My Advent of Code Solutions.
I have built a framework that automates downloading inputs, but also submitting the answers.
Create file .env
, adding in your AdventOfCode session token.
Example format is available in .env.sample
You will need GTK (cairo) installed to run the window library.
Run npm install
to install dependencies.
Download FFMPEG-git-full from
Run day scripts using node 2021/01.js
(for example).
Your unique puzzle input will be automatically downloaded.
To submit an answer, run node 2021/01.js --submit
. Without this, the answer will be generated, but not submitted to AoC.
To generate a year's solution files from template, run node generate_files.js [YEAR]
Creates a window that can render pixels.
Run with --render
to automatically capture the window as a video.
Copy ffmpeg.exe into bin/ to get video support.
import Window from '../lib/window.js';
// create window with defined width and height (in pixels)
const W = new Window({ width: 5, height: 5 });
// set a pixel colour
W.setPixel(0, 0,;
// set arbitrary data on each cell
W.setKey(0, 0, 'wall', true);
// loop over all cells in window
W.forEach((cellObj, x, y) => {
// start window renderer