This repository contains the data and code used in our paper, "50 Shades of Support: A Device-Centric Analysis of Android Security Updates", which is accepted for publication at NDSS 2024.
In the first step, we explain the data collection and preprocessing. In the second step, we provide the code for the analysis and results. Data collected during the first step is shared under the folder Data. For the reproducibility of the results, you can directly start from the second step.
Details about this great section are here.
The dataset in the paper is collected from official and open-source sources. We put significant efforts into the collection of the dataset, which we offer to the research community for use.
Samsung: Samsung informs the availability of firmware for each
with a unique URL format:<model>/<CSC>/doc.html
. For instance: Themodel
information can be retrieved from the device settings. To compile a comprehensive list, we generated all possible combinations using the models from Samsung's Knox-supported device list and a community-compiled CSC list. We then queried the database for all potential models and CSC pairs. In total, we downloaded 354,165 security updates published between April 2015 and March 2023. Each security update contains the build number, android version, release date, and security patch level. We assigned the country-carrier information via the CSC list and the device name using the Knox-supported device list. The full list of security updates can be found samsung-security-updates. Similarly, the downloaded CSC list can be found CSC-list.csv and the device list can be knox-models-all.csv. In total, we found unique 21461model-CSC
pairs containing 273 unique CSCs and 1073 models. After assigning country-carrier and device names, we found 97 countries, 109 carriers, and 275 unique devices (e.g., Galaxy S22). -
Xiaomi: Xiaomi releases firmware via an official API. We downloaded the historical data from a third-party website that's been fetching official security updates every six hours since 2018. This dataset currently comprises 2,286 security updates from December 2014 to June 2023. Xiaomi updates are specified for
pairs. The total list included 10 regions and 223 devices (combined using regional names). The full list of security updates can be found in devices.yml. We also downloaded the changelogs from the same source and saved them in changelogs.csv, which we included the resulting SPLs for our analysis. -
Oppo: Oppo updates the firmware on their regional software update websites, e.g., Updates for Oppo A11k in India. We constructed all possible country-device pairs, resulting in data from 1,124 pairs, totaling 9,241 security updates across 72 devices and 35 countries. The full list of security updates can be found in Oppo-security-updates.csv. Each security update includes an update date, which we used as a release date. We assigned the country information from the link that the security update information is shared on. The links and regions assigned can be found in available-links-regions.csv However, Oppo only releases the change log including the SPL for the latest release. We downloaded the firmware to extract the SPL from the configuration files. We included the resulting SPLs in firmware_SPLs.csv from the downloaded firmware in our analysis.
Google: Google publishes firmware images for Pixel and Nexus devices on a dedicated website. We identified the security patch levels using build numbers table. We only used OTA images as we aimed to characterize the updates received by the regular end user. We also excluded Nexus devices. In total, we included 900 updates received by 20 Pixel devices in our analysis. The full list of Google (Pixel) security updates can be found in Google-security-updates.csv.
Samsung: Samsung's list of supported devices distinguishes between devices receiving monthly, quarterly, and biannual support, and wearable devices that get security updates. We downloaded 508 snapshots from Wayback Machine, ranging from October 2017 to March 2023, capturing 258 unique devices. The snapshots can be found in the folder samsung-support-lists. Moreover, the extracted support timelines can be found timelines_samsung_devices_v1.csv.
Xiaomi: We downloaded Xiaomi's supported devices from Wayback Machine and EOL product list from this dedicated page. The extracted support timelines of Xiaomi devices can be seen timelines_Xiaomi.csv.
Oppo: Oppo's list of supported devices can be found on this page. The extracted support timelines of Xiaomi devices can be seen timelines_Oppo.csv.
Google: Supported Nexus and Pixel devices are presented on separate dedicated pages. Google's support lists can be seen Google-support-list.xlsx.
Additional Datasets:
NIST CVE Database: We downloaded all CVEs and their additional information from 2002-2023 via NIST database.
Samsung Knox Supported Devices: We used models, platforms, device types, and Android Enterprise Recommended (AER) devices information from Samsung's Knox device list. The full list can be found in knox-models-all.csv.
AER-certified Devices: We downloaded the list of AER-certified devices from Google's list of AER devices. The full list can be found here.
Android Security Bulletin: We downloaded all AOSP's security bulletin and we used these lists to assign the CVEs to the Android version for the risk analysis of unpatched devices. The full list can be found in AOSP-bulletins.csv.
