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Tech. Sugar seminars
Waiting List
- Actor programming. Orlean project.
- Visual Studio Extensions.
- Powershell in VS Debugger.
- Microsoft event "Build 2016".
- Hangfire — планировщик задач для .NET #134
- How to debug anything with Visual Studio and JetBrains dotPeek v1.2!
- GCP ML (Predict) Demo
- Azure ML Demo
- Floating Point Numbers ((float(1.1) != double(1.1))) by Ruslan S. (based on Doubles are not floats, so don’t compare them)
- OOP problems by Ruslan S.
- [Micro beanchmarking.] (#83)
- [Unit testing and memory profiling.] (#5)
- Resharper plugin development intro (including NUnit.That.Resharper.Plugin).
- Introduction to Actor programming (including AKKA.NET).
- AutoFixture test framework review.
- Google Driven Development (GDD) and power of Powershell.
- Resharper (R#) Annotations overview.
- Extensibility in the .NET Framework.
- Event broker pattern. Part II "Reactive Extensions Event Broker".
- Event broker pattern". Part I "Simple Event broker".
- Sample of Acceptance Tests Implementation (including fit and SpecFlow).
- LINQ Samples.
- List visualization in QuickWatch (Visual Studio Debugger) and new word from BugAid (OzCode).
- NCrunch is an automated concurrent testing tool for Visual Studio.
- Custom Actions in Final Builder.
- Integration with TFS API.
- Introduction to mocks (including moq).
- Pattern IDisposable.
- WPF application in Windows Powershell.
- Implementing friends in C#.
- Explicit vs Implicit interface implementation.
- Interprocess Communication Memory Mapped Files.
- Roslyn Code Action.
- C# Multi Threading Programming (.NET4).
- Isolated storage.
- Python.
- .NET 3.5 goodies and news.
- SOLID (Single responsibility, Open-closed, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation and Dependency inversion).
- Unmanaged Code Marshaling. Cold War.
- Windows HPC API.
- WWF (Windows Workflow Foundation).
- Unit Testing. MSTest and NUnit. Review.
- Moles – Isolation Framework (like known Nova’s MockGenerator).
- Fluent Interface.
- PDC2010. Microsoft PDC 2010 - Professional Developer's Conference (include C# 5.0. Prototype, Async CTP Sample).
- Protocol Buffers (Google's data interchange format).
- F# Basics.
- Reactive Extensions (Rx).
- No SQL DB. Mongo DB.
- Code Analyzers (free software and R# only).
- AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming). PostSharp. “Code Contracts” (.NET4).
- AOP. Mono Cecil.
- TPL Dataflow (TDF).
- Aspect (AOP) in samples: NConsoler is an open source library for building .Net console applications.
- MEF.
- Transaction in .NET.
- Inversion of Control (IoC).
- Unit testing (NUnit). Best practicies.
- [How to track an object which is Out of Scope while Debugging ?] (
- ILMerge Utility. Introduction & sample.