Very full stack to help satisfy curiosity. The successor to, in Go.
A full example using the stack can be found in tasuke.
CurioStack defines uild tasks intended to be used with go-build, specific to server development.
A lightweight server framework intends to handle boiler plate common to all production-grade servers, such as setting up observability and providing debug experiences for API development.
CurioStack uses connect for exposing API services from proto files. This example
sets up an RPC endpoint with Firebase authentication middleware, with support wired into the docs handler
served at /internal/docs/
//go:embed config/*.yaml
var confFiles embed.FS
func main() {
os.Exit(server.Main(&config.Config{}, confFiles, setupServer))
func setupServer(ctx context.Context, conf *config.Config, s *server.Server) error {
fbApp, err := firebase.NewApp(ctx, &firebase.Config{ProjectID: conf.Google.Project})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("main: create firebase app: %w", err)
fbAuth, err := fbApp.Auth(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("main: create firebase auth client: %w", err)
firestore, err := fbApp.Firestore(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("main: create firestore client: %w", err)
defer firestore.Close()
server.Mux(s).Use(middleware.Maybe(firebaseauth.NewMiddleware(fbAuth), func(r *http.Request) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/"+frontendapiconnect.FrontendServiceName+"/")
saveUser := saveuser.NewHandler(firestore)
User: &frontendapi.User{
ProgrammingLanguageIds: []uint32{
132, // golang
MaxOpenReviews: 5,
return server.Start(ctx, s)