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backupccl: introduce backup fixture generator framework
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Previously, we either created backup fixtures by manually creating and running
workloads on roachprod or using unweildy bash scripts. This patch introduces a
framework that makes it easy to generate a backup fixture via the roachtest
api. Once the fixture writer specifies a foreground workload (e.g. tpce) and a
scheduled backup specification, a single `roachprod run` invocation will create
the fixture in a cloud bucket that can be easily fetched by restore roachtests.

The fixture creator can initialize a foreground workload using a `workload
init` cmd or by restoring from an old fixture.

Note that the vast majority of the test specifications are "skipped" so they
are not run in the nightly roachtest suite. Creating large fixtures is
expensive and only need to be recreated once a major release. This patch
creates 5 new "roachtests":
- backupFixture/tpce/15GB/aws [disaster-recovery]
- backupFixture/tpce/32TB/aws [disaster-recovery] (skipped)
- backupFixture/tpce/400GB/aws [disaster-recovery] (skipped)
- backupFixture/tpce/400GB/gce [disaster-recovery] (skipped)
- backupFixture/tpce/8TB/aws [disaster-recovery] (skipped)

In the future, this framework should be extended to make it easier to write
backup-restore roundtrip tests as well.

Fixes #99787

Release note: None
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msbutler committed May 5, 2023
1 parent f4b07ba commit 91d7859
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303 changes: 303 additions & 0 deletions pkg/cmd/roachtest/tests/backup_fixtures.go
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// Copyright 2023 The Cockroach Authors.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
// licenses/APL.txt.

package tests

import (


func makeBackupFixtureSpecs(override scheduledBackupSpecs) scheduledBackupSpecs {
backupSpecs := makeBackupSpecs(override.backupSpecs, defaultBackupFixtureSpecs.backupSpecs)
specs := scheduledBackupSpecs{
backupSpecs: backupSpecs,
crontab: defaultBackupFixtureSpecs.crontab,
if override.crontab != "" {
specs.crontab = override.crontab
override.ignoreExistingBackups = specs.ignoreExistingBackups
// TODO(msbutler): validate the crdb version roachtest will use. We don't want to create a 23.1.0
// backup with a master binary, for example.
return specs

// defaultBackupFixtureSpecs defines the default scheduled backup used to create a fixture.
var defaultBackupFixtureSpecs = scheduledBackupSpecs{
crontab: "*/5 * * * *",
backupSpecs: backupSpecs{
version: "23.1.0",
cloud: spec.AWS,
fullBackupDir: "LATEST",
backupsIncluded: 24,
workload: tpceRestore{
customers: 25000,

type scheduledBackupSpecs struct {

// ignoreExistingBackups if set to true, will allow a new backup chain
// to get written to an already existing backup collection. The default option
// of false prevents roachtest users from overriding the latest backup in a
// collection, which may be used in restore roachtests.
ignoreExistingBackups bool
crontab string

func (sbs scheduledBackupSpecs) scheduledBackupCmd() string {
// This backup schedule will first run a full backup immediately and then the
// incremental backups at the given crontab cadence until the user cancels the
// backup schedules. To ensure that only one full backup chain gets created,
// begin the backup schedule at the beginning of the week, as a new full
// backup will get created on Sunday at Midnight ;)
var ignoreExistingBackupsOpt string
if sbs.ignoreExistingBackups {
ignoreExistingBackupsOpt = "ignore_existing_backups"
backupCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`BACKUP INTO %s WITH revision_history`, sbs.backupCollection())
cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`CREATE SCHEDULE schedule_cluster FOR %s RECURRING '%s' FULL BACKUP '@weekly' WITH SCHEDULE OPTIONS first_run = 'now', %s`,
backupCmd, sbs.crontab, ignoreExistingBackupsOpt)
return cmd

type backupFixtureSpecs struct {
// hardware specifies the roachprod specs to create the backup fixture on.
hardware hardwareSpecs

// backup specifies the scheduled backup fixture which will be created.
backup scheduledBackupSpecs

