define how the values should be filtered. Possible values: > , < , = , contains . |
labelForTrue | false | True | Label for the value true (used as filter option for boolean values). |
labelForFalse | false | False | Label for the value false (used as filter option for boolean values). |
Renders an HTML input field to filter a grid column.
{% grid:grid %}
{% grid:filter fieldName="..." %}{% endgrid:filter %}
{% endgrid:grid %}
Must be defined inside of a grid:grid
Dynamic attributes are allowed.
Attribute | Required | Default | Description |
fieldName | true | Name of the field for data binding. | |
defaultOperator | false | Type specific | Define how the values should be filtered. Possible values: > , < , = , contains . |
showOperator | false | Show the operator. This is an empty attribute. |
Renders an HTML select field to select the number of rows on a page.
{% grid:grid %}
{% grid:limit steps="..." %}{% endgrid:limit %}
{% endgrid:grid %}
Must be defined inside of a grid:grid
Dynamic attributes are allowed.
Attribute | Required | Default | Description |
steps | true | Comma-separated numbers that define the possible page sizes. |
Renders the page navigation for the grid.
{% grid:grid %}
{% grid:pager %}{% endgrid:pager %}
{% endgrid:grid %}
Must be defined inside of a grid:grid
Dynamic attributes are allowed.
Attribute | Required | Default | Description |
maxPageItems | false | Number of pages to list. | |
showPreviousButton | false | Show the button to navigate to the previous page. This is an empty attribute. | |
showNextButton | false | Show the button to navigate to the next page. This is an empty attribute. | |
showFirstButton | false | Show the button to navigate to the first page. This is an empty attribute. | |
showLastButton | false | Show the button to navigate to the last page. This is an empty attribute. |
Renders an HTML button to update the grid.
{% grid:grid %}
{% grid:submit %}
{% endgrid:submit %}
{% endgrid:grid %}
Must be defined inside of a grid:grid
The tag's content is used as label for the HTML 'button' element.
Dynamic attributes are allowed.
Each element has it's own template. By defining a custom resource resolver, you can override those and use your own templates.
First, write an implementation by extending com.customweb.jtwig.grid.model.AbstractResourceResolver
public class MyResourceResolver extends AbstractResourceResolver {
public JtwigResource resolve(String resourceName) throws ResourceException {
Then, register the resolver by calling it's register method.
To use the grid tags, they have to be registered first.
<bean id="viewResolver" class="com.lyncode.jtwig.mvc.JtwigViewResolver">
<property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/views/" />
<property name="suffix" value=".twig" />
<bean class="com.customweb.jtwig.grid.spring.ViewResolverAddon" />
To use a custom resource resolver, it can be registered in the spring configuration:
<bean class="my.package.MyResourceResolver" init-method="register"/>