<type>(<scope>): <subject>
: indicates the type of the commit, which can be one of the following:
- feat: New features
- fix: fix the problem
- docs: Document update
- style: code style (no changes that affect functionality)
- refactor: refactor code (function has not changed)
- perf: Performance optimization
- test: test related changes
- build: build related changes
- ci: CI configuration modification
- chore: Miscellaneous changes
- revert: Undo the change
: The module or function that indicates the influence, can be in lowercase letters or can
contain Chinese. For example: user
, auth
, Login function
: A short description of the submission, with a maximum length of 50 characters. The
description should be concise and clear, and the first letter should be capitalized.
: Optional section, fill in a more detailed description, up to 72 characters per line,
explaining why this change needs to be made, how to solve the problem, and whether there are side
: Optional section, usually containing a ticket link related to the submission, for
example: Closes #11
. If it is a destructive update, it should be noted here, for example: