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Crazazy's personal nixos configuration and package repository



I'm Crazazy, and nowadays I mostly work on nix projects in my free time

Currently I study at the University of Twente

In this git repo you will find my personal configuration, and some packages I find useful to have


  • pkgs/: personal package repository
  • modules/: nixos modules for my current laptop
  • local/: configuration files that are not written in nix
  • overlays/: overlay functions, neatly sorted by priority
  • lib/: small library functions. Most of them were used while I was still doing AoC 2020.

main files:

  • configuration.nix nixos config entrypoint. this repository lives in my /etc/nixos
  • creates links to my local config directory. Right now I'm not using home-manager as some of these configs are automatically written by GUI's
  • default.nix: setup for the monorepo

copying this system setup

  • install NixOS
  • replace configuration.nix with the following:
{ ... }:
    nur-no-pkgs = import (builtins.fetchTarball "") {};
    inherit (nur-no-pkgs.repos.crazazy.modules.private) desktop-configuration system-configuration users-configuration;
    imports = [

then run do create symlinks to configurations managed in the repository

Additional notes:

  • You need a nixpkgs source (or at least a source that implements nixpkgs library functions extends, flip, fix and mapAttrs) to use the overlays in this repository via NUR.
  • If you want to use this as a <nixpkgs> source, its best to first clone this repository, then enter the command git submodule update --init --depth 1 dep/nixpkgs so that you don't download the nixpkgs source with all git history attached.

Installing packages faster

This repository uses cachix to cache the build artifacts nix created. To use the built derivations just put the following in your command line:

nix-env -iA cachix -f
cachix use crazazy


No releases published

Contributors 3

