For more information about k8comp check
K8comp is a tool which substitutes any templates variables declared in the format %{VARIABLE default "DEFAULT_VALUE"} or %{VARIABLE} with values from a files hierarchy using hiera.
AWS Secrets Manager is also supported with the following variables format, AWSSM(BASE64,aws-secret-manager-id) from hiera or %{AWSSM(BASE64,aws-secret-manager-id)} from templates. Check the How to section of the documentation for more details.
The tool was created to simplify apps deployments for Kubernetes but it can be used to template any other type of files.
- use the default yaml/json Kubernetes syntax
- to have a templates library which can be used in multiple environments and be version controlled using GIT
- have full control of all deployable resources without a complicated deployment setup
- store any secrets encrypted in a GIT repository
- support for yaml, json, yml
- encrypted variables using eyaml
- multiline variables (only for yaml files)
- auto git pull on deployment or manual git pull via
k8comp pull
- multi branch deployment
- support for remote templates
- use as helm plugin
helm plugin install