Terraform module which deploys a serverless HTTP endpoint backed by AWS API Gateway, Lambda & DynamoDB
Starting from version 1.15.0, this module targets Terraform 0.12+. If you are using Terraform <=v0.11 you must use up to version 1.14.0.
This module is created with a single stage that is given as parameter.
The default path that is created is /api/messages
. This can be expanded upon as the API GW ID, resources and methods are exposed.
If you do not wish to have the default values, you can specify api_gw_disable_resource_creation = true
and you can create the paths desired.
Allows specification of Endpoint Configuration Type via variable api_gw_endpoint_configuration_type
with EDGE
. Defaults to EDGE
This results in having to create the final aws_api_gateway_deployment
as well.
This module is created with full customization by user.
- Can use either local filename path
or remote S3 bucket configuration. - Supports Lambda Layers
- Supports VPC
Must use either the local filename or S3 option as they are mutually exclusive.
Exports S3 bucket to allow usage by multiple Lambda's but given lambda_code_s3_bucket_use_existing=true
it will use existing S3 bucket provided in lambda_code_s3_bucket_existing
- This module by default, if created allows accompanying Lambda access to
all DynamoDB tables.
This module is optional. Lambda is created with R/W permission for DynamoDB to allow Lambda creation of tables or optionally to create them before-hand with this script.
- This module by default, if created allows accompanying Lambda access to
all DynamoDB tables.
The attributes and table properties are in separate lists due to current HCL language parser limitations. Will update to single cohesive object once situation improves.
module "api-gateway-lambda-dynamodb" {
source = "crisboarna/api-gateway-lambda-dynamodb/aws"
version = "1.16.0"
# insert the 10 required variables here
- Run build process to generate Lambda ZIP file locally to match
variable path - Provide all needed variables from
file or copy paste and change example below - Create/Select Terraform workspace before deployment
- Run
terraform plan -var-file="<.tfvars file>
to check for any errors and see what will be built - Run
terraform apply -var-file="<.tfvars file>
to deploy infrastructure
Example Deployment Script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [[ ! -d .terraform ]]; then
terraform init
if ! terraform workspace list 2>&1 | grep -qi "$ENVIRONMENT"; then
terraform workspace new "$ENVIRONMENT"
terraform workspace select "$ENVIRONMENT"
terraform get
terraform plan -var-file=$1
terraform apply -var-file=$1
module "api_lambda_dynamodb" {
source = "crisboarna/terraform-aws-api-gateway-lambda-dynamodb"
version = "1.16.0"
region = "eu-west-1"
project = "Awesome Project"
#API Gateway
api_gw_method = "POST"
lambda_function_name = "Awesome Endpoint"
lambda_description = "Awesome HTTP Endpoint Lambda"
lambda_runtime = "nodejs8.10"
lambda_handler = "dist/bin/lambda.handler"
lambda_timeout = 30
lambda_code_s3_bucket = "awesome-project-bucket"
lambda_code_s3_key = "awesome-project.zip"
lambda_code_s3_storage_class = "ONEZONE_IA"
lambda_code_s3_bucket_visibility = "private"
lambda_zip_path = "../../awesome-project.zip"
lambda_memory_size = 256
lambda_vpc_security_group_ids = [aws_security_group.vpc_security_group.id]
lambda_vpc_subnet_ids = [aws_subnet.vpc_subnet_a.id]
lambda_layers = [data.aws_lambda_layer_version.layer.arn]
dynamodb_table_properties = [
name = "Awesome Project Table 1"
name = "Awesome Project Table 2",
read_capacity = 2,
write_capacity = 3,
hash_key = "KEY"
range_key = ""
stream_enabled = "true"
stream_view_type = "NEW_IMAGE"
dynamodb_table_attributes = [[
name = "KEY"
type = "S"
name = "PRIMARY_KEY"
type = "N"
}, {
type = "S"
dynamodb_table_secondary_index = [[
name = "GameTitleIndex"
hash_key = "GameTitle"
range_key = "TopScore"
write_capacity = 10
read_capacity = 10
projection_type = "INCLUDE"
non_key_attributes = ["UserId"]
dynamodb_policy_action_list = ["dynamodb:PutItem", "dynamodb:DescribeTable", "dynamodb:DeleteItem", "dynamodb:GetItem", "dynamodb:Scan", "dynamodb:Query"]
tags = {
project = "Awesome Project"
managedby = "Terraform"
#Lambda Environment variables
environment_variables = {
NODE_ENV = "production"