This JS web-app is built on node express, mysql / sequelize. Utilizes readability api to print contents of given URL link from user. User is then able to highlight selected text from content to write a comment. Or user can write a generic comment with regards to that article.
Requires login with a Google account only at this time to use the app. Needs a local or remote myqsl database access.
npm install -g nodemon
software for Macbook Pro to help visualize mysql databse
Start the server [using nodemon]
.../zabonit $ nodemon app.js 24 Jun 10:30:41 - [nodemon] v0.7.8
24 Jun 10:30:41 - [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter
24 Jun 10:30:41 - [nodemon] watching: /Users/combizs/hackreactor/hello/zabonit
24 Jun 10:30:41 - [nodemon] starting
node app.js
Express server listening on port 3000
You should be able to load up the app on [http://localhost:3000].
- Click login and put your Google account credentials. [our database does not save your password]
In another browser window, open the http://localhost:3000
- Type a URL in the orange box and press enter
When content of article is shown on page:
- Select text from article content to write a specific comment in the blue input field, or just write a generic comment in the blue input field
- Type the connection to the Sequel Pro software and connect to your mysql database
- There are 3 tables that apply to the app: Users, Websites, and Comments
I have noticed that the readability plugin does not always provide the correct article content. Need to revise how this works: