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Replace _p with $ in preparation for Scala 3 (#270)
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#266 uses `$`, and I think `$` is probably the better option for now (since it's shorter), so let's go with that for now
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lihaoyi authored Feb 28, 2023
1 parent af4b47f commit bf86f87
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Showing 29 changed files with 758 additions and 759 deletions.
118 changes: 59 additions & 59 deletions cssparse/src/cssparse/CssParser.scala
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Expand Up @@ -8,62 +8,62 @@ import fastparse.NoWhitespace._

object CssTokensParser {

def comment[_p: P] = P( "/*" ~ (!"*/" ~ AnyChar).rep ~ "*/")
def comment[$: P] = P( "/*" ~ (!"*/" ~ AnyChar).rep ~ "*/")

def newline[_p: P] = P( "\n" | "\r\n" | "\r" | "\f")
def newline[$: P] = P( "\n" | "\r\n" | "\r" | "\f")

def whitespace[_p: P] = P( " " | "\t" | newline)
def whitespace[$: P] = P( " " | "\t" | newline)

def hexDigit[_p: P] = P( CharIn("0-9", "a-f", "A-F") )
def hexDigit[$: P] = P( CharIn("0-9", "a-f", "A-F") )

def escape[_p: P] = P( "\\" ~ ((!(newline | hexDigit) ~ AnyChar) | (hexDigit.rep(min=1, max=6) ~ whitespace.?)) )
def escape[$: P] = P( "\\" ~ ((!(newline | hexDigit) ~ AnyChar) | (hexDigit.rep(min=1, max=6) ~ whitespace.?)) )

def whitespaceToken[_p: P] = P( comment | whitespace.rep(1) )
def whitespaceToken[$: P] = P( comment | whitespace.rep(1) )

def ws[_p: P] = P( whitespaceToken.rep )
def ws[$: P] = P( whitespaceToken.rep )

def identToken[_p: P] = {
def identToken[$: P] = {
def firstLetter = P( "-".? ~ (CharIn("a-zA-Z_") | escape) )
def rest = P( (CharIn("a-zA-Z0-9\\-_") | escape).rep )

P( (firstLetter ~ rest).! ).map(Ast.IdentToken)

def functionToken[_p: P] = P( identToken.! ~ "(" ).map(Ast.FunctionToken)
def functionToken[$: P] = P( identToken.! ~ "(" ).map(Ast.FunctionToken)

def atWordToken[_p: P] = P( "@" ~ identToken.! ).map(Ast.AtWordToken)
def atWordToken[$: P] = P( "@" ~ identToken.! ).map(Ast.AtWordToken)

def hashToken[_p: P] = P( "#" ~
def hashToken[$: P] = P( "#" ~
(CharIn("a-zA-Z0-9\\-_") | escape).rep(1).! ).map(Ast.HashWordToken)

def stringTokenChar[_p: P] = P( (!("\"" | "'" | "\\" | newline ) ~ AnyChar) | escape | ("\\" ~ newline) )
def stringTokenChar[$: P] = P( (!("\"" | "'" | "\\" | newline ) ~ AnyChar) | escape | ("\\" ~ newline) )

def stringToken[_p: P] = {
def stringToken[$: P] = {
def stringQuotes1 = P( "\"" ~ stringTokenChar.rep.! ~ "\"" )
def stringQuotes2 = P( "'" ~ stringTokenChar.rep.! ~ "'" )

P( stringQuotes1 | stringQuotes2 ).map(Ast.StringToken)

def urlUnquoted[_p: P] = P( ((!(CharIn("\"\'()\\\\") | whitespace) ~ AnyChar) | escape).rep(1) )
def urlUnquoted[$: P] = P( ((!(CharIn("\"\'()\\\\") | whitespace) ~ AnyChar) | escape).rep(1) )

def urlToken[_p: P] = P( "url(" ~ (ws ~ (urlUnquoted.! | stringToken.!) ~ ws).?.! ~ ")" ).map(Ast.UrlToken)
def urlToken[$: P] = P( "url(" ~ (ws ~ (urlUnquoted.! | stringToken.!) ~ ws).?.! ~ ")" ).map(Ast.UrlToken)

def digit[_p: P] = P( CharIn("0-9") )
def digit[$: P] = P( CharIn("0-9") )

def numberToken[_p: P] = {
def numberToken[$: P] = {
def withPoint = P( digit.rep(1) ~ "." ~ digit.rep(1) )
def withoutPoint = P( digit.rep(1) )
def withE = P( "." ~ digit.rep(1) ~ (CharIn("eE") ~ CharIn("+\\-").? ~ digit.rep(1)).? )
P( (CharIn("+\\-").? ~ (withPoint | withoutPoint | withE)).! ).map(Ast.NumberToken)

