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Cloud Native Web Application for CI-CD pipeline.


This GitHub Actions workflow(packerBuild.yml) automates the building and deployment process of a Packer image for a Maven-based Java web application on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Upon merging pull requests into the main branch, the workflow triggers a series of steps to ensure a seamless deployment pipeline.

1. Workflow Initialization and Dependency Installation:

The workflow initiates upon the merging of pull requests into the main branch, triggering an automated deployment pipeline. Initially, essential dependencies including Maven, PostgreSQL, and Packer are installed on the designated Ubuntu environment. Additionally, environment variables containing sensitive information such as database credentials and GCP metadata are configured, laying the foundation for secure and efficient deployment.

2. Application Testing and Packer Configuration:

With the environment set up, the workflow proceeds to execute integration and unit tests using Maven, validating the integrity and functionality of the Java web application. Following successful testing, Packer configuration files are initialized, formatted, and validated to ensure consistency and adherence to best practices. These meticulous preparations pave the way for the subsequent building and deployment stages.

3. Packer Image Building and GCP Deployment:

The workflow enters the core phase of image building and deployment on Google Cloud Platform. Leveraging Packer, the Java application is encapsulated into a custom image, tailored to the specified requirements and configurations. The built image is then seamlessly deployed to GCP, where it forms the foundation for scalable and resilient application instances.

4. Continuous Monitoring and Finalization:

As the deployment progresses, the workflow continuously monitors the status of the GCP instance group manager, ensuring that the version target is reached. This meticulous monitoring ensures that the deployment is completed successfully, minimizing downtime and disruptions. Upon reaching the version target, the deployment pipeline concludes, marking a successful iteration of the build and deployment process.

Repository Setup

  • packer/: Directory containing Packer configuration files for immutable image build.
  • systemd/: Directory containing systemd daemon configuration files for the application startup.
  • target/web-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar: Built JAR file of the Maven project.
  • opsagent/config.yaml: Configuration file for google ops-agent cloud observability.
  • .env: Environment file containing database credentials.


  1. Configure necessary secrets in organization GitHub repository settings, including database credentials from terraform infra, GCP credentials, and other environment variables referenced in the workflow.
  2. Merge pull requests into the main branch to trigger the workflow.
  3. Monitor the workflow execution and check the GCP Console for deployment status.

Getting Started


  • Java installed on your machine
  • Maven installed on your machine


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install postgresql server

    sudo apt install -y postgresql postgresql-contrib
  3. Navigate to the project

    cd webapp/
  4. Build project

    mvn clean install
  5. Run Locally

    mvn spring-boot:run


User Schema

    id:	string($uuid)
    first_name: string
    last_name: string
    password: string($password)
    username: string($email)
    account_created: string($date-time)
    account_updated: string($date-time)


API Endpoints

POST http://localhost:8080/v1/user

Create a new User

  "first_name": "Jane",
  "last_name": "Doe",
  "password": "skdjfhskdfjhg",
  "username": "[email protected]"

Authenticated Endpoints

GET http://localhost:8080/v1/user/self

Get a user by passing username and password in basic authentication header.

PUT http://localhost:8080/v1/user/self

Update user details by providing authentication headers.

Packer Commands

$ packer init ./packer/.
$ packer fmt ./packer/.
$ packer validate -var 'project_id=dev-gcp-project-1' -var 'source_jar=./target/web-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar' -var 'source_env=./.env' -var 'source_systemd=./systemd/webapp.service' ./packer/.
$ packer build -var 'project_id=dev-gcp-project-1' -var 'source_jar=./target/web-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar' -var 'source_env=./.env' -var 'source_systemd=./systemd/webapp.service' ./packer/.