Repository of useful scripts for Navigator
Some of the scripts rely on the following tooling being setup and configured:
- The
configured for each environment - see Notion pyenv
with a venv created for navigator develpment (see "Use Case 1" below)
Note You will also need to copy the
in the root of thenavigator
- Check out this repository locally to somewhere appropriate (recommended your home folder):
cd $HOME
git checkout [email protected]:climatepolicyradar/navigator-scripts.git
- Add the following line to the end of your
or appropriate for your shell:
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/navigator-scripts
You'll need to do this if you want to locally generate migrations or just run a sub set of the tests.
First setup a python venv for the backend package requirements.
pyenv versions ## Determine what is already installed.
pyenv install 3.9.13 ## Install python at the correct version.
pyenv virtualenv 3.9.13 navigator ## Create a new venv called navigator.
pyenv activate navigator ## Activate the venv.
pip install poetry ## Install our selected package manager in the venv.
poetry install ## Install all the packages needed.
Now setup your local environment (this only needs to be done once for a shell).
After you have configured your env (see 1) - you should be able to run for example the alembic generation of migrations:
alembic revision --autogenerate -m my-new-migration
After you have configured your env (see 1) - you can run all the tests with just pytest
like running make test_backend
Or, you can run a specific test. But first you might want to clean you environment with: ## Run this if you want to ensure a clean start
docker-compose up --no-start ## Make sure all the containers are built and created
docker start navigator_backend_db_1 ## Just run the backend_db
Now you'll be ready to run, for example just the document endpoint tests with:
cd backend
pytest tests/routes/
If you have successfully setup (3) to run a specific test, you can now run these whenever a file changes with:
cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/backend
find $PWD | entr pytest tests/routes/
For this you'll need to install the github-cli from Then you can run the following command to look at the most recent runs, these commands have
gh workflow view CI ## Output to shell
gh workflow view CI -w ## Open in browser
If you want to use the shell then from the last column of this output - you can look at a particular run with:
gh run view 3298507580
and from there see the details of a particular job:
gh run view --job=9032964313
There are certain times when you will want to run a python script against staging or in some circumstances, production. It should go without saying - any script run should have been reviewed and in a CPR repository
Before proceeding ensure that your AWS_PROFILE
matches the pulumi stack you have selected. Then:
source ## Use your default env vars ## Connect to the stack you've selected in pulumi - see docs/
source ~/.aws/${AWS_PROFILE} ## The exact file will be shown in the output of the above script
That should be your environment setup and ready to run the script. For example the
script to populate the database
with the default values, you can now run from the backend
PYTHONPATH=$PWD python app/ skip-wait
This should only be done to sandbox - as the other ECR repositories have images pushed in CI only.
The example below was used for running a front end with App Runner. This pushes a local image called navigator_frontend:latest
to the remote ECR registry in ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}
renamed to cclw:latest
ready to be used by App Runner
export AWS_PROFILE=sandbox
aws ecr get-login-password --region eu-west-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin "${DOCKER_REGISTRY}"
docker tag navigator_frontend:latest ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/cclw:latest
docker push ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}/cclw:latest
, if using the staging / dev environment then AWS_PROFILE=dev
aws stepfunctions list-state-machines
# Look for an arn e.g. arn:aws:states:eu-west-2:073457443605:stateMachine:stateMachine-staging-pipeline-07565ff
# Select the required `stateMachineArn` from above, then
aws stepfunctions list-executions --state-machine-arn arn:aws:states:eu-west-2:073457443605:stateMachine:stateMachine-staging-pipeline-07565ff
# Get the 3 most recent executions
aws stepfunctions list-executions --state-machine-arn arn:aws:states:eu-west-2:073457443605:stateMachine:stateMachine-staging-pipeline-07565ff --query 'reverse(sort_by(executions,& startDate))[0:3]'
# Select the required `executionArn` from the above, then
aws stepfunctions get-execution-history --execution-arn <arn-from-above>
# List all job queues
aws batch describe-job-queues
# See if there is anything in the queue
aws batch list-jobs --job-queue testQueue-8864398
# Describe job 71cb58b5-64dc-4eb3-ae39-e5ee94e2bdb4
aws batch describe-jobs --jobs 71cb58b5-64dc-4eb3-ae39-e5ee94e2bdb4
# input to the SFN / Ingest input
aws s3 cp s3://cpr-dev-data-pipeline-cache/input/docs_test_subset.json /tmp && cat /tmp/docs_test_subset.json | jq
# Ingest output / Parser input
aws s3 ls s3://cpr-dev-data-pipeline-cache/parser_input/
# Parser output / Embeddings input
aws s3 ls s3://cpr-dev-data-pipeline-cache/embeddings_input/
# Embeddings output / Indexer input
aws s3 ls s3://cpr-dev-data-pipeline-cache/indexer_input/
entr (A utility for running arbitrary commands when files change. )gh (The github cli)jq (a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor)