CAPI 1.45.0
- Support multiple UAA origins when configuring user roles.
Job Spec Changes
- Breaking logging change with introduction of property
which defaults tofalse
for jobscloud_controller_ng
, andcloud_controller_clock
. This causes DB logs to not be logged by default. If you want to see these logs then you'll need to switch this value totrue
. An example of the logs in question:
{"timestamp":1510256720.2370548,"message":"(0.001166s) SELECT * FROM `delayed_jobs` WHERE ((((`run_at` <= '2017-11-09 19:45:20') AND (`locked_at` IS NULL)) OR (`locked_at` < '2017-11-09 15:45:20') OR (`locked_by` = 'cc_api_worker.api.0.2')) AND (`failed_at` IS NULL) AND (`queue` IN ('cc-api-0'))) ORDER BY `priority` ASC, `run_at` ASC LIMIT 5","log_level":"info","source":"cc.background","data":{},"thread_id":46994475118420,"fiber_id":46994498232380,"process_id":1759344,"file":"/var/vcap/packages/cloud_controller_ng/cloud_controller_ng/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.4.0/gems/sequel-4.49.0/lib/sequel/database/logging.rb","lineno":88,"method":"block in log_each"}
CC API Version: 2.99.0 and 3.34.0
Service Broker API Version: 2.13
CAPI Release
- Operator should find valid defaults in BOSH job spec files details
Cloud Controller
- /v2/buildpacks pagination includes invalid order-by parameter details
- API client can associate users to orgs by username and origin details
- API client can associate users to spaces by username and origin details
- API client can remove users from orgs by username and origin details
- API client can remove users from spaces by username and org details
- API client can restart an app details
- API client can supply a name for a service binding details
- API client can view the organization relationship on a space resource details
- API clients can order isolation segments by name details
- As an Operator, I can enable service sharing for all services across my CF deployment details
- As an app dev (receiver) API client, I can bind my app to a service instance that has been shared with me details
- As an app dev (receiver), I can see service instances that have been shared with me details
- As an app dev (sharer), I can see shared service instances in the space summary details
- As an app dev (sharer), I can share a service instance into another space details
- As an app dev (sharer), I can unshare a service instance that I have shared which has bindings in another space details
- As an app dev (sharer), I can unshare a service instance that I have shared which has no bindings in any space details
- As an auditor, I see an event when a service instance is shared details
- As an auditor, I see an event when a service instance is unshared details
- As an operator, I expect CC to disallow an app developer from setting the health check timeout on their app to 0 so that I do not have apps starting up without timeouts details
- BPM config
should be a hash instead of an array of strings details - BPM learns the config option
details - CC is not emitting the CEF logs details
- Credhub api location comes via manifest property rather than being generated from link information details
- Improve blobstore error handling details
- Improve performance of V3 processes#index endpointx details
- Missing X-Broker-API-Originating-Identity on delete binding request from CF CLI details
- Operator deploys successfully when data service availability is dependent on BOSH DNS details
- Remove unused exceptions in ServiceBindingDelete action details
- Service instance name field length should be apparent when the name length is exceeded details
- Setting running and staging environment variable groups doesn't validate length of keys details
- We can remove /v2/syslog_drains_urls once the new internal version is being used details
- Write migrations to remove v1 broker properties from services and service_auth_tokens tables details
Pull Requests and Issues
- cloudfoundry/capi-release #49: Please put the cloud controller job spec in the conventional location details
- cloudfoundry/capi-release #61: Please add patch for nginx-http-upload-module details
- cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng #776: Should cf update-service work from bindable service plan to non-bindable service plan? details
- cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng #832: MEMORY_LIMIT environment variable should be ignored. details
- cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng #859: hostnames containing underbar should lead to CF-RouteInvalid error details
- cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng #881: Add routing endpoint to root payload details
- cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng #919: Log message has credential and salt in clear text details
- cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng #925: api docs for app events include non-app related events? details
- cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng #930: Add current_user_guid to service unbind details
- cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng #931: Update BPM to 0.2.0 details
- cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng #955: Route being created in CCDB even cloud controller throwing CF-NotAuthorized details
- cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng #964: Bump bits_service_client version to 0.3.0 details