The purpose of this project is to give you an opportunity to showcase your coding style with node.js.
This is not meant to take longer than the typical 30 min code interview.
You can use any tools (IDE, npm, ...) and resources (google, stackoverflow,...) you use in your day to day.
However, you should come up with the implementation on your own.
Every night we receive list of players with their: name, team, status, and points for the day.
We need a function that aggregates points by team, and sorts teams in descending order by total points.
Only active players should be considered for team points calculation.
Code must be written using
convention -
Code should run in
Node 14.18.1
- Clone this repo
- Implement a working solution for
- Create a secret gist with the code for:
- Submit the gist link to your PGA contact
- Adding a README file for repo is mandatory and README should have steps to run code.
- Only Javascript code will checked in code review. We are not concern about HTML styling.
- You have to submit assignment within 3 days after you receive email for assignment.