Dockerized PowerShell language kernel for Jupyter. Works on Linux and Docker Desktop.
To build the container image, run the following command:
docker build --tag jupyter-powershell .
To run a container, run the following command:
docker run --interactive --tty --publish 8080:8080 jupyter-powershell
This is an early prototype, but I tried to avoid unnessesary dependencies.
This kernel is heavily based on (as jupyter kernel example) and for calling PowerShell repl from python.
has BSD 3-clause license.
has complicated license, so here is a careful explanation of the used parts.
This means that, although the parts of SublimeREPL that I (wuub) wrote are published under BSD license and you're free to reuse them as you wish, the whole SublimeREPL package is as of now licensed under GPLv2.
I'd like to avoid GPLv2 dependencies (and I don't need any of that code), so I want to list all used code (BSD/MIT):
wrote by wuub, licensed under BSD/MIT.