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Bug fix for disabling github workflows #3

Bug fix for disabling github workflows

Bug fix for disabling github workflows #3

# Temporarily disabled 2024/03/18
#name: ubuntu-rnd-x86_64-build
# schedule:
# - cron: '0 0 * * *'
# workflow_dispatch:
# run:
# shell: bash
# ubuntu-rnd-x86_64-build:
# runs-on: [ubuntu-rnd-x86_64]
# timeout-minutes: 720 # 12 hours
# steps:
# - name: cleanup
# run: |
# pwd
# ls -lart
# rm -fr *
# rm -fr /home/ubuntu/spack-stack/CI/tmp
# mkdir /home/ubuntu/spack-stack/CI/tmp
# TODAY=$(date +%Y%m%d)
# LAST_TO_KEEP=$(date --date='-1 days' +%Y%m%d)
# echo "TODAY is ${TODAY}"
# echo "LAST_TO_KEEP is ${LAST_TO_KEEP}"
# cd /home/ubuntu/spack-stack/CI/unified-env
# for dir in `ls -1`; do echo ${dir}; if [[ ${dir} < ${LAST_TO_KEEP} ]]; then echo "Deleting ${dir}"; rm -fr ${dir}; fi; done
# - name: checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v3
# with:
# submodules: true
# - name: create-buildcache
# run: |
# source ./
# # Get day of week to set default container for scheduled builds
# DOW=$(date +%u)
# # Monday is 1 ... Sunday is 7
# if [[ $DOW == 7 ]]; then
# export USE_BINARY_CACHE=false
# echo "Ignore existing binary cache for creating buildcache environment"
# else
# export USE_BINARY_CACHE=true
# echo "Use existing binary cache for creating buildcache environment"
# fi
# # Make environment for creating/updating binary cache
# export TEMPLATE=${{ inputs.template || 'unified-dev' }}
# export ENVNAME=buildcache-${TEMPLATE}.ubuntu-rnd-x86_64
# export ENVDIR=$PWD/envs/${ENVNAME}
# spack stack create env --site aws-pcluster --template ${TEMPLATE} --name ${ENVNAME} --prefix=/home/ubuntu/spack-stack/CI/tmp/spack-stack-dev-buildcache
# spack env activate ${ENVDIR}
# spack add ${{ inputs.specs || '' }}
# # For buildcaches
# spack config add config:install_tree:padded_length:200
# # Add additional variants for MET packages, different from config/common/packages.yaml
# spack config add "packages:met:variants:+python +grib2 +graphics +lidar2nc +modis"
# # Overrides for spack build and staging areas to speed up builds,
# # separate from the default site config locations to avoid conflicts
# spack config add "config:build_stage:/home/ubuntu/spack-stack/CI/tmp/build_stage"
# spack config add "config:test_stage:/home/ubuntu/spack-stack/CI/tmp/test_stage"
# spack config add "config:source_cache:/home/ubuntu/spack-stack/CI/tmp/source_cache"
# spack config add "config:misc_cache:/home/ubuntu/spack-stack/CI/tmp/misc_cache"
# # Loop over compilers
# declare -a compilers=("gcc" "intel")
# cp ${ENVDIR}/spack.yaml ${ENVDIR}/spack.yaml.original
# for compiler in "${compilers[@]}"
# do
# # Set compiler and MPI
# cp ${ENVDIR}/spack.yaml.original ${ENVDIR}/spack.yaml
# sed -i "s/\['\%aocc', '\%apple-clang', '\%gcc', '\%intel'\]/\['\%${compiler}'\]/g" ${ENVDIR}/spack.yaml
# cat ${ENVDIR}/spack.yaml
# # Concretize and check for duplicates
# spack concretize --force --fresh 2>&1 | tee log.concretize.${ENVNAME}.${compiler}
# ${SPACK_STACK_DIR}/util/ -d log.concretize.${ENVNAME}.${compiler} -i fms -i crtm -i esmf -i mapl
# # Update spack source cache
# spack mirror create -a -d /mnt/experiments-efs/spack-stack/source-cache
# # Add binary cache if requested
# if [ "$USE_BINARY_CACHE" = true ] ; then
# spack mirror add local-binary file:///mnt/experiments-efs/spack-stack/build-cache/
# spack buildcache update-index local-binary
# echo "Packages in spack binary cache:"
# spack buildcache list
# fi
# # Create/update binary cache
# echo "Create/update build cache for environment ${TEMPLATE} and compiler ${compiler}..."
# spack install --fail-fast --source --no-check-signature 2>&1 | tee log.install.${TEMPLATE}.${compiler}
# spack buildcache create -a -u /mnt/experiments-efs/spack-stack/build-cache/
# # Next steps: synchronize source and build cache to a central/combined mirror?
# #echo "Next steps ..."
