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In CyrptoStatus you can view, save as favorites and see the details of a lot of cryptocurrencies.

Table of contents


To obtain the raw data, you will be able to use Coincap, an open data API that provides lots of info about crypto:

Features Status
A page that displays all cryptos available in the API (for example using rows or tiles). Include at least for each crypto the name and symbol
When user clicks on a crypto should navigate to a new page displaying more info of the crypto, including at least name and symbol, market cap and last price in USD
Basic layer of tests that I consider important
Graph to the crypto page with historic prices
In the crypto page also display the price in Euros
Check and uncheck coins as favorites to view it in a favorites view
Select date ranges to display on the graph
Switching between dark and light themes
Asset finder
Use new WebSocket("wss://${assets}\") for Realtime prices
Continuous Deployment
Image asset

Project code 👨‍💻

This project has been developed with NuxtJS. My main experience in a framework is with Vue, that's why I decided to use NuxtJS (an open framework based on Vue inspired by NextJS). Also, I think that for an application that would be used by any user and would be public to the internet, SSR applications are better for SEO since it makes it easier for Google's robot to read.


I like use a Flux architecture.


Middleware allows you to define custom functions that can be executed before a page or group of pages (layout) is displayed. I created one to check if the user is visiting the site from a mobile device, and if so show a different layout.

Local Storage

To save the theme, currency and favorites data I use localStorage. Maybe I could have used indexDB since it is a better optimized browser database than localStorage (Web Storage) but since the data are few and it is less complex, I decided to store it here.






This project follows the commitlint guidelines.

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Flexbox
  • CSS Grid
  • Utility classes
  • Eslint
  • NuxtJS - Framework
  • Vue Jest - Testing Library
  • Lightweight Charts - Library for Graph

Quick start

$ git clone [email protected]:cristianpoleyjs/cryptostatus.git
$ cd cryptostatus/

# install dependencies (It is recommended to use the latest LTS version)
$ npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start

# generate static project
$ npm run generate




Project where we can see a lot of cryptocurrencies💰 from







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