Terrarium is a relatively low latency, easy to use, and economical Python sandbox - to be used as a docker deployed container, for example in GCP Cloud Run - for executing untrusted user or LLM generated python
- Terrarium is fast: 900ms runtime to generate a 200 dpi png with a simple matplotlib barchart - 500 ms for a svg version. (hosted on GCP Cloud Run)
- Terrarium is cheap: We spent less than $30 a month hosting terrarium on GCP during internal annotations (2GB mem + 1vCPU and at least 1 alive instance + autoscale on demand)
- Terrarium is fully compartmentalized: The sandbox gets completely recycled after every invocation. No state whatsoever is carried over between calls. Cohere does not give any guarantees for the sandbox integrity.
- Terrarium supports native input & output files: You can send any number & type of files as part of the request and we put it them in the python filesystem. After the code execution we gather up all generated files and return them with the response.
- Terrarium supports many common packages: Terrarium runs on Pyodide, therefore it supports numpy, pandas, matplotlib, sympy, and other standard python packages.
Using the deployed Cloud Run is super easy - just call it with the code
to run & authorization bearer (if so configured) as follows:
curl -X POST --url <name of your deployed gcp cloud run> \
-H "Authorization: bearer $(gcloud auth print-identity-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--no-buffer \
--data-raw '{"code": "1 + 1"}'
which returns:
The authentication gcloud auth print-identity-token
needs to be renewed every hour.
See terrarium_client.py
for an easy-to-use python function to call the service - including file input & output functionality via base64 encoded files.
The sandbox is composed of multiple layers:
Parse, compile, & execute python code inside a node.js process - via CPython compiled to webassembly, not running natively - with https://pyodide.org/en/stable/index.html. This approach restricts the untrusted code's abilities:
- NO access to the filesystem (pyodide provides a compartmentalized memory only guest filesystem)
- NO threading & multiprocessing
- NO ability to call a subprocess
- NO access to any of our hosts memory
- NO access to other call states: we recycle the full pyodide environment (including the virtual file system, global state, loaded libs ... the works) after every call
- NO network nor internet access (this is a current design choice and could be changed in the future)
Deploy the node.js host into a GCP Cloud Run container, which restricts:
- runtime
- decouples the node.js host (in case of a breakout) from the rest of our network
The following packages are supported out of the box: https://pyodide.org/en/stable/usage/packages-in-pyodide.html including, but not limited to:
- numpy
- pandas
- sympy
- beautifulsoup4
- matplotlib (plt.show() is not supported, but plt.savefig() works like a charm - most of the time)
- python-sat
- scikit-learn
- scipy
- sqlite3 (not enabled by default, but we could load it as well)
You need node.js installed on your system. To install dependencies run:
npm install
mkdir pyodide_cache
run the server & function locally:
npm run dev
execute code in the terrarium:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--url http://localhost:8080 \
--data-raw '{"code": "1 + 1"}' \
run a set of test files (all .py files in /test
) through the endpoint with:
python terrarium_client.py http://localhost:8080
To run in docker:
docker build -t terrarium .
docker run -p 8080:8080 terrarium
docker ps
to get the container id and then
docker stop {container_id}
Allocating more resources to speed up run time as well as limiting concurrency from Cloud Run:
gcloud run deploy <insert name of your deployment here> \
--region=us-central1 \
--source . \
--concurrency=1 \
--min-instances=3 \
--max-instances=100 \
--cpu=2 \
--memory=4Gi \
--no-cpu-throttling \
--cpu-boost \
Pyodide today runs on the node.js main process, and can block node.js from responding. Pyodide recommends using a Worker if we need to interrupt. However the interface with pyodide would be through message passing, and it doesn't support matplotlib amongst other libraries.
Example code that would trigger a timeout.
curl -m 110 -X POST <insert name of your deployment here> \
-H "Authorization: bearer $(gcloud auth print-identity-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"code": "import time\ntime.sleep(200)"
Cloud Run doesn't support Dockerfile healthcheck. Once the service is deployed for the first time, you need to grab the service.yaml file and add the liveness probe.
gcloud run services describe <insert name of your deployment here> --format export > service.yaml
Add livenessProbe after the image
failureThreshold: 1
path: /health
port: 8080
periodSeconds: 100
timeoutSeconds: 1
Run gcloud run services replace service.yaml
This is only needed once per new Cloud Run service deployed.
Docker itself doesn't support auto-restarts based on HEALTHCHECK (it seems). Process with pid 1
seems protected, and can't be killed. Would need to spin up a separate service like so: https://github.com/willfarrell/docker-autoheal
For large & complex computations we sometimes observe untraceble "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded" exceptions in Pyodide.
- This increasingly happens when we set a too high dpi parameter on png saves for matplotlib figures
- Or highly complex pandas operations
See also: https://blog.pyodide.org/posts/function-pointer-cast-handling/