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cockroachdb: introduce multi-register test
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This change introduces a new "multi-register" jepsen test for
CockroachDB. The test is similar to "register" in that it performs
reads and writes on atomic registers. However, unlike "register",
the new test runs transactions that access multiple registers. It
then uses the new Knossos "multi-register" checker to search for
non-linearizable histories across the component transactions.

The goal here is to tickle single-key linearizability violations that
only occur with multi-Range transactions. To that end, the test splits
each register into its own table.
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nvanbenschoten committed Apr 5, 2019
1 parent dd05e87 commit 29290d6
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Showing 5 changed files with 174 additions and 10 deletions.
33 changes: 28 additions & 5 deletions cockroachdb/
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Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ The following tests are implemented:
concurrent atomic updates to a shared register;

concurrent atomic updates to multiple shared registers;

concurrent unique appends to a shared table;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,8 +95,8 @@ Nemeses:
Jepsen will test every combination of `nemesis` and `nemesis2`, except where
both nemeses would be identical, or both would introduce clock skew.

Test details: atomic updates
Test details: register

One table contains a single row.

Expand All @@ -108,6 +111,23 @@ At the end, a linearizability checker validates that the trace of
reads as observed from each client is compatible with a linearizable
history of across all nodes.

Test details: multi-register

One table containing a fixed set of rows.

Jepsen sends concurrently to different nodes transactions that
either read from a random subset of registers or write to a random
subset of registers.

Each node may report ok, the operation is known to have succeeded;
fail, the operation is known to have failed; and unknown otherwise
(e.g. the connection dropped before the answer could be read).

At the end, a linearizability checker validates that the trace of
reads as observed from each client is compatible with a linearizable
history of across all nodes.

Test details: unique appends (sets)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,7 +179,8 @@ fail, the operation is known to have failed; and unknown otherwise
At the end, the checker validates that the sum of the remaining
balances of all accounts is the same as the initial sum.

## Test details: sequential
Test details: sequential

Cockroach does not offer strict serializability. However, as a consequence of
its implementation of hybrid logical clocks, all transactions *on a particular
Expand All @@ -179,13 +200,15 @@ occur from the same process, they must also be visible to any single process in
that order. This implies that once a process observes k<sub>n</sub>, any
subsequent read must see k<sub>n-1</sub>, and by induction, all smaller keys.

## Test details: G2
Test details: G2

Transactions select a predicate over two tables, then insert to one or the
other if no rows are present. Serializability implies that at most one
transaction may commit per predicate.

## Test details: comments
Test details: comments

This test demonstrates a known strict serializability violation in Cockroach
and is intended to fail. It performs a sequence of concurrent inserts to a
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19 changes: 16 additions & 3 deletions cockroachdb/src/jepsen/cockroach/client.clj
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[conn table values where]
(j/update! conn table values where {:timeout timeout-delay}))

(defn execute!
"Like jdbc execute!, but includes a default timeout."
[conn sql-params]
(j/execute! conn sql-params {:timeout timeout-delay}))

(defn db-time
"Retrieve the current time (precise, monotonic) from the database."
Expand All @@ -301,11 +306,19 @@

(defn val->sql-str
"Converts a scalar value to its SQL string representation"
(if (number? v)
(str "'" v "'")))

(defn split!
"Split the given table at the given key."
[conn table k]
(query conn [(str "alter table " (name table) " split at values ("
(if (number? k)
(str "'" k "'"))
(if (coll? k)
(str/join ", "
(map val->sql-str k))
(val->sql-str k))
127 changes: 127 additions & 0 deletions cockroachdb/src/jepsen/cockroach/multiregister.clj
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@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
(ns jepsen.cockroach.multiregister
"Multiple atomic registers test
Splits registers up into different tables to make sure they fall in
different ranges"
(:refer-clojure :exclude [test])
(:require [jepsen [cockroach :as cockroach]
[client :as client]
[checker :as checker]
[generator :as gen]
[reconnect :as rc]
[independent :as independent]
[util :as util]]
[jepsen.checker.timeline :as timeline]
[jepsen.cockroach.client :as c]
[jepsen.cockroach.nemesis :as cln]
[ :as j]
[ :refer :all]
[knossos.model :as model]))

