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Releases: cosimoNigro/agnpy

v0.4.0: introduced proton synchrotron

12 Feb 16:42
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This is the first agnpy version including hadronic radiative processes.
@IlariaViale and @dimaniad6 have implemented a ProtonSynchrotron class.

v0.3.0: introduced proton particles distribution

17 Nov 14:44
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v0.3.0 introduces proton particles distributions.

In the previous versions of the package, only an electron distribution was available, the latter had to be defined through a dictionary

# set the spectrum normalisation (total energy in electrons in this case)
spectrum_norm = 1e48 * u.Unit("erg")
# define the spectral function parametrisation through a dictionary
spectrum_dict = {
    "type": "PowerLaw",
    "parameters": {"p": 2.8, "gamma_min": 1e2, "gamma_max": 1e7},

# set the remaining quantities defining the blob
R_b = 1e16 *
B = 1 * u.G
z = Distance(1e27,
delta_D = 10
Gamma = 10

blob = Blob(R_b, z, delta_D, Gamma, B, spectrum_norm, spectrum_dict)

This was not very handy: I have simplified - and broke - the previous blob API.
From version 0.3.0 this is how electron distribution are defined and passed to the blob

# electron distribution
n_e = BrokenPowerLaw(
    k=1e-8 * u.Unit("cm-3"),

# set the quantities defining the blob
R_b = 1e16 *
z = Distance(1e27,
delta_D = 10
Gamma = 10
B = 1 * u.G

blob = Blob(R_b, z, delta_D, Gamma, B, n_e=n_e)

The new way of defining particle distributions also allows to define proton distributions

n_p = PowerLaw(k=0.1 * u.Unit("cm-3"), p=2.3, gamma_min=10, gamma_max=1e6, mass=m_p)
blob = Blob(R_b, z, delta_D, Gamma, B, n_e=n_e, n_p=n_p)

The only difference between particle distributions is the mass argument.
This will eventually allow to describe other particle distributions.

To achieve this:

  • ElectronDistribution has been changed to ParticleDistribution. This is the base class from which all the different distributions (PowerLaw, BrokenPowerLaw etc..) inherit;

  • @dimaniad6 additionally implemented an InterpolatedDistribution to read an arbitrary input particle distribution (two arrays: one for of Lorentz factors and the other for densities);

  • the Blob class has been improved:

    • the different initialisation method available under the spectrum_norm_type argument of the Blob are now implemented in the base ParticleDistribution class. I.e. one can initialise from_total_density, from_total_energy_density, from_density_at_gamma_1, from_total_energy;
    • several quantities are now provided as properties and are evaluated on the fly from the base parameters ( $R_b$, $z$, $\delta_D$, $\Gamma$, $B$);
  • the other classes remain largely unchanged. They have just been modified internally to deal with the new definition of particle distributions;

  • note that the prefactor of the particle distribution has been renamed from k_e to k, as we are not describing exclusively electrons distributions now. This means that the corresponding parameter in the fit classes is log10_k instead of log10_k_e.

v0.2.0: incorporated sherpa and Gammapy wrappers

23 Aug 14:47
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In this release, the sherpa and Gammapy wrapper - that before were simple examples in the documentation - have been added to the source code.

A module has been introduced with two physical scenarios:

  • SycnhrotronSelfComptonModel, representing the sum of synchrotron and synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) radiation. This scenario is commonly considered to model BL Lac sources;

  • ExternalComptonModel, representing the sum of synchrotron and synchrotron self-Compton radiation along with an external Compton (EC) component. EC scattering can be computed considering a list of target photon fields. This scenario is commonly considered to model flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs).

For each scenario, a sherpa or gammapy backend can be selected, such that the fit can be performed with both packages.
Some helper functions are added to load directly a file representing a MWL SED with a proper format into a data object of the two packages.

v0.1.8 minor fix in the usage of the default matplotlibrc

31 Jan 19:28
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In the previous release I forgot to include the agnpy/utils/matplotlibrc in the
To load it I am now using improtlib.resources rather than the deprecated Path(__file__).parent, see

v0.1.7 minor fixes in the utils plot functions

31 Jan 11:18
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This is a minor release fixing some inconsistencies in the agnpy.utils.plot functions.

v0.1.6 modifications in .zenodo.json to make the code findable by the ESAP

14 Dec 11:16
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Changed few keywords in the .zenodo.json to make it findable by the ESAP platform.

v0.1.4 test new .zenodo.json on zenodo

03 Dec 11:01
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I am creating this version just to test that the new .zenodo.json, generated from the codemeta.json using the OSSR tools is correctly parsed by zenodo.

v0.1.3: updates in data and docs

01 Dec 18:52
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With this new release:

  • an update was realised in the data: the MWL SED of PKS1510-089 in 2015 was not properly converted to erg cm-2 s-1;
  • a notebook was added, following the referee report, giving some caveats on suing the thermal SED agnpy computes for the DT.

Test automatic deployment on pip

16 Nov 15:33
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This is release is made just to test the automatic upload on pip via github actions.
There are no significant differences from 0.1.1.

v0.1.1: added absorption on synch photons + check on EC on CMB

02 Aug 12:41
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In this release:

  1. the absorption on synchrotron photons was added;
  2. a check on the EC on CMB is added with a reference SED produced by jetset;
  3. the MWL SED data were standardised to be readable with gammapy's FluxPoints.