Software Engineer
Bucharest, Romania
Passionate about creating software with Elixir and Node.JS
- CouchDB new logo contest winner
- Elixir LiveView/LiveView Native MacOS, WatchOS and iOS apps
- IoT dashboard using MQTT Protocol, CockroachDB & Go Echo Framework
- A Want To be A Millionaire multiplayer game replica with a Node.js server and a reactive/websokets UI
- Sante demo app: Elixir, MQTT with MithrilJS and websockets on the frontend
- Backend development: Phoenix/LiveView, Astro/tRPC
- Frontend development: Tailwind, React
- Prototyping: Figma, NodeRed
- Cloud:, Cloudflare, Supabase, AWS
- Persistence: PostgresSQL, Cloudflare R2, ArangoDB, CockrochDB, CouchDB, AWS S3, Prometheus
- Message queues: VerneMQ, Cloudflare Queues
- [email protected]
- YouTube channel
- LinkedIn profile
- Extended resume
- XOLO profile
- @cmnstmntmn
- Elixir Phoenix LiveView
Skills: Elixir, Phoenix LiveView - ArangoDB Certified Proffesional
Skills: ArangoDB, vector database - M101P MongoDB for Developers