Instructions are given below for each of the five steps:
- download Git software
- download Docker software
- clone GitHub respository containing the demo code into local directory
- create a Docker container locally to run the demo Python code
- run the demo Python code in the created Docker container
In order to avoid potential problems with installing Python and the needed packages to run the book's demo code on different platforms such as Mac, Windows, or Linux,
we decided to create a Docker container and to run the demo code in it.
In software engineering parlance, a container packages up code and all its dependencies into a standard unit of software so that the application can run
anywhere, as long as the container engine supports the underlying operating system.
Docker is sufficiently popular nowadays so that installing as well as running Docker on different platforms should be well supported and documented.
Personal and most small business use is still free, though a sign-up for a Docker account may be required.
Git is a very popular source code management tool for version control, widely used among software professionals.
Estimated time: 15 mins.
Go to Install Git, and scroll to Install Git on [Windows | Mac | Linux] section as appropriate.
Suggestion: unless you have a preference, look into the link labelled git-scm
in the Windows and Mac sections, but also see note on Mac below.
(For Mac:
Do NOT click on link macOS Git Installer
because it is labeled abandoned so is NOT recommended.
Most MacOS will already have Git installed; even though the version is likely to be old, it is probably sufficient for our purpose here.
If you want the latest version, use the link git-scm and follow instructions; we suggest using Homebrew.)
Docker is a very popular container technology. The containers run on Docker Engine.
Estimated time: 15 mins.
Go to Get Docker, and pick Docker Desktop for [Mac | Windows | Linux] to do the appropriate install.
After installing Docker Desktop, find the application icon to run the Docker app (Docker Desktop), so as to start Docker Engine;
it could take about half a minute for Docker Desktop window to start and open; then you could minimize or close that window (double check that Docker Desktop
is still running).
It looks like my installed Docker Desktop 4.24.2 (124339) for Mac has an issue tracked here
Docker does not recover from resource saver mode; see my work-around below.
If you are using Mac but not on macOS Monterey (version 12) or later, it seems that Docker Desktop 4.25.0+ is not available,
so try downloading latest 4.24.x (sorry, you'd need to google around
because the direct downloads don't seem available anymore) and do my work-around below.
Otherwise, download at least version 4.38.0, because the issue linked above had a report dated Jan 10, 2025, of seeing the problem in version 4.37.2.
I'm staying on Docker Desktop 4.24.2 since my Mac is on Big Sur (version 11); will be getting a new Mac soon :)
The workaround for me is: As soon as Docker Desktop starts, open Settings (wheel icon on top right) > left menu > Resources | Advanced
Scroll down to Resource Saver > unset Enable Resource Saver > click Apply & restart button.
Scroll up to Resource Allocation | CPU limit > instead of default 8, reduce to number of cores on your Mac (4 on mine) > click Apply & restart button.
Click Cancel button to exit Settings.
Estimated time: 10 mins.
The commands shown in the text-block area below do the following listed items; the text-block area also shows the Terminal console response to the commands:
- At a Terminal command line, clone with
git clone<path>
the specified GitHub repository; this downloads the demo source code from my repository into your local computer cd DeepLearningPython35
into the repository directory; this changes your directory to the directory of the downloaded demo Python source code- Verify with
git branch
that you are on the master branch of the repository; the branch you are on is marked with an asterisk (*); a repository can have many versions of the source code, each stored in its own branch - Checkout the desired branch instead of master branch, with
git checkout <branchname>
; that specific branch has the desired setup of demo code you want to run- For the Part 1 class:
git checkout chap1_30-hidden-neurons-3.0-eta
- For the Part 1 class:
- Verify with
git branch
again that you are on the desired branch chap1_30-hidden-neurons-3.0-eta which is now marked with an asterisk (*) - Use
ls -l
to see the files in the directory
~ $
~ $ git clone
~ $ cd DeepLearningPython35
~/DeepLearningPython35 $ git branch
* master
~/DeepLearningPython35 $ git checkout chap1_30-hidden-neurons-3.0-eta
~/DeepLearningPython35 $ git branch
* chap1_30-hidden-neurons-3.0-eta
~/DeepLearningPython35 $ ls -l
total 158088
-rw-r--r-- 1 clkim staff 492526 Feb 29 2020 MyNetwork
-rw-r--r-- 1 clkim staff 14338 Mar 10 17:04
-rw-r--r-- 1 clkim staff 770 Feb 29 2020
-rw-r--r-- 1 clkim staff 6398 Mar 11 2021
-rw-r--r-- 1 clkim staff 15252 Feb 29 2020
-rw-r--r--@ 1 clkim staff 13000 Feb 29 2020
-rw-r--r-- 1 clkim staff 7394 Mar 8 23:34
~/DeepLearningPython35 $
(Skip until class) To run the desired setup of demo code, "uncomment in" or "comment out" as appropriate the code in in order to specify the neural network and deep learning configuration to run.