// initFromBackupSpecs, if specified, initializes the cluster via restore of an older fixture.
// The fields specified here will override any fields specified in the backup field above.
initFromBackupSpecs backupSpecs

timeout time.Duration
tags map[string]struct{}
testName string

// If non-empty, the test will be skipped with the supplied reason.
skip string

func (bf *backupFixtureSpecs) initTestName() {
bf.testName = "backupFixture/" + bf.backup.workload.String() + "/" +

func makeBackupDriver(t test.Test, c cluster.Cluster, sp backupFixtureSpecs) backupDriver {
return backupDriver{
t: t,
c: c,
sp: sp,

type backupDriver struct {
sp backupFixtureSpecs

t test.Test
c cluster.Cluster

func (bd *backupDriver) prepareCluster(ctx context.Context) {

if bd.c.Spec().Cloud != {
// For now, only run the test on the cloud provider that also stores the backup.
bd.t.Skip(fmt.Sprintf("test configured to run on %s",

bd.c.Put(ctx, bd.t.Cockroach(), "./cockroach")
bd.c.Start(ctx, bd.t.L(), option.DefaultStartOptsNoBackups(), install.MakeClusterSettings(), bd.sp.hardware.getCRDBNodes())
if !bd.sp.backup.ignoreExistingBackups {
// This check allows the roachtest to fail fast, instead of when the
// scheduled backup cmd is issued.
require.False(bd.t, bd.checkForExistingBackupCollection(ctx))

// checkForExistingBackupCollection returns true if there exists a backup in the collection path.
func (bd *backupDriver) checkForExistingBackupCollection(ctx context.Context) bool {
collectionQuery := fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT count(*) FROM [SHOW BACKUPS IN %s]`,
conn := bd.c.Conn(ctx, bd.t.L(), 1)
sql := sqlutils.MakeSQLRunner(conn)
var collectionCount int
sql.QueryRow(bd.t, collectionQuery).Scan(&collectionCount)
return collectionCount > 0

func (bd *backupDriver) initWorkload(ctx context.Context) {
if bd.sp.initFromBackupSpecs.version == "" {
bd.t.L().Printf(`Initializing workload via ./workload init`)
bd.sp.backup.workload.initWorkload(ctx, bd.t, bd.c, bd.sp.hardware)
bd.t.L().Printf(`Initializing workload via restore`)
restoreDriver := makeRestoreDriver(bd.t, bd.c, restoreSpecs{
hardware: bd.sp.hardware,
backup: makeBackupSpecs(bd.sp.initFromBackupSpecs, bd.sp.backup.backupSpecs),
// Only restore the database because a cluster restore will also restore the
// scheduled_jobs system table, which will automatically begin any backed up
// backup schedules, which complicates fixture generation.
target := fmt.Sprintf("DATABASE %s", restoreDriver.sp.backup.workload.DatabaseName())
require.NoError(bd.t,, target))

func (bd *backupDriver) runWorkload(ctx context.Context) error {
return bd.sp.backup.workload.foregroundRun(ctx, bd.t, bd.c, bd.sp.hardware)

// scheduleBackups begins the backup schedule.
func (bd *backupDriver) scheduleBackups(ctx context.Context) {
conn := bd.c.Conn(ctx, bd.t.L(), 1)
sql := sqlutils.MakeSQLRunner(conn)
sql.Exec(bd.t, bd.sp.backup.scheduledBackupCmd())

// monitorBackups pauses the schedule once the target number of backups in the
// chain have been taken.
func (bd *backupDriver) monitorBackups(ctx context.Context) {
conn := bd.c.Conn(ctx, bd.t.L(), 1)
sql := sqlutils.MakeSQLRunner(conn)

for {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Minute)
var activeScheduleCount int
sql.QueryRow(bd.t, `SELECT count(*) FROM [SHOW SCHEDULES] WHERE label ='schedule_cluster' and schedule_status='ACTIVE'`).Scan(&activeScheduleCount)
if activeScheduleCount < 2 {
bd.t.L().Printf(`First full backup still running`)
var backupCount int
backupCountQuery := fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT count(DISTINCT end_time) FROM [SHOW BACKUP FROM LATEST IN %s]`, bd.sp.backup.backupCollection())
sql.QueryRow(bd.t, backupCountQuery).Scan(&backupCount)
bd.t.L().Printf(`%d scheduled backups taken`, backupCount)
if backupCount >= bd.sp.backup.backupsIncluded {
sql.QueryRow(bd.t, `PAUSE SCHEDULES WITH x AS (SHOW SCHEDULES) SELECT id FROM x WHERE label = 'schedule_cluster'`)

func registerBackupFixtures(r registry.Registry) {
for _, bf := range []backupFixtureSpecs{
// Default AWS Backup Fixture
hardware: makeHardwareSpecs(hardwareSpecs{workloadNode: true}),
backup: makeBackupFixtureSpecs(scheduledBackupSpecs{}),
timeout: 5 * time.Hour,
initFromBackupSpecs: backupSpecs{version: "v22.2.0"},
skip: "only for fixture generation",
tags: registry.Tags("aws"),
// Default Fixture, Run on GCE. Initiated by the tpce --init.
hardware: makeHardwareSpecs(hardwareSpecs{workloadNode: true}),
backup: makeBackupFixtureSpecs(scheduledBackupSpecs{
backupSpecs: backupSpecs{
cloud: spec.GCE}}),
timeout: 5 * time.Hour,
skip: "only for fixture generation",
// 15 GB Backup Fixture. Note, this fixture is created every night to
// ensure the fixture generation code works.
hardware: makeHardwareSpecs(hardwareSpecs{workloadNode: true, cpus: 4}),
backup: makeBackupFixtureSpecs(
crontab: "*/2 * * * *",
ignoreExistingBackups: true,
backupSpecs: backupSpecs{
backupsIncluded: 4,
workload: tpceRestore{customers: 1000}}}),
initFromBackupSpecs: backupSpecs{version: "v22.2.1", backupProperties: "inc-count=48"},
timeout: 2 * time.Hour,
tags: registry.Tags("aws"),
// 8TB Backup Fixture.
hardware: makeHardwareSpecs(hardwareSpecs{nodes: 10, volumeSize: 2000, workloadNode: true}),
backup: makeBackupFixtureSpecs(scheduledBackupSpecs{
backupSpecs: backupSpecs{
workload: tpceRestore{customers: 500000}}}),
timeout: 25 * time.Hour,
initFromBackupSpecs: backupSpecs{version: "v22.2.1"},
// add the weekly tags to allow an over 24 hour timeout.
tags: registry.Tags("weekly", "aws-weekly"),
skip: "only for fixture generation",
// 32TB Backup Fixture.
hardware: makeHardwareSpecs(hardwareSpecs{nodes: 15, cpus: 16, volumeSize: 5000, workloadNode: true}),
backup: makeBackupFixtureSpecs(scheduledBackupSpecs{
backupSpecs: backupSpecs{
workload: tpceRestore{customers: 2000000}}}),
initFromBackupSpecs: backupSpecs{version: "v22.2.1"},
timeout: 48 * time.Hour,
// add the weekly tags to allow an over 24 hour timeout.
tags: registry.Tags("weekly", "aws-weekly"),
skip: "only for fixture generation",
} {
bf := bf
Name: bf.testName,
Owner: registry.OwnerDisasterRecovery,
Cluster: bf.hardware.makeClusterSpecs(r,,
Timeout: bf.timeout,
EncryptionSupport: registry.EncryptionMetamorphic,
Tags: bf.tags,
Skip: bf.skip,
Run: func(ctx context.Context, t test.Test, c cluster.Cluster) {

bd := makeBackupDriver(t, c, bf)
m := c.NewMonitor(ctx)

workloadCtx, workloadCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer workloadCancel()
workloadDoneCh := make(chan struct{})
m.Go(func(ctx context.Context) error {
defer close(workloadDoneCh)
err := bd.runWorkload(workloadCtx)
// The workload should only return an error if the roachtest driver cancels the
// workloadCtx is cancelled after the backup schedule completes.
if err != nil && workloadCtx.Err() == nil {
// Implies the workload context was not cancelled and the workload cmd returned a
// different error.
return errors.Wrapf(err, `Workload context was not cancelled. Error returned by workload cmd`)
bd.t.L().Printf("workload successfully finished")
return nil
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions pkg/cmd/roachtest/tests/registry.go
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