I developed the Z80 Southern Cross Computer for Hong Kong based Kitsrus in 1992/93. The kit was based on the TEC-1 Computer that was designed by John Hardy and Ken Stone in 1983 and appeared in Australia's Talking Electronics Magazine Issue 10 March 1983.
Kitsrus distributed the kit into the US and the UK and was sold online from Hong Kong.
The Southern Cross Computer appeared in Australia's Silicon Chip Magazine in the August 1993 edition. A follow up article appeared in Silicon Chip in December 1993 describing the 8x8 LED Matrix and 8 Channel Relay add-on board.
There is a Facebook group for the Southern Cross SBC [https://www.facebook.com/groups/1553416258519631)
The original 8 x8 LED Matrix design plus a couple of revisions.
An add-on board that connects a Gameboy FLASH cartridge to the Southern Cross SBC.
A MC6850 serial board based on the Grant Searle 'Minimum System Z80' design.
An add-on card for the AM9511A Arithmetic Processor Unit.
Expansion memory board. 2x28 pin sockets for either 8kx8 or 32kx8 devices.
Connect your expansion boards to this CPU board instead of the Southern Cross SBC!
An expandable six slot backplane that connects to the SC expansion connector.
A hardware, parallel to serial PWM WS2812B addressable RGB LED driver board.
The current version of the Southern Cross PCB is 3.3, Gerbers are available in the SouthernCrossSBC_PCB_R33 folder.
The current version of the monitor is 1.8. Source code, listing, binary and INTEL hex files can be found in the SCMonitorV18 folder under the SouthernCrossSBC_Monitor folder.