(Skip until class) To see an example of the flexible but somewhat hackish and minimalist changes I made in in order to run the desired demo:
(Note: red is for text deleted, green is for text added; hit space bar once to scroll down one page;
when you see (END)
of document, enter q to quit and get back to the command line prompt.)
- For the Part 1 class: in the chap1_30-hidden-neurons-3.0-eta branch, at command line run
git diff ea229ac 6ba2425
to see the small changes to the file in that branch
Acknowledgement: The repository is forked from the DeepLearningPython35 repository of Michal Daniel Dobrzanski who ported the book's code from Python 2.7 to Python 3.5 and wrote the "orchestrator" testing file
Background: We want to set up a bind mount
in the container whose source is the directory in our local computer where the demo Python
source code has been cloned from GitHub, in order that the source code on our local computer would be accessible from inside the container.
Ensure that you have already started Docker Engine by running Docker app (Docker Desktop) locally;
and that you have already cloned the demo Python source code from GitHub, into the DeepLearningPython35 directory,
as described above in "How to clone GitHub repository into local directory".
You must be at the DeepLearningPython35 directory, because the bind mount
being set up into the container calls pwd
to get name of the current directory.
into the directory DeepLearningPython35 if not already there.
Estimated time: 15 mins.
The commands shown in the text-block area below do the following listed items; the text-block area also shows the Terminal console response to the commands:
- First run
docker pull continuumio/miniconda3:yy.x.x-x
to download the tagged miniconda3 image (based on Python 3.X), a minimal installer for Python and conda, a package manager as well as an environment manager tool; Miniconda is a small version of Anaconda, which is a very popular data science platform; the download source is the Docker hub docker-miniconda > Tags - Then run
docker image ls
to verify the image continuumio/miniconda3 (with Tag yy.x.x-x) is downloaded - Now run the below given
command to create a new container layer over the downloaded image- At the interactive shell command line inside the new container, we can look for the conda version, with
conda --version
- (May be prompted to update to a new version of conda; if so, go ahead and follow the prompts to update)
- Double-check that the Python packages we want to install are not present, and that there is only the
(python virtual) environment - Create and install in a new environment: Python 3.9 (supports Theano latest maintenance version), and Numpy and Theano, with
conda create -n py39numpy1235theano105 python=3.9 numpy=1.23.5 theano=1.0.5
- Double-check we have the newly created environment named
, withconda env list
- Double-check we have the newly created environment named
- Activate the newly created environment, with
conda activate py39numpy1235theano105
- Do a
to look for thebind mount
target directorydeeplearn
that we named when creating the new container, then do acd
to change into that directory - Now do a
, we should see the files in the DeepLearningPython35 directory - Do a sanity check that we will be running the python version we installed in the new environment, with
python --version
- Ok, exit our newly created local container, with
- At the interactive shell command line inside the new container, we can look for the conda version, with
- Back at the Terminal console, verify that we have created a local container named deeplearning, with
docker container ls --latest
~/DeepLearningPython35 $
~/DeepLearningPython35 $ docker pull continuumio/miniconda3:25.1.1-2
25.1.1-2: Pulling from continuumio/miniconda3
~/DeepLearningPython35 $
~/DeepLearningPython35 $ docker image ls
continuumio/miniconda3 25.1.1-2 xxxxxxxxxxxx nn .... ago nnnMB
~/DeepLearningPython35 $
~/DeepLearningPython35 $ docker run -it --name deeplearning --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/deeplearn continuumio/miniconda3:25.1.1-2
(base) root@xxx:/#
(base) root@xxx:/# conda --version
conda 25.1.1
(base) root@xxx:/# python --version
Python 3.12.9
(base) root@xxx:/#
(base) root@xxx:/# conda list | grep numpy
(base) root@xxx:/# conda list | grep theano
(base) root@xxx:/# conda env list
# conda environments:
base * /opt/conda
(base) root@xxx:/#
(base) root@xxx:/# conda create -n py39numpy1235theano105 python=3.9 numpy=1.23.5 theano=1.0.5
- defaults
Platform: linux-64
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: done
## Package Plan ##
environment location: /opt/conda/envs/py39numpy1235theano105
added / updated specs:
- numpy=1.23.5
- python=3.9
- theano=1.0.5
The following packages will be downloaded:
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
Proceed ([y]/n)? y
Downloading and Extracting Packages:
Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: done
# To activate this environment, use
# $ conda activate py39numpy1235theano105
# To deactivate an active environment, use
# $ conda deactivate
(base) root@xxx:/#
(base) root@xxx:/# conda env list
# conda environments:
base * /opt/conda
py39numpy1235theano105 /opt/conda/envs/py39numpy1235theano105
(base) root@xxx:/#
(base) root@xxx:/# conda activate py39numpy1235theano105
(py39numpy1235theano105) root@xxx:/#
(py39numpy1235theano105) root@xxx:/# ls
bin boot deeplearn dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
(py39numpy1235theano105) root@xxx:/#
(py39numpy1235theano105) root@xxx:/# cd deeplearn/
(py39numpy1235theano105) root@xxx:/deeplearn#
(py39numpy1235theano105) root@xxx:/deeplearn# ls
MyNetwork __pycache__ mnist.pkl.gz mnist_expanded.pkl.gz
(py39numpy1235theano105) root@xxx:/deeplearn# python --version
Python 3.9.21
(py39numpy1235theano105) root@xxx:/deeplearn#
(py39numpy1235theano105) root@xxx:/deeplearn# exit
~/DeepLearningPython35 $
~/DeepLearningPython35 $ docker container ls --latest
xxxxxxxxxxxx continuumio/miniconda3:25.1.1-2 "/bin/bash" xxx deeplearning
Estimated time: 10 mins.
