The original code is here: FOLPSν is a Python code that computes the galaxy redshift space power spectrum for cosmologies containing massive neutrinos. The code combines analytical modeling and numerical methods based on the FFTLog formalism.
The code employs the standard libraries, and jax:
- numpy
- scipy
- jax
- interpax
pip install git+
# First get linear P(k) with cosmoprimo
from cosmoprimo.fiducial import DESI
z = 1.
cosmo = DESI()
fo = cosmo.get_fourier()
pk_interpolator = fo.pk_interpolator().to_1d(z=z)
klin = np.geomspace(1e-5, 10., 1000)
pklin = pk_interpolator(klin)
k0 = 1e-3
# And no-wiggle P(k) (we can also let folpsax compute it, but it's not jaxified yet...)
from cosmoprimo import PowerSpectrumBAOFilter
filter = PowerSpectrumBAOFilter(pk_interpolator, engine='bspline', cosmo=cosmo, cosmo_fid=cosmo)
pknow = filter.smooth_pk_interpolator()(klin)
# Then, folpsax's turn
from folpsax import get_mmatrices, get_non_linear, get_rsd_pkell
mmatrices = get_mmatrices() # compute matrices once for all
kwargs = {'z': z, 'fnu': cosmo['Omega_ncdm_tot'] / cosmo['Omega_m'], 'Omega_m': cosmo['Omega_m'], 'h': cosmo['h']}
table, table_now = get_non_linear(klin, pklin, mmatrices, pknow=pknow, kminout=0.001, kmaxout=0.5, nk=120, kernels='fk', **kwargs)
k = np.logspace(np.log10(0.01), np.log10(0.3), num=100) # array of output k in [h/Mpc]
PshotP = 1. / 0.0002118763
# Bias parameters
b1 = 1.645
b2 = -0.46
bs2 = -4./7*(b1 - 1)
b3nl = 32./315*(b1 - 1)
# EFT parameters
alpha0 = 3 #units: [Mpc/h]^2
alpha2 = -28.9 #units: [Mpc/h]^2
alpha4 = 0.0 #units: [Mpc/h]^2
ctilde = 0.0 #units: [Mpc/h]^4
# Stochatic parameters
alphashot0 = 0.08
alphashot2 = -8.1 #units: [Mpc/h]^2
pars = [b1, b2, bs2, b3nl, alpha0, alpha2, alpha4, ctilde, alphashot0, alphashot2, PshotP]
qpar, qper = 1., 1.
poles = get_rsd_pkell(k, qpar, qper, pars, table, table_now, nmu=6, ells=(0, 2, 4)) # power spectrum multipoles
# We can also jit the theory
import jax
def compute(dm):
dk = klin / 0.1
table, table_now = get_non_linear(klin, pklin * dk**dm, mmatrices, pknow=pknow * dk**dm, kminout=0.001, kmaxout=0.5, nk=120, kernels='fk', **kwargs)
return get_rsd_pkell(k, qpar, qper, pars, table, table_now, nmu=6, ells=(0, 2, 4))
compute(0.1) # blazing-fast!
# And autodiff
jax.jacfwd(compute)(0.1) # derivative w.r.t. dm
Update docstrings!
Please cite if you find this code useful in your research.
author = "Noriega, Hern\'an E. and Aviles, Alejandro and Fromenteau, Sebastien and Vargas-Maga\~na, Mariana",
title = "{Fast computation of non-linear power spectrum in cosmologies with massive neutrinos}",
eprint = "2208.02791",
archivePrefix = "arXiv",
primaryClass = "astro-ph.CO",
month = "8",
year = "2022"