Chipsets: We gathered the chipset information for the devices from Samsung's website and augmented with data from partners like carriers for older devices. The chipset information for all devices can be found chipsets.xlsx.
We provide the code used for analysis alongside the results for the complete reproducibility of our study.
- Clone the Repository:
# git clone the repo git clone # go to directory cd Android-Security-Updates
- Run the CVE Download Script:
# make the script executable (if downloaded manually) chmod +x Code/ #to download CVE details from NIST database under Data/NIST-all/ ./Code/
- Create a Python Virtual Environment:
# create a Python virtual environment (optional) python -m venv Android-Security-Updates-env # activate env (optional) source Android-Security-Updates-env/bin/activate
- Install the Required Dependencies:
# install the dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt
- Launch Jupyter Notebook:
jupyter notebook
Our code consists of five sets of experiments:
- Support-Lists: This code includes the analysis of support lists provided by OEMs. The support lists are used to extract the support timeline of the devices. For example, Galaxy Fold was in monthly support list from 2019-10-08 to 2022-11-04 and it is in quarterly support list since then.
- Usage in the Paper: The statistics about the support lists are given in Section 3B. It is also used to extract the support type (e.g., monthly), which is later used for evaluating the impact of the support type presented in Section 6A in the paper.
- Supported-Period: This code includes the analysis of the devices while they are receiving security updates.
- Usage in the Paper: The dataset stats are reported in Section 3A and the results of the supported period analysis given in Section 4A in the paper.
- Unpatched-Analysis: This code includes an analysis of unpatched (i.e., unsupported) devices to quantify the risk of using unpatched Android devices.
- Usage in the Paper: The results of unpatched device analysis given in Section 4B of the paper.
- Factor-Analysis: This code includes the analysis of impacting factors on the availability and timeline of security updates by OEMs.
- Usage in the Paper: The results for the impacting factor analysis are in Section 5 of the paper.
- Key-Issues: This code includes examples of the key issues such as inconsistency examples or discrepancies in AER-certified devices.
- Usage in the Paper: The results of key issues analysis are given in Section 6 of the paper.
Order of Execution: It is recommended to run the scripts in the order provided. However, if changing the sequence, ensure you execute 1 before 4, and 2 before 3, as some data from the former scripts is used for the latter ones.
Verifying the collected data: One can verify the individual support lists or security updates received by each device using the steps in Data Collection.
Verifying the numerical results: The code also includes the results displayed after sucessfully running cells. The corresponding sections in the paper are given above. One can verify the results following those sections in the paper together with the code.
Verifying the visual results: The resulting figures are automatically saved under the Figures folder after running experiments. These figures can be cross-referenced with the ones presented in the paper.
- Figure 3 and 4 in the paper can be seen in Supported-Period.
- Figure 5 in the paper can be seen in Unpatched-Analysis.
- Figure 6 and 7 as well as Table 2 can be found via running the code in Factor-Analysis.
- Finally, the key issues we found in the paper in Section 6 and further issues can be re-produced via the code in Key-Issues.
Updating and Re-running the Data: Since in the paper, we can only provide abstract information, one can further inspect the individual results. For example, while we can only report average values, one can plot the distribution graphs and check the extreme values further. Similarly, for a more up-to-date perspective, one can re-run the unpatched analysis considering the CVEs published after our paper's publications to see identify other patterns.
We also attached additional results interactive figures here. These interactive heatmaps provide a comprehensive overview of Android security support across various timeframes. You can see patterns around the world, or check what's happening in your own country. Feel free to explore the maps and see how your area compares in Android security support.
- Monthly Count: View Visualization
- Monthly Duration: View Visualization
- Monthly Frequency: View Visualization
- Monthly Delay: View Visualization
- Quarterly Count: View Visualization
- Quarterly Duration: View Visualization
- Quarterly Frequency: View Visualization
- Quarterly Delay: View Visualization
- Biannual Count: View Visualization
- Biannual Duration: View Visualization
- Biannual Frequency: View Visualization
- Biannual Delay: View Visualization
If you use any material from this repository, please cite the following work::
title={50 Shades of Support: A Device-Centric Analysis of Android Security Updates},
author={Acar, Abbas and Tuncay, Güliz Seray and Luques, Esteban and Oz, Harun and Aris, Ahmet and Uluagac, Selcuk},
booktitle={Network and Distributed System Security Symposium},
Please send an email to aacar001 (at) fiu (dot) edu if you have any questions.