Ensure that you have already started Docker Engine, e.g. by running Docker app (Docker Desktop) locally;
and that you have already cloned the demo Python source code from GitHub, into the DeepLearningPython35 directory, as described above
in "How to clone GitHub repository into local directory".
into the directory DeepLearningPython35 if not already there.
You must be on the specified branch for the class
- For the Part 1 class: chap1_30-hidden-neurons-3.0-eta branch
Verify with git branch
(see section on "How to clone GitHub repository into local directory").
If not, do
- For the Part 1 class
git checkout chap1_30-hidden-neurons-3.0-eta
to switch to that branch, then verify withgit branch
The commands shown in the text-block area below do the following listed items; the text-block area also shows the Terminal console response to the commands:
- First, just verify we see the newly created container named deeplearning
- At DeepLearningPython35 directory, start
container deeplearning and specify option to attach an interactive shell,
withdocker container start -ai deeplearning
- At the interactive shell command line inside the container, activate the environment we created, with
conda activate py39numpy1235theano105
- We can use
to see the directories at the root directory;
into the deeplearn directory mounted into the container;- When we created the container, we had bind that mount to the local DeepLearningPython35 directory, which must be already on the git branch chap1_30-hidden-neurons-3.0-eta
- We can see the files in our local DeepLearningPython35 directory, including, with
- We can double-check the python version, with
python --version
- Now, we can run the demo code in, with
- On my late-2013 MacBook Pro, it takes about 10s - 15s to complete first Epoch 0, about a minute to finish Epoch 0 to Epoch 5
- Each epoch run uses the training images; then neural network is evaluated on the 10000 test images
- Use control-C to break out of the run as desired
- After the run, we exit the container, with
- At the interactive shell command line inside the container, activate the environment we created, with
- Now we should be back at the Terminal console, in the DeepLearningPython35 directory
~/DeepLearningPython35 $
~/DeepLearningPython35 $ docker container ls --latest
xxxxxxxxxxxx continuumio/miniconda3:25.1.1-2 "/bin/bash" xxx deeplearning
~/DeepLearningPython35 $
~/DeepLearningPython35 $ docker container start -ai deeplearning
(base) root@xxx:/#
(base) root@xxx:/# conda activate py39numpy1235theano105
(py39numpy1235theano105) root@xxx:/#
(py39numpy1235theano105) root@xxx:/# ls
bin boot deeplearn dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
(py39numpy1235theano105) root@xxx:/#
(py39numpy1235theano105) root@xxx:/# cd deeplearn/
(py39numpy1235theano105) root@xxx:/deeplearn#
(py39numpy1235theano105) root@xxx:/deeplearn# ls
MyNetwork __pycache__ mnist.pkl.gz mnist_expanded.pkl.gz
(py39numpy1235theano105) root@xxx:/deeplearn#
(py39numpy1235theano105) root@xxx:/deeplearn# python --version
Python 3.9.21
(py39numpy1235theano105) root@xxx:/deeplearn#
(py39numpy1235theano105) root@xxx:/deeplearn# python3.9
Epoch 0 : 8020 / 10000
Epoch 1 : 8130 / 10000
Epoch 2 : 9281 / 10000
Epoch 3 : 9338 / 10000
Epoch 4 : 9347 / 10000
Epoch 5 : 9404 / 10000
Epoch 6 : 9462 / 10000
< Use control-C to break out of the run as desired >
(py39numpy1235theano105) root@xxx:/deeplearn#
(py39numpy1235theano105) root@xxx:/deeplearn# exit
~/DeepLearningPython35 $
End of Running IEEE Boston Section class demo code: Introduction to Neural Networks and Deep Learning (Part 1)
These scrips are updated ones from the gitHub repository in order to work with Python 3.5.2
The testing file ( contains all three networks (,, from the book and it is the starting point to run (i.e. train and evaluate) them.
In there are examples of networks configurations with proper comments. I did that to relate with particular chapters from the book.
Disributed under MIT License. Link.