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Notebook Storage Options for Cuelake

vincue edited this page May 13, 2021 · 8 revisions


Go to /zeppelin/ and place you git repo:

git clone <remote repo> 

Go to file /zeppelin/conf/zeppelin-conf.xml and add:


  <description>notebook persistence layer implementation</description>

  <description>notebook persistence layer implementation</description>

  <description>remote Git repository username</description>

For auto push on commit: Go to your local repo, in the .git/hooks folder, and create a post-commit file, make it executable chmod +x filename, and add:

git push origin master

For changing commit button on notebook to commit all: Go to your local repo, in the .git/hooks folder, and create a pre-commit file, make it executable chmod +x filename, and add:

git add -A
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