Summary | Background | Configuration | Screenshots | Installation | Credits
Add more color options to your highlights and text in Logseq using slash commands.
This plugin was created to fill the gap left when converting my Workflowy maps to Logseq using WF2LS, but is completely functional on it's own. Workflowy supports 10 colors for both highlights and text color, and this plugin enables that functionality with slash commands.
You can edit the color and options of the higlights, by adding and editing this variables in your own theme or your custom.css inside the dark and light theme.
--mark-red: #xxxxxx;
--mark-orange: #xxxxxx;
--mark-yellow: #xxxxxx;
--mark-green: #xxxxxx;
--mark-teal: #xxxxxx;
--mark-sky: #xxxxxx;
--mark-blue: #xxxxxx;
--mark-purple: #xxxxxx;
--mark-pink: #xxxxxx;
--mark-gray: #xxxxxx;
--span-red: #xxxxxx;
--span-orange: #xxxxxx;
--span-yellow: #xxxxxx;
--span-green: #xxxxxx;
--span-teal: #xxxxxx;
--span-sky: #xxxxxx;
--span-blue: #xxxxxx;
--span-purple: #xxxxxx;
--span-pink: #xxxxxx;
--span-gray: #xxxxxx;
/*Decoration color*/
--mark-decoration-red: ;
--mark-decoration-orange: ;
--mark-decoration-yellow: ;
--mark-decoration-green: ;
--mark-decoration-teal: ;
--mark-decoration-sky: ;
--mark-decoration-blue: ;
--mark-decoration-purple: ;
--mark-decoration-pink: ;
--mark-decoration-gray: ;
--mark-text-color: ;
--mark-decoration: ;
--mark-thickness: ;
--mark-border-radius: 4px;
Light mode:
Dark mode:
Slash commands:
- Click "..." and open the Plugins section (or press
t p
) - Click on the Marketplace
- On the Plugins tab search for Color Markup plugin and click install
- Enable Developer mode in ... → Settings → Advanced
- Download the latest plugin release in a raw .zip archive from here and unzip it
- Go to the "..." → Plugins, click "Load unpacked plugin" and point to the unzipped plugin (where "package.json" is)
- Note that every new plugin release needs to be updated manually
- Original Code:
- Forked from Highlighters for Logseq by DenaroCF Copied mostly verbatim with minimal updates into the modern plugin template
- Design and UI Inspiration:
- Full House Templates by stdword