#This is still a work in progress. i will update its functionality as soon as possible.
This Project # Weather App (with related background-image to user's input )
Users should be able to:
This is a ReactJs app that I made using two different APIs. both APIs get the input from the user and search for the proper response for it in the backend. one API is for weather information by the OpenWeatherMap website and the other one is for the Unsplash website to get a related Image from Unsplash servers with the entered input from the user. I used the backend (NodeJS, ExpressJS) to hide my API keys from any visitor. it was a fun way of hiding API keys because for a long time I just wondered if it is possible to hide this kind of information from the sight of visitors and thanks to this toturial from Ania Kubów I was able to do it.
- Live Site URL: live site
- React JS
- Node JS (Express JS)
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox
- Mobile-first workflow
It was a very good opportunity to work with API's and also learn how to hide my API keys on backend of my website. it was a very fun experience.
Ania Kubow Youtube Chanel - It was a great source to learn how properly hide my API keys on backend
Tyler Potts Youtube Chanel - a very helpful tutorial to make a functional weather app.
- Website - @comendrun
- Github - @comendrun
- Frontend Mentor - @comendrun
- Twitter - @comendrun
I want to specially Thank dear @DManavi for his great mentorship and or a lot of helpful and useful feedback that he gives to me everytime i ask for his help. Thank you Danial!