def dimensionToken[_p: P] = P( numberToken.! ~ identToken.! ) map
def dimensionToken[$: P] = P( numberToken.! ~ identToken.! ) map
{case (number, ident) => Ast.DimensionToken(number, ident)}

def percentageToken[_p: P] = P( numberToken.! ~ "%" ).map(Ast.PercentageToken)
def percentageToken[$: P] = P( numberToken.! ~ "%" ).map(Ast.PercentageToken)

def unicodeRangeToken[_p: P] = {
def unicodeRangeToken[$: P] = {
def questionMarks = P( (hexDigit.rep(min=1, max=6) ~ "?".rep(min=1, max=5)).! )
def range = P( hexDigit.rep(min=1, max=6).! ~ "-" ~ hexDigit.rep(min=1, max=6).! )
def regular = P( hexDigit.rep(min=1, max=6).! )
Expand All @@ -75,26 +75,26 @@ object CssTokensParser {

def includeMatchToken[_p: P] = P( "~=" ).map{ _ => Ast.IncludeMatchToken()}
def dashMatchToken[_p: P] = P( "|=" ).map{ _ => Ast.DashMatchToken()}
def prefixMatchToken[_p: P] = P( "^=" ).map{ _ => Ast.PrefixMatchToken()}
def suffixMatchToken[_p: P] = P( "$=" ).map{_ => Ast.SuffixMatchToken()}
def substringMatchToken[_p: P] = P( "*=" ).map{_ => Ast.SubstringMatchToken()}
def matchToken[_p: P] = P(
def includeMatchToken[$: P] = P( "~=" ).map{ _ => Ast.IncludeMatchToken()}
def dashMatchToken[$: P] = P( "|=" ).map{ _ => Ast.DashMatchToken()}
def prefixMatchToken[$: P] = P( "^=" ).map{ _ => Ast.PrefixMatchToken()}
def suffixMatchToken[$: P] = P( "$=" ).map{_ => Ast.SuffixMatchToken()}
def substringMatchToken[$: P] = P( "*=" ).map{_ => Ast.SubstringMatchToken()}
def matchToken[$: P] = P(
includeMatchToken | dashMatchToken |
prefixMatchToken | suffixMatchToken |
suffixMatchToken | substringMatchToken |

def columnToken[_p: P] = P( "||" ).map{_ => Ast.ColumnToken()}
def CDOToken[_p: P] = P( "<!--" ).map{_ => Ast.CdoToken()}
def CDCToken[_p: P] = P( "-->" ).map{_ => Ast.CdcToken()}
def columnToken[$: P] = P( "||" ).map{_ => Ast.ColumnToken()}
def CDOToken[$: P] = P( "<!--" ).map{_ => Ast.CdoToken()}
def CDCToken[$: P] = P( "-->" ).map{_ => Ast.CdcToken()}

def delimToken[_p: P] = P( ("::" | CharIn("#$*+,\\-./:<>^~=!")).! ).map(Ast.DelimToken)
def delimToken[$: P] = P( ("::" | CharIn("#$*+,\\-./:<>^~=!")).! ).map(Ast.DelimToken)

// any token except functionToken
def simpleToken[_p: P]: P[Option[Ast.SimpleToken]] = P(
def simpleToken[$: P]: P[Option[Ast.SimpleToken]] = P(
whitespaceToken | atWordToken |
hashToken | matchToken |
columnToken | CDOToken |
Expand All @@ -108,16 +108,16 @@ object CssTokensParser {
case _ => None

def bracketsBlock[_p: P] = P( "(" ~ componentValue.rep ~ ")" ).map(values => Ast.BracketsBlock(values.flatten))
def curlyBracketsBlock[_p: P] = P( "{" ~ componentValue.rep ~ "}" ).map(values => Ast.CurlyBracketsBlock(values.flatten))
def squareBracketsBlock[_p: P] = P( "[" ~ componentValue.rep ~ "]" ).map(values => Ast.SquareBracketsBlock(values.flatten))
def bracketsBlock[$: P] = P( "(" ~ componentValue.rep ~ ")" ).map(values => Ast.BracketsBlock(values.flatten))
def curlyBracketsBlock[$: P] = P( "{" ~ componentValue.rep ~ "}" ).map(values => Ast.CurlyBracketsBlock(values.flatten))
def squareBracketsBlock[$: P] = P( "[" ~ componentValue.rep ~ "]" ).map(values => Ast.SquareBracketsBlock(values.flatten))

