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@jyasskin jyasskin tagged this 13 Jan 21:53
Changes in this release:

* Add PDTS and DTS support. Thanks to Jared Hoberock. Update to this by adding a `<cxx-project-number>` element and an optional `<h2 lang="fr">` element in your `<cxx-titlepage>`.
* Publishing now produces a JSON index suitable for `<cxx-foreign-index>`.
* Improved table formatting.
* Added `<cxx-table class="list" columns="N">` to define balanced tables of a linear list of items.
* Prevented code from wrapping. Users should use <w-br> elements to explicitly wrap code.
* Added inline (non-floated) editors' notes as `<cxx-ednote class="para">`.
* Use `<cxx-table class="single-border"> to use just a single border under `<th>` cells.
Assets 2