Put bcrc
somewhere such as ~/.bcrc, then start bc as follows:
# you may add an alias to your bashrc file:
# alias bc='bc ~/.bcrc -l -q'
bc ~/.bcrc -l
sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), cot(x), sec(x), csc(x)
arcsin(x), arccos(x), arctan(x), arccot(x), arcsec(x), arccsc(x)
or asin(x), acos(x), atan(x), acot(x), asec(x), acsc(x)
log(a, b)
ln(x) # log(e, x)
lg(x), log10(x) # log(10, x)
log2(x) # log(2, x)
e(x), exp(x) # exponentiation of e
pow(a, b) # a ^ b
sqrt(x) # x ^ 1/2
cbrt(x) # x ^ 1/3
abs(x) # absolute value of x
fac(n) # factorial of n
c(n, k) # n choose k, unordered
a(n, k) # n choose k, ordered
deg(rad) # Radian to degrees
rad(deg) # Degrees to radians