Major points:
- Add velocity-equilibrium model. Read the following paper for more information: K. Schmidmayer, J. Cazé, F. Petitpas, E. Daniel, N. Favrie. "Modelling interactions between waves and diffused interfaces". 2021.
- Add velocity-equilibrium model based on total-energy equations. Read the previous paper for more information.
- Possibility to use another gradient method (Green-Gauss) which is compatible with unstructured meshes. Previously, finite differences were the only available.
- Possibility to use low-Mach preconditioning technique for Euler & pressure-velocity-equilibrium models.
- Option to use 1D with smooth cross-section-variation scheme (useful for nozzles).
- Add models augmented Euler-Korteweg and defocusing non-linear Schrödinger as well as Van der Waals equation of state. Mainly experimental work.
Minor points:
- Possibility to reduce output variable number for UEq and PUEq models.
- Restarting computation possible for all models for XML format output.
- Possibility to record flux on boundary (massflow, total enthalpy) and/or flow quantities (density, pressure, velocity) in agreement with Moving Reference Frame method.
- Possibility to set precision for specific outputs (probes, cuts, global quantities, boundary flux/quantities).
- Possibility to run test cases from a different folder.
- Minor modification of axi-symmetric computations for second-order simulations.
- Better handling of pressure relaxations when Newton-Raphson method does not converge.
- Update of documentation regarding test cases.
- Fix recording of probes with computational restart.
- Fix bug on unstructured meshes using hexaedron and prisms.
- Correction on NASG EOS to allow null volume fractions.
- Fix bug GNU dataset output precision.
- Fix bug AMR parallel when large domains were used
- Fix bug AMR parallel on printing of load.