Manages the installation and configuration of Drush globally. Either using Drush Launcher (Drush >=9) or Drush as a global command (Drush < 9).
- Drush cli installation
- Execute core drush commands from puppet
- site-install
- pm-enable
- pm-download
- etc...
- Enables auto-complete configuration (see
- Configure /etc/drush/drush.ini file through Hiera
Since Drush requires composer to be installed, this module depends on the feature-20 branch of tPl0ch/composer to install drush.
This module is primarily tested on CentOS. If someone wants to test and commit patches for other Linux distros please do so.
include drush
class {'drush':
version => '6.*', # Version options include specific values like '6.2.0', latest stable as '6.*' or dev with 'dev-master'
drush_cmd => '/usr/bin/drush', # Directory to place the drush executable
composer_home => '/usr/local/share/composer', # Directory where composer will install drush
drush::si {"drush-si-${name}":
profile => $profile,
db_url => $db_url,
site_root => $site_root,
account_name => $account_name,
account_pass => $account_pass,
account_mail => $account_mail,
clean_url => $clean_url,
db_prefix => $db_prefix,
db_su => $db_su,
db_su_pw => $db_su_pw,
locale => $locale,
site_mail => $site_mail,
site_name => $site_name,
sites_subdir => $sitessubdir,
settings => $keyvalue,
onlyif => "test ! -f ${site_root}/sites/${sitessubdir}/settings.php -a -f ${site_root}/index.php",
require => [
Some configuration options can be passed in through Hiera
memory_limit: 128M
max_execution_time: 300
error_reporting: E_ALL | E_NOTICE | E_STRICT
display_errors: stderr
user: myuser
- $options['my_drush_option'] = 'value';
- $aliases['another_option']['array'] = 'another value';
user: root
- $options['global_option'] = 'value';
location: /etc/drush
Some options require you to embed the actual section of the PHP array normally found in your site aliases file. This is true for any option which has an indefinite set of options. The commands include
- shell_aliases
- command_specific
- target_command_specific
- source_command_specific
- variables
To denote the block of text use the '>' operator in your YAML configuration. See "command_specific" in the example below.
name: 'dfapp'
description: "Dropfort Group Aliases"
name: 'local'
uri: ''
os: 'Linux'
root: /var/www/html/app
name: 'qa'
uri: ''
remote_host: ''
parent: 'prod'
name: 'prod'
uri: ''
root: '/var/www/html/app'
remote_host: ''
command_specific: >
'sql-sync' => array(
'no-cache' => TRUE,
Enfore policies when running certain commands. Best example would be to limit sql-sync with production sites. Name the policy and use the '>' text block operator to wrap your PHP code.
sql_sync: >
* Implement of drush_hook_COMMAND_validate().
* Prevent catastrophic braino. Note that this file has to be local to the machine
* that intitiates sql-sync command.
function drush_policy_sql_sync_validate($source = NULL, $destination = NULL) {
if ($destination == '@prod') {
return drush_set_error('POLICY_DENY', dt('Per examples/, you may never overwrite the production database.'));
For more examples, see the Drupal Site Install puppet module.