def functionBlock[_p: P] = P( functionToken ~ componentValue.rep ~ ")").map{
def functionBlock[$: P] = P( functionToken ~ componentValue.rep ~ ")").map{
case (Ast.FunctionToken(name), values: Seq[Option[Ast.ComponentValue]]) =>
Ast.FunctionBlock(name, Ast.BracketsBlock(values.flatten))

def componentValue[_p: P]: P[Option[Ast.ComponentValue]] = {
def componentValue[$: P]: P[Option[Ast.ComponentValue]] = {
def blockOpt = P( bracketsBlock | curlyBracketsBlock | squareBracketsBlock | functionBlock ).map(Some(_))
P( simpleToken | blockOpt )
Expand All @@ -127,13 +127,13 @@ object CssRulesParser {

import CssTokensParser._

def allSelector[_p: P] = P( "*" ).map{_ => Ast.AllSelector()}
def allSelector[$: P] = P( "*" ).map{_ => Ast.AllSelector()}

def elementSelector[_p: P] = P( identToken.! ).map(Ast.ElementSelector)
def elementSelector[$: P] = P( identToken.! ).map(Ast.ElementSelector)

def idSelector[_p: P] = P( "#" ~ identToken.! ).map(Ast.IdSelector)
def idSelector[$: P] = P( "#" ~ identToken.! ).map(Ast.IdSelector)

def attributeSelector[_p: P] = {
def attributeSelector[$: P] = {
def bracket = P( "[" ~ identToken.! ~ (( "=" | matchToken).! ~ (stringToken | identToken)).? ~ "]" )

P( identToken.!.? ~ bracket.rep(1) ).map{
Expand All @@ -145,77 +145,77 @@ object CssRulesParser {

def partSelector[_p: P] = P( allSelector | attributeSelector | elementSelector )
def partSelector[$: P] = P( allSelector | attributeSelector | elementSelector )

def classSelectorPart[_p: P] = P( "." ~ partSelector ).map(Ast.ClassSelectorPart)
def classSelectorPart[$: P] = P( "." ~ partSelector ).map(Ast.ClassSelectorPart)

def pseudoSelectorPart[_p: P] = P( (("::" | ":") ~ identToken).! ~ ("(" ~ componentValue.rep(1) ~ ")").? ).map{
def pseudoSelectorPart[$: P] = P( (("::" | ":") ~ identToken).! ~ ("(" ~ componentValue.rep(1) ~ ")").? ).map{
case (name, optValues) =>
Ast.PseudoSelectorPart(name, optValues.toSeq.flatten.flatten)

def complexSelectorPart[_p: P] = P( pseudoSelectorPart | classSelectorPart )
def complexSelectorPart[$: P] = P( pseudoSelectorPart | classSelectorPart )

def complexSelector[_p: P] = P( partSelector.? ~ complexSelectorPart.rep(1) ).map{
def complexSelector[$: P] = P( partSelector.? ~ complexSelectorPart.rep(1) ).map{
case (part, parts) => Ast.ComplexSelector(part, parts)

def singleSelector[_p: P]: P[Ast.SingleSelector] = P( complexSelector | partSelector | idSelector | allSelector )
def singleSelector[$: P]: P[Ast.SingleSelector] = P( complexSelector | partSelector | idSelector | allSelector )

def selectorDelim[_p: P] = P( (ws ~ CharIn(",>+~").! ~ ws) | whitespaceToken.rep(1).! ).map{
def selectorDelim[$: P] = P( (ws ~ CharIn(",>+~").! ~ ws) | whitespaceToken.rep(1).! ).map{
case s if s.startsWith(" ") => " "
case s => s

def multipleSelector[_p: P] = P( singleSelector ~ (selectorDelim ~ singleSelector).rep(1) ).map{
def multipleSelector[$: P] = P( singleSelector ~ (selectorDelim ~ singleSelector).rep(1) ).map{
case (firstSelector, selectors) => Ast.MultipleSelector(firstSelector, selectors)

def selector[_p: P]: P[Ast.Selector] = P( multipleSelector | singleSelector | allSelector )
def selector[$: P]: P[Ast.Selector] = P( multipleSelector | singleSelector | allSelector )

def important[_p: P] = P( "!" ~ ws ~ "important" ~ ws)
def important[$: P] = P( "!" ~ ws ~ "important" ~ ws)

def declaration[_p: P] = P( identToken.! ~ ws ~ ":" ~ (!CharIn(";}!") ~ componentValue).rep ~ important.!.?).map{
def declaration[$: P] = P( identToken.! ~ ws ~ ":" ~ (!CharIn(";}!") ~ componentValue).rep ~ important.!.?).map{
case (ident, values, Some(_)) => Ast.Declaration(ident, values.flatten, isImportant = true)
case (ident, values, None) => Ast.Declaration(ident, values.flatten, isImportant = false)

