Releases: cloudwego/eino
Releases · cloudwego/eino
What's Changed
- feat: tool utils add InferToolWithOption by @kuhahalong in #116
- feat: ToolsNode provides util function to get tool call ID from context by @shentongmartin in #111
- Feat/wdz/multi branch by @meguminnnnnnnnn in #125
- feat: workflow dependency, branch and static values by @shentongmartin in #126
- optimize: add tool invoke error info by @kuhahalong in #131
- feat: graph checkpoint by @meguminnnnnnnnn in #114
- feat: add state type in graph info by @meguminnnnnnnnn in #139
- Feat/wdz/add new options by @meguminnnnnnnnn in #140
- feat: register schema type by @meguminnnnnnnnn in #141
Full Changelog: v0.3.17...v0.3.18
What's Changed
- feat: workflow supports mapping from nested fields and to nested fields by @shentongmartin in #97
- fix: Minor performance improvement for react agent by @luohq-bytedance in #115
- fix: nested field mapping to map.(non-ptr)struct.field by @shentongmartin in #117
- fix: return false if meet EOF in firstChunkStreamToolCallChecker by @meguminnnnnnnnn in #122
- fix: add node name and graph name by @meguminnnnnnnnn in #123
Full Changelog: v0.3.16...v0.3.17
What's Changed
- feat: add logprobs definition by @N3kox in #96
- fix: unexpected setting ResponseMeta of the first element in slice af… by @N3kox in #106
- feat: add AppendGlobalHandlers instead of InitCallbackHandlers by @hi-pender in #101
Full Changelog: v0.3.15...v0.3.16
What's Changed
- fix: add state handler type validate by @meguminnnnnnnnn in #86
- feat: add tool list option to tools node by @meguminnnnnnnnn in #90
- feat: workflow can create FieldMapping from or to fields of maps by @shentongmartin in #95
- feat: remove GetState and WithGetStateEnable already deprecated by @meguminnnnnnnnn in #102
- fix: default stream tool call checker skips empty chunks at the front by @shentongmartin in #103
Full Changelog: v0.3.14...v0.3.15
What's Changed
- fix: remove conflicted and redundant error check for ParamsOneOf by @shentongmartin in #84
- ci: add workflow of break changes comment by @kuhahalong in #83
- fix: ctx in stream callback handlers by @shentongmartin in #88
Full Changelog: v0.3.13...v0.3.14
What's Changed
- feat: move utils to internal by @meguminnnnnnnnn in #76
Full Changelog: v0.3.12...v0.3.13
- Support branch in dag/AllPredecessor mode
What's Changed
- feat: add dag branch by @meguminnnnnnnnn in #75
Full Changelog: v0.3.11...v0.3.12
- Refactor agents to support graph composition
- Allow export graph from react.Agent and host.MultiAgent
- Maintain backward compatibility for direct usage
Bug Fixes
- When a stream is replicated into sub-streams, contention for a shared lock can cause one sub-stream to wait for new packets while preventing others from consuming already received data.
What's Changed
- feat: react agent and host multi-agent can be composed directly as AnyGraph by @shentongmartin in #72
- fix: unfair lock behavior in copied stream by @N3kox in #71
Full Changelog: v0.3.10...v0.3.11
- add concurrency-safe compose.ProcessState and deprecate compose.GetState
- adjust concat schema.Message.Extra chunk, support register custom Concat for Message.Extra
What's Changed
- feat: remove checking that a node cannot be the successor of another … by @meguminnnnnnnnn in #62
- fix: move concat & concat message extra by ConcatItems by @meguminnnnnnnnn in #66
- feat: add ProcessState & deprecate GetState by @meguminnnnnnnnn in #67
Full Changelog: v0.3.9...v0.3.10
What's Changed
- fix: react agent invalid copy when modifying message by @Yu0u in #56
- fix: add ut of react agent for testing messages modifier by @meguminnnnnnnnn in #57
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.3.8...v0.3.9