This package is a library for quantum computing that uses Qiskit Terra to build out, compile and run quantum circuits. It allows create quantum channels, easy move it through qubits and make tomography. Also, it has ui interface for quick change different backends.
For example, consider Hadamard transformation.
Built the channel and make tomography
(using mask
you can place it on different qubit without channel code changing)
from qchannels.channels.abstract import AbstractChannelCircuit
from qchannels.core.manage_parameters import set_parameters
from qchannels.core.launcher import Launcher
import numpy as np
class Hadamard(AbstractChannelCircuit):
REL_SYSTEM_QUBITS = [0] # It is require only one qubit
def create_circuit(self, q_regs, c_regs):
def get_theory_channel():
H = np.array([[1, 1], [1, -1]]) / np.sqrt(2)
return lambda rho: H@rho@H
parameters = set_parameters('Test Hadamard transformation')
mask = {0: 3} # It's optional. It change a qubit in channel, more detail in AbstractChannelCircuit
channel = Hadamard(backend_name=parameters['backend_name'], mask=mask)
launcher = Launcher(token=parameters['token'], backend_name=parameters['backend_name'],
print(, meas_qubits=channel.system_qubits)[0])
You can execute this file and get density matrix:
$ python examples/
[[0.50073241+0.j 0.49999289-0.00256344j]
[0.49999289+0.00256344j 0.49926759+0.j ]]
In order to run it on real computer, you just have to put it in arguments
$ python examples/ -b ibmqx4
More information about arguments:
$ python examples/ --help
Also you can measure fidelity of the channel. Just add:
rho =, meas_qubits=channel.system_qubits)[0]
print(fidelity(rho, channel.get_theory_channel()(
get_density_matrix_from_state(get_state(0, dim=2))
At least Python 3.6 or later is needed
We recommend using python virtual environments to improve your experience. Refer to our Environment Setup documentation for more information.
We encourage installing this package via the PIP tool (a python package manager):
pip install .
pip install package_directory/
Add your IBM token to, rename to and move it to a directory with the executable file.