def simpleAtRule[_p: P] = P( atWordToken ~ (!CharIn(";{}") ~ componentValue).rep ).map{
def simpleAtRule[$: P] = P( atWordToken ~ (!CharIn(";{}") ~ componentValue).rep ).map{
case (Ast.AtWordToken(name), values) => Ast.AtRule(name, values.flatten, None)

def declarationList[_p: P] = P( (ws ~ (simpleAtRule | declaration) ~ ws ~ (&("}") | ";")).rep ).map(
def declarationList[$: P] = P( (ws ~ (simpleAtRule | declaration) ~ ws ~ (&("}") | ";")).rep ).map(
s => Ast.DeclarationList({
case atRule: Ast.AtRule => Right(atRule)
case declaration: Ast.Declaration => Left(declaration)

def declAtRule[_p: P] =
def declAtRule[$: P] =
P( atWordToken ~ (!CharIn(";{}") ~ componentValue).rep ~ "{" ~ declarationList ~ ws ~ "}" ).map{
case (Ast.AtWordToken(name), values, block) => Ast.AtRule(name, values.flatten, Some(Left(block)))

def complexAtRule[_p: P] =
def complexAtRule[$: P] =
P( atWordToken ~ (!CharIn(";{}") ~ componentValue).rep ~ "{" ~ ruleList ~ ws ~ "}" ).map{
case (Ast.AtWordToken(name), values, block) => Ast.AtRule(name, values.flatten, Some(Right(block)))

def atRule[_p: P] = P( complexAtRule | declAtRule | (simpleAtRule ~ ";") )
def atRule[$: P] = P( complexAtRule | declAtRule | (simpleAtRule ~ ";") )

def qualifiedRule[_p: P] = P( ((selector ~ ws) | (!"{" ~ componentValue).rep) ~ "{" ~ declarationList ~ ws ~ "}" ).map{
def qualifiedRule[$: P] = P( ((selector ~ ws) | (!"{" ~ componentValue).rep) ~ "{" ~ declarationList ~ ws ~ "}" ).map{
case (values: Seq[Option[Ast.ComponentValue]], block) => Ast.QualifiedRule(Right(values.flatten), block)
case (selector: Ast.Selector, block) => Ast.QualifiedRule(Left(selector), block)

def ruleList[_p: P]: P[Ast.RuleList] = P( (whitespaceToken | atRule | qualifiedRule).rep ).map{
def ruleList[$: P]: P[Ast.RuleList] = P( (whitespaceToken | atRule | qualifiedRule).rep ).map{
s => Ast.RuleList(s flatMap {
case rule: Ast.Rule => Some(rule)
case _ => None

def stylesheet[_p: P] = P( (CDOToken | CDCToken | whitespaceToken | atRule | qualifiedRule).rep ).map{
def stylesheet[$: P] = P( (CDOToken | CDCToken | whitespaceToken | atRule | qualifiedRule).rep ).map{
s => Ast.Stylesheet(s flatMap {
case rule: Ast.Rule => Some(Left(rule))
case ctoken: Ast.CToken => Some(Right(ctoken))
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions fastparse/test/src/fastparse/CustomWhitespaceMathTests.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ object CustomWhitespaceMathTests extends TestSuite{
case "*" => left * right case "/" => left / right
def number[_p: P]: P[Int] = P( CharIn("0-9").rep(1).!.map(_.toInt) )
def parens[_p: P]: P[Int] = P( "(" ~/ addSub ~ ")" )
def factor[_p: P]: P[Int] = P( number | parens )
def number[$: P]: P[Int] = P( CharIn("0-9").rep(1).!.map(_.toInt) )
def parens[$: P]: P[Int] = P( "(" ~/ addSub ~ ")" )
def factor[$: P]: P[Int] = P( number | parens )

def divMul[_p: P]: P[Int] = P( factor ~ (CharIn("*/").! ~/ factor).rep ).map(eval)
def addSub[_p: P]: P[Int] = P( divMul ~ (CharIn("+\\-").! ~/ divMul).rep ).map(eval)
def expr[_p: P]: P[Int] = P( " ".rep ~ addSub ~ " ".rep ~ End )
def divMul[$: P]: P[Int] = P( factor ~ (CharIn("*/").! ~/ factor).rep ).map(eval)
def addSub[$: P]: P[Int] = P( divMul ~ (CharIn("+\\-").! ~/ divMul).rep ).map(eval)
def expr[$: P]: P[Int] = P( " ".rep ~ addSub ~ " ".rep ~ End )

val tests = Tests {
Expand Down

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