Welcome to the code repository of the Open Event Search Engine (OESE) and Open Events Database project.
We have a fancy project homepage here: http://events.input23.de
If you want to run the Events Database, you only need to install docker and docker-compose.
If you are on a newer Ubuntu Version follow the instructions of: https://gist.github.com/wdullaer/f1af16bd7e970389bad3
###Run the Elasticsearch instance and import event data
Start ElasticSearch, Kibana:
[sudo] docker-compose up -d
Setup the elasticsearch index:
(You only need to do this once before the first run of the event importers)
cd elasticserch;./create_index.sh
Run the importers to import data into your elasticsearch instance: Check out the directory
and run the import engines of your desired regions or event types.E.g. for the Münster events this would be:
cd scripts cd scrapers-muenster ./install.sh perl muenster-scraper.pl
###Run the JSON REST API
In order to start it, you just need to docker-compose up
and then start the Strongloop Loopback API Server. Check out the details in our detailed readme for strongloop.
Then you can check out the following urls:
- Use the Sense interface to run queries on the database: http://localhost:5601/app/sense
- Explore the data using Kibana: http://localhost:5601
# geo location query for events
curl -XGET localhost:9200/events/event/_search?pretty=true -d '
"query" : {
"match_all" : {}
"filter" : {
"geo_distance" : {
"distance" : "10km",
"event.location.geo" : {
"lat" : "51.96066",
"lon" : "7.62613"
Check out the ElasticSearch example queries page
- What is planned for this project? Here is an old post from the forum: (in german) http://forum.codeformuenster.org/t/open-calendar-offene-termindatenbank/109
- How can I help? If any of the project parts are interesting for you (search engine, website scraping, search engine frontend), please check out the contact information on our project page http://events.input23.de or check out the github issues.
The architecture of the Sytem is based on the following diagram:
right side (light blue) = frontend, left side (yellow) = backend