# # Remove binary cache for next round of concretization
# if [ "$USE_BINARY_CACHE" = true ] ; then
# spack mirror rm local-binary
# fi
# done
# spack env deactivate
# rm -fr /home/ubuntu/spack-stack/CI/tmp/spack-stack-dev-buildcache
# - name: create-env
# run: |
# source ./
# TODAY=$(date +%Y%m%d)
# # Create actual environment from binary cache
# export TEMPLATE=${{ inputs.template || 'unified-dev' }}
# export ENVNAME=${TEMPLATE}.ubuntu-rnd-x86_64
# export ENVDIR=$PWD/envs/${ENVNAME}
# spack stack create env --site aws-pcluster --template ${TEMPLATE} --name ${ENVNAME} --prefix=/home/ubuntu/spack-stack/CI/unified-env/${TODAY}
# spack env activate ${ENVDIR}
# spack add ${{ inputs.specs || '' }}
# # Add additional variants for MET packages, different from config/common/packages.yaml
# spack config add "packages:met:variants:+python +grib2 +graphics +lidar2nc +modis"
# # Overrides for spack build and staging areas to speed up builds,
# # separate from the default site config locations to avoid conflicts
# spack config add "config:build_stage:/home/ubuntu/spack-stack/CI/tmp/build_stage"
# spack config add "config:test_stage:/home/ubuntu/spack-stack/CI/tmp/test_stage"
# spack config add "config:source_cache:/home/ubuntu/spack-stack/CI/tmp/source_cache"
# spack config add "config:misc_cache:/home/ubuntu/spack-stack/CI/tmp/misc_cache"
# # Loop over compilers
# declare -a compilers=("gcc" "intel")
# cp ${ENVDIR}/spack.yaml ${ENVDIR}/spack.yaml.original
# for compiler in "${compilers[@]}"
# do
# # Set compiler and MPI
# cp ${ENVDIR}/spack.yaml.original ${ENVDIR}/spack.yaml
# sed -i "s/\['\%aocc', '\%apple-clang', '\%gcc', '\%intel'\]/\['\%${compiler}'\]/g" ${ENVDIR}/spack.yaml
# cat ${ENVDIR}/spack.yaml
# # Concretize and check for duplicates
# spack concretize --force --fresh 2>&1 | tee log.concretize.${ENVNAME}.${compiler}
# ${SPACK_STACK_DIR}/util/ -d log.concretize.${ENVNAME}.${compiler} -i fms -i crtm -i esmf -i mapl
# # Update spack source cache
# spack mirror create -a -d /mnt/experiments-efs/spack-stack/source-cache
# # Add binary cache
# spack mirror add local-binary file:///mnt/experiments-efs/spack-stack/build-cache/
# spack buildcache update-index local-binary
# echo "Packages in spack binary cache:"
# spack buildcache list
# # Install from binary cache
# echo "Install environment ${TEMPLATE} for compiler ${compiler} from binary cache ..."
# spack install --fail-fast --no-check-signature 2>&1 | tee log.install.${TEMPLATE}.${compiler}
# spack clean -a
# # Create modules
# spack module lmod refresh -y
# spack stack setup-meta-modules
# # Remove binary cache for next round of concretization
# spack mirror rm local-binary
# done
# spack env deactivate
# - name: test-env
# run: |
# source /etc/profile.d/
# module use /usr/share/modules/modulefiles
# module use /opt/intel/mpi/2021.6.0/modulefiles
# module use /home/ubuntu/jedi/modulefiles
# TODAY=$(date +%Y%m%d)
# echo "TODAY is ${TODAY}"
# ls -l /home/ubuntu/spack-stack/CI/unified-env/${TODAY}/modulefiles/Core
# module use /home/ubuntu/spack-stack/CI/unified-env/${TODAY}/modulefiles/Core
# module load stack-intel/2021.6.0
# module load stack-intel-oneapi-mpi/2021.6.0
# module load stack-python/3.10.13
# module available
# module load jedi-ufs-env/1.0.0
# module load ewok-env/1.0.0
# module load soca-env/1.0.0
# module list
# module purge
# module load stack-gcc/9.4.0
# module load stack-openmpi/4.1.4
# module load stack-python/3.10.13
# module available
# module load jedi-ufs-env/1.0.0
# module load ewok-env/1.0.0
# module load soca-env/1.0.0
# module list
# # Create empty file to signal that this environment is ready for testing
# touch /home/ubuntu/spack-stack/CI/unified-env/${TODAY}.ready
# # Report status to JCSDA CI slack channel for nightly runs only
# - name: Report Status
# if: always()
# uses: ravsamhq/notify-slack-action@v1
# env:
# with:
# #
# #
# #
# status: ${{ job.status }}
# notify_when: 'success,failure,warnings'
# notification_title: '{workflow} has {status_message}'
# message_format: '{emoji} *{workflow}* {status_message} for branch {branch} in <{repo_url}|{repo}>'
# footer: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.event_name || 'workflow dispatched manually' }}
# # For testing: only notify user Dom
# #mention_users: 'U02NLGXF5HV'
# #mention_users_when: 'failure,warnings'
# # Default: notify channel
# mention_groups: '!channel'
# mention_groups_when: 'failure,warnings'