Tokyo Theme for Plone implements Bootstrap 4 into Plone, with an emphasis on keeping things as close to "default" as possible.

- Responsive mobile first theme for Plone
- No Dependencies to Barceloneta
- No Diazo Rules
- No Toolbar
- No Portlets
- Plone patterns still persistent
- Default Bootstrap 5 for form fields and views
- Bootstrap 5 components and JavaScript
- Bootstrap Icons are available
- Uses
Full documentation for end users can be found in the "docs" folder.
This theme is developed and maintained by operun Digital Solutions. Check out other projects we developed based on the Enterprise Content Management System Plone.
This product has been translated into:
- English (thanks, Netroxen)
- German (thanks, santonelli)
- Czech (thanks, olda-a)
- Some missing view overrides
- Some unstyled form widgets and fields
Some views implement custom forms that do not use z3c.form. In these cases it's possible the form fields may be styled incorrectly. We encourage users to report missing, broken or incomplete views (see below).
Install by adding it to your buildout:
[buildout] ... eggs =
and then running bin/buildout
- Version 0.x and 1.x works with Plone 5.2
- Version 2.x works with Plone 6
- Issue Tracker:
- Source Code:
If you are having issues, please let us know. We have a issue tracker located at:
The project is licensed under the GPLv2.