Burger is a eating App builded with Node.js, Express, MySQL, Handlebars and Materialize. This application demostrate a simple >full stack application with front-end implemented with HTML/CSS and elements from the Materialized framework and backend >implemented with Node.js and Express. The HTML is done with the help of Handlebars.
The burger demo eaiting application can be found in **here.
- npm init => initialize package.json
- npm install => create package-lock.json
- npm install => Install the npm express package
- npm i inquirer => install inquirer package
- npm i dotenv => install dotenv package
to run the application locally, first clone this repository with the following command.
git clone [email protected]:codifyme/burger.git
next, install the application dependecies. cd burger npm install Finally, run it in your Visual Code editor code . node server.js
Now, open the local App on port 3000 at your browser URL:
- Visual Studio Code - Text Edito
- Heroku
- Node.js
- Terminal/Gitbash
- Angel-Cochachez. JS/Node.js
Have a nice day and enjoy your burger! Thank