Implementation of Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet for EVM-like blockchains.
Plugin support all EVM-like blockchains. All you need it set right values of NetworkChainID
and CoinType
variables. The plugin has 2 ways to set the desired variable values:
- The first way is through using
SetChainID(chainID int) errors
andSetHdWalletCoinType(coinType int) error
functions. See #Plugin API section. - The second method is by assembling a plugin with the specified values - see #Build section.
HdWallet-plugin is third and last part of hd-wallet applications bundle. Also, this repo contains Helm-chart description for deploy full HdWallet applications bundle.
Another two parts of hdwallet-bundle is:
bc-wallet-common-hdwallet-controller - Application for control access to wallets. Create or disable wallets, get account addresses, sign transactions.
bc-wallet-common-hdwallet-api - Storage-less application for manage in-memory HD-wallets and execute session and signature requests.
Implementation of HdWallet plugin contains exported functions:
NewPoolUnitfunc(walletUUID string, mnemonicDecryptedData string) (interface{}, error)
GenerateMnemonic func() (string, error)
ValidateMnemonic func(mnemonic string) bool
GetChainID() int
SetChainID(chainID int) error
GetSupportedChainIDsInfo() string
GetHdWalletCoinType() int
SetHdWalletCoinType(coinType int) error
GetSupportedCoinTypesInfo() string
GetPluginName func() string
GetPluginReleaseTag func() string
GetPluginCommitID func() string
GetPluginShortCommitID func() string
GetPluginBuildNumber func() string
GetPluginBuildDateTS func() string
Example of usage hd-wallet pool_unit you can see in plugin/pool_unit_test.go file. Example of plugin integration in cmd/loader_test/main.go file.
Plugin support build-time variables injecting. Supported variables:
- plugin blockchain name. ethereum, polygon, bsc. You can set any value to this variable, it does not affect on plugin behaviorNetworkChainID
- blockchain network ID, Ethereum blockchain MainNet id = 1, You can set any value, but if you want to get right plugin behavior - you must select one ChainID value from EVM chain list. You can see available chains on, or in another sources.CoinType
- HdWallet coin type. Default value for Ethereum = 60, Ethereum Classic = 61, Binance Smart Chain = 9006, etc. See BIP-0044 - But typically all EVM-like blockchain use Ethereum coin type = 60.ReleaseTag
- release tag in TAG.SHORT_COMMIT_ID.BUILD_NUMBER format.CommitID
- latest GIT commit id.ShortCommitID
- first 12 characters from CommitID.BuildNumber
- ci/cd build number for BuildNumberBuildDateTS
- ci/cd build date in time stamp
Build example:
RACE=-race CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -trimpath ${RACE} -installsuffix cgo -gcflags all=-N \
-ldflags "-linkmode external -extldflags -w -s \
-X 'main.NetworkName=${NETWORK_NAME}' \
-X 'main.NetworkChainID=${NETWORK_CHAIN_ID}' \
-X 'main.CoinType=${HDWALLET_COIN_TYPE}' \
-X 'main.BuildDateTS=${BUILD_DATE_TS}' \
-X 'main.BuildNumber=${BUILD_NUMBER}' \
-X 'main.ReleaseTag=${RELEASE_TAG}' \
-X 'main.CommitID=${COMMIT_ID}' \
-X 'main.ShortCommitID=${SHORT_COMMIT_ID}'" \
-buildmode=plugin \
-o ./build/ \
Currently, support only kubernetes deployment flow via Helm
Application must be deployed as part of bc-wallet-<BLOCKCHAIN_NAME>-hdwallet bundle. bc-wallet-ethereum-hdwallet-api application must be started as single container in Kubernetes Pod with shared volume.
You can see example of HELM-chart deployment application in next repositories:
Some parts of this plugin picked up from another repository - Go HD Wallet tools written by Cayman(wemeetagain)
- Author and maintainer - @gudron (Alex V Kotelnikov)
bc-wallet-eth-hdwallet is licensed under the MIT NON-AI License.