(def reg-count 5)
(def reg-range (range reg-count))

(def table-prefix "String prepended to all table names." "register_")
(defn id->table
"Turns an id into a table name string"
(str table-prefix id))
(def table-names (map id->table reg-range))

(defn r
"Read a random register."
[_ _]
(->> (take 1 (shuffle reg-range))
(mapv (fn [id] [:read id nil]))
(array-map :type :invoke, :f :txn, :value)))

(defn w
"Write a random subset of registers."
[_ _]
(->> (util/random-nonempty-subset reg-range)
(mapv (fn [id] [:write id (rand-int 10)]))
(array-map :type :invoke, :f :txn, :value)))

(defrecord MultiAtomicClient [tbl-created? conn]

(open! [this test node]
(assoc this :conn (c/client node)))

(setup! [this test]
;; Everyone's gotta block until we've made the tables.
(locking tbl-created?
(when (compare-and-set! tbl-created? false true)
(c/with-conn [c conn]
(info "Creating tables" (pr-str table-names))
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(doseq [t table-names]
(j/execute! c [(str "drop table if exists " t)]))
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(doseq [t table-names]
(j/execute! c [(str "create table " t
" (ik int primary key, val int)")])
(info "Created table" t))))))

(invoke! [this test op]
(c/with-idempotent #{:read}
(c/with-exception->op op
(c/with-conn [c conn]
(c/with-txn [c c]
(let [[ik txn] (:value op)
txn' (mapv
(fn [[f id val]]
(let [t (id->table id)
val' (case f
(-> c
; Look up and return current value
(c/query [(str "select val from " t " where ik = ?") ik]
{:row-fn :val :timeout c/timeout-delay})

; Perform blind write on key, return value
(c/execute! c [(str "upsert into " t " values (?, ?)") ik val])
(cockroach/update-keyrange! test t ik)
[f id val']))
(assoc op :type :ok, :value (independent/tuple ik txn'))))
(catch org.postgresql.util.PSQLException e
(if (re-find #"ERROR: restart transaction" (.getMessage e))
; Definitely failed
(assoc op :type :fail)
(throw e)))))))))

(teardown! [this test]

(close! [this test]
(rc/close! conn)))

(defn test
{:name "multi-register"
:client {:client (MultiAtomicClient. (atom false) nil)
:during (independent/concurrent-generator
(* 2 (count (:nodes opts)))
(fn [k]
(->> (gen/mix [r w])
(gen/delay-til 1/2)
(gen/stagger 1/100)
(gen/limit 100))))}
:model (model/multi-register {})
:checker (checker/compose
{:perf (checker/perf)
:details (independent/checker
{:timeline (timeline/html)
:linearizable (checker/linearizable)}))})}
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions cockroachdb/src/jepsen/cockroach/register.clj
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Expand Up @@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
[checker :as checker]
[generator :as gen]
[reconnect :as rc]
[independent :as independent]
[util :refer [meh]]]
[independent :as independent]]
[jepsen.checker.timeline :as timeline]
[jepsen.cockroach.client :as c]
[jepsen.cockroach.nemesis :as cln]
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions cockroachdb/src/jepsen/cockroach/runner.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
[bank :as bank]
[comments :as comments]
[register :as register]
[multiregister :as multiregister]
[monotonic :as monotonic]
[nemesis :as cln]
[sets :as sets]
Expand All @@ -28,6 +29,7 @@
"bank-multitable" bank/multitable-test
"comments" comments/test
"register" register/test
"multi-register" multiregister/test
"monotonic" monotonic/test
"sets" sets/test
"sequential" sequential/test
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