This is the official implementation of the paper Dynamic Label Injection for Imbalanced Industrial Defect Segmentation.
Create your environment (Conda or Venv) and install the requirements with the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python src/dsets/ --seed 42
--dset_csv ./data/MT_dset/MT_dset.csv
--output_dir ./data/MT_dset/splits
python --seed 42
--config ./configs/MT/hyp.yaml
--model [timm-resnest50d,resnet18,mobileone_s1]
--method [baseline,focal,balanced,wce,dli-cp,dli-p,dli-hh]
--dli # use it when launching one of dli
--poisson_prob [0,0.5,1.0] # 0.5 with dli-hh, 1.0 with dli-p, 0 otherwise
--data_perc [0.1,0.25,0.5,0.75,1.0] # percentage of data in the training set
--log_every 1 # saving weights after log_every epochs
Please cite with the following BibTeX:
title={Dynamic Label Injection for Imbalanced Industrial Defect Segmentation},
author={Caruso, Emanuele and Pelosin, Francesco and Simoni, Alessandro and Boschetti, Marco},
booktitle={Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops},