Contains all the good stuff that produces my preferred configuration on my computer
- Installs Homebrew and Homebrew Cask for application management and installation (View The Complete List)
- Awesome Aliases
- RVM, Node and Z
- Vim configurations
- OSX configurations
- Custom functions
- And so much more...
There is absolutely NO guarantee for this project to work on your machine. Only use this if you know what you are doing. This was setup and tested on OS X 10.9 Mavericks.
I prefer it in the root of my user directory of the Mac so we'll clone it there.
git clone ~/DotFiles
cd ~/DotFiles
If you wish, you can install what you need individually, comment out what you don't want or just run it. Let's assume you want it all.
This script will install
Since one of the scripts being built is the .gitconfig, you should make sure you edit the name and email you want to use for your Git commits. This can be found in the .gitconfig dotfile and look for the [user] code.
name = Your Name
email = [email protected]
In the .aliases file, you'll find a list of very help aliases to cut down on your command line typing. There are also some specific to my file system and infrastructure that probable will be irrelevant to you. The lines of code that you probably won't need is everything under the "Website Shortcuts".
These Dotfiles make use of Brew Cask to pragmatically install the applications I need installed on my Mac. You should Review the list I have in the .brew file and make any adjustments you need.
Now that we have configured everything, lets run the bootstrap file by entering the command below into terminal. The bootstrap file will pull all the files from the repo and add to the root of your user account.
I feel it's important to keep the cloned repo separate from the actual files the OS will utilize.
Ok, everything set, lets run the script and get our dotfiles working!
That's it! Your Mac should be setup as you see fit!
Below is a complete list of applications that will be installed by Homebrew Cask
- Adobe Air
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- Alfred
- AppCleaner
- ChromeCast
- Evernote
- FireFox
- Google Chrome
- HipChat
- iTerm 2
- Kindle for Mac
- Opera
- 1Password
- Node
- Pandora One
- PoEdit
- Sequel Pro
- SizeUp
- Skype
- SourceTree
- Spotify
- Sublime Text 2 (waiting for ST3 in the Homebrew Cask repo...)
- Transmit
- Vagrant
- VirtualBox