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Schema and select

Alex Miller edited this page Dec 17, 2019 · 15 revisions

This is an overview of the new schema and select in spec 2. Everything is subject to change. For other differences from spec.alpha that are not covered here, see:


It is probably useful to watch "Maybe Not" by Rich Hickey to get a deeper look at some of the issues from spec.alpha we are trying to resolve.

All examples below assume spec namespaces have been loaded:

(require '[clojure.alpha.spec :as s] '[clojure.alpha.spec.gen :as gen])


It is common to have aggregates of keys that work together to describe the attributes of an entity (User, Company, Order, etc). In spec.alpha, s/keys was used to define required and optional attributes. In spec 2, the optionality of these attributes comes out of the selection and schemas are used to aggregate attributes into groups that "travel together" to describe one thing. Schemas do not define "required" or "optional" - it's up to selections to declare this in a context.

Schemas have both a symbolic form, and an object form (same as specs). Schemas are also named with fully-qualified keywords and schema objects are managed at runtime in the registry. Schemas are also specs and can be used as such in the API. In spec 1 terms, they are similar to an s/keys with only :opt or :opt-un keys (no :req or :req-un).

Literal schemas

The simplest form of a literal schema is a vector of qualified keywords, which should refer to specs in the registry.

[::address/street ::address/city ::address/state ::address/zip]

Additionally, you may include a map of unqualified keys to the specs or spec names that should be used for them:

[::a ::b {:c (s/spec int?)}]

Typically you will either see all qualified keywords (use the vector form) or all unqualified keywords (when spec'ing JSON, etc). For the latter case, you can just use a map:

{:first ::domain/fname, :last ::domain/lname}

Schema forms

The above literal forms can be used directly in a spec (like s/select), but must be wrapped in an s/schema form to serve as a symbolic schema (similar to the use of s/spec for wrapping a symbolic predicate).

For example, to define and store schemas in the registry:

(s/def ::street string?)
(s/def ::city string?)
(s/def ::state string?) ;; simplified
(s/def ::zip int?) ;; simplified
(s/def ::addr (s/schema [::street ::city ::state ::zip]))

(s/def ::id int?)
(s/def ::first string?)
(s/def ::last string?)
(s/def ::user (s/schema [::id ::first ::last ::addr]))


In addition to s/schema, you can use s/union to combine schemas, which are either schema names, literal schemas, or schema forms:

(s/def ::company string?)
(s/def ::suite string?)
(s/def ::company-addr (s/union ::addr [::company ::suite]))

Schema gen

In the case of a schema, all elements are optional, and the generator will produce any combination:

(gen/sample (s/gen ::user) 5)
;;=> ({}
;;    #:user{:addr #:user{:state "H"}, :last "2"}
;;    #:user{:addr #:user{:zip 0, :state "2", :street "98z", :city "f"}, :last "j", :first "K"}
;;    #:user{:addr {}, :id -2}
;;    #:user{:last "", :id -23, :first ""})

Unqualified keys

Nested unqualified schemas are supported as well:

(s/def ::order 
  (s/schema {:purchaser string? 
             :due-date inst?
             :line-items (s/coll-of (s/schema {:item-id pos-int? 
                                               :quantity nat-int?})
                           :kind vector?
                           :min-count 1
                           :gen-max 3)}))

(gen/sample (s/gen ::order) 5)
;; ({:due-date #inst "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000-00:00"} 
;;  {} 
;;  {:purchaser "", :due-date #inst "1969-12-31T23:59:59.999-00:00", 
;;   :line-items [{:item-id 2, :quantity 0}]} 
;;  {:purchaser "0"}
;;  {:due-date #inst "1969-12-31T23:59:59.999-00:00", 
;;   :line-items [{:quantity 1} {} {:item-id 2, :quantity 3}]})

Helper functions

Some helper functions have been added (these are largely analogous to the similar functions for symbolic specs and spec objects):

  • schema* - takes an explicated symbolic schema and returns a schema object
  • schema? - checks whether an object is a schema object

There is also a new protocol clojure.alpha.spec.protocols/Schema.


s/select is a spec op that uses a schema to define the world of possible keys and a selection pattern to specify the particular keys (and sub-keys for nested maps) are required in a particular context.

General form: (s/select schema selection)

  • schema (required) - can be a registered schema name, schema form (like s/union), or literal schema
  • selection (required) - vector of
    • *, the wildcard symbol
    • required keys (qualified or unqualified keywords)
    • optional subselections (maps of optional keyword to a selection pattern)


Continuing with the schemas above (which are the same as the ones from "Maybe Not" talk), consider the "get-movie-times" example where you need to know only a user's id and zip code for lookup. The selection pattern here requires that both ::id and ::addr exist, and if ::addr exists, it must contain ::zip.

;; get-movie-times
(s/def ::movie-times-user (s/select ::user [::id ::addr {::addr [::zip]}]))

(s/valid? ::movie-times-user {::id 1 ::addr {::zip 90210}})
;;=> true

(s/explain ::movie-times-user {})
;; {} - failed: (fn [m] (contains? m :user/id)) spec: :user/movie-times-user
;; {} - failed: (fn [m] (contains? m :user/addr)) spec: :user/movie-times-user

(s/explain ::movie-times-user {::id 10 ::addr {}})
;; {} - failed: (fn [m] (contains? m :user/zip)) in: [:user/addr] at: [:user/addr] spec: :user/movie-times-user

And these selects can also gen examples that conform to the selection:

(gen/sample (s/gen ::movie-times-user) 5)
;;=> (#:user{:last "", :first "", :id -1, :addr #:user{:zip 0}}
;;    #:user{:id 0, :addr #:user{:zip -1}}
;;    #:user{:last "", :id -1, :addr #:user{:state "BV", :street "40", :city "Vx", :zip 0}}
;;    #:user{:last "A", :first "ZXl", :id -3, :addr #:user{:state "a", :street "7H", :zip -4}}
;;    #:user{:last "4S3O", :first "c4Qo", :id 7, :addr #:user{:zip 2}})

Note that in all examples, the user has ::id and ::addr, which has a ::zip. Other elements from the schema and nested schema may optionally appear.


This example is for a user placing an order, where the name and full nested address is required, but the rest is not. Note this uses the same schemas but selects different keys and sub-keys.

(s/def ::place-order 
  (s/select ::user [::first ::last ::addr
                    {::addr [::street ::city ::state ::zip]}]))

(s/valid? ::place-order {::first "Alex" ::last "Miller" 
                         ::addr {::street "123 Elm" ::city "Springfield" 
                                 ::state "IL" ::zip 12345}})
;; true

(s/explain ::place-order {::first "Alex" ::last "Miller" ::addr {::state "IL"}})
;; #:user{:state "IL"} - failed: (fn [m] (contains? m :user/city)) in: [:user/addr] at: [:user/addr] spec: :user/place-order
;; #:user{:state "IL"} - failed: (fn [m] (contains? m :user/street)) in: [:user/addr] at: [:user/addr] spec: :user/place-order
;; #:user{:state "IL"} - failed: (fn [m] (contains? m :user/zip)) in: [:user/addr] at: [:user/addr] spec: :user/place-order

And it gens as well (notice differences from previous):

(gen/sample (s/gen ::place-order) 3)
;;=> (#:user{:first "", :last "", :addr #:user{:city "", :street "", :state "", :zip 0}}
;;    #:user{:first "i", :last "", :addr #:user{:city "V", :street "v", :state "", :zip 0}}
;;    #:user{:id -1, :first "58MF", :last "", :addr #:user{:city "tQ", :street "c5", :state "q", :zip -1}})


The wildcard selection pattern indicates that all keys are required:

(gen/sample (s/gen (s/select ::user [*])) 3)
;;=> (#:user{:first "", :id -1, :last "", :addr #:user{:zip 0, :state "", :street "", :city ""}}
;;    #:user{:first "r9", :id 1, :last "4i", :addr {}}
;;    #:user{:first "t2", :id 1, :last "72", :addr #:user{:state "35M", :city "3B"}})

And a nested example:

(gen/sample (s/gen (s/select ::user [* {::addr [*]}])) 3)
;;=>  (#:user{:first "", :id 0, :last "", :addr #:user{:city "", :street "", :state "", :zip 0}}
;;     #:user{:first "", :id -1, :last "n", :addr #:user{:city "0", :street "N", :state "", :zip -1}}
;;     #:user{:first "H9", :id -1, :last "", :addr #:user{:city "n", :street "60", :state "O", :zip -1}})

Unqualified keys

As mentioned above in the schema selection, the schema can supply a set of unqualified keys and the specs to use with them as well:

(gen/sample (s/gen (s/select {:a int? :b keyword?} [:a])) 5)
;;=> ({:b :C, :a -1}
;;    {:b :f_/s!, :a -1}
;;    {:b :J8.M+/+88, :a -1}
;;    {:a -2}
;;    {:b :IEcw.l?/X, :a -1})