Native MQTT v3.1.1 for React Native
This is an MQTT v3.1.1 client library for React Native. It utilizes native MQTT client libraries and exposes them via a unified Javascript interface.
This library uses the following native MQTT client libraries:
- iOS -
- Android -
npm install react-native-mqtt-v3
yarn add react-native-mqtt-v3
import { createMqttClient } from 'react-native-mqtt-v3';
// ...
const mqttClient = await createMqttClient({
clientId: 'rnmqttv31883',
host: '',
port: 1883,
await mqttClient.connect();
await mqttClient.subscribe('cnhongwei/#');
await mqttClient.publish(
new Buffer('Hello ' + new Date().toISOString()).toString(
await mqttClient.unsubscribe('cnhongwei/#');
await mqttClient.disconnect();
await mqttClient.close();
// ...
mqttClient.onDisconnect((message) => {})
mqttClient.onMessage(({ topic, base64Message }) => {});
# Downlaod CA (PEM format)
curl -o ca.crt
# Downlaod CA (DER format)
curl -o ca.der
# Base64 DER ca
base64 -b 64 -i ca.der
# Generate a private key
openssl genrsa -out client.key
# Generate the CSR
openssl req -out client.csr -key client.key -new -subj "/C=CN/O=Mosquitto/CN=Mosquitto"
# Generate key:
curl '' --data-urlencode "csr=$(cat client.csr)" -o client.crt
# Generate p12 certificates without pass
openssl pkcs12 -export -in client.crt -inkey client.key -out client.p12 -CAfile ca.crt -legacy -password pass:
# Base64 p12 certificates
base64 -b 64 -i client.p12
# Generate p12 certificates with pass
openssl pkcs12 -export -in client.crt -inkey client.key -out client-p.p12 -CAfile ca.crt -legacy -password pass:a123456
# Base64 p12 certificates
base64 -b 64 -i client-p.p12
Made with create-react-native-library