How to use Expo Video (SDK 52) ... amongst other things.
- Note: expo-av is deprecated use expo-video
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import { Video, ResizeMode } from "expo-av";
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This just downloads one of the test videos in the KyberVisionAPI. The video is then used in the PlayVideo.js and PlayVideoWithTimeline.js screens.
my best implementation of the video and listening to playing. In other, words as each second passes of the video playing, it will do an action
Create a timeline with bubbles for special points in video. Make them like buttons.
- clicking on bubbles restarts videos because they take positionX is based on the little bubble and not the View timeline.
Create a timeline with bubbles for special points in video. Make them like buttons.
- Corrects when clicking on bubbles to not start at the beginning
Verify that one screen can have a view with one set of gestures, then overlay an other view on part of the view with a different set of gestures.
Create a video view with a timeline. The Video will have a gesture set, the timeline will have a gesture set that impacts the video playback. The timeline will be sitting on top of the video.
All the good stuff from Gesture02.js, but now we separate the timeline into a component called Timeline and all the functionality remains. Width of timeline is hanlded by a property that is passed called timelineWidth